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Killers perk advantages.

Aight so am I the only one who have noticed that everything they do to survivor perks is giving their perks 1 positive thing, then one negative thing. But with killers perks you get something good + something extra good.

Take for example noed:

  • You get infinite 1-hits.
  • You get faster
  • Effect continues till totem is cleansed


  • You must unhook one survivor safely
  • You can unhook yourself whenever you want just in the first hook state. (If you haven't saved anyone before this your perk becomes useless)
  • After you unhook yourself you will get the "broken" status effect for a minute or more.

I don't really see this as an issue. But instead of giving survivors 2 punishments in one perk, why not nerf the positive thing and remove one of the negtive things such as the broken effects. But make the chance of a self-unhook like 80% instead.

This is just a small issue we have right now. Would say they need to focus on hitboxes/connection issues since the game isn't accurate at all. I will continue DC if the hits doesn't look like they connect.

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  • Member Posts: 2,768

    DS: If you get unhooked, you get invincibility from getting picked up for 60 seconds. No downsides.

    BBQ: You hook a survivor and see all other survivors in more than 40 metres.

    There are perks without downsides on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 259
    edited December 2019

    I feel like they finally managed to somewhat balance both roles, no need to ruin it.

    Killer perks have downsides as well, look at other comments in this thread... and even if they didn't, it's 4 vs 1, killers are supposed to have more advantages.

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  • Member Posts: 4,125


    unhooking survivors savely is your job aswell since your are playing a 4v1 not 1v1v1v1v1...

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  • Member Posts: 539

    Noed only activates at the end of the game so the killer is only playing with 3 perks for most of the game. Also it may not activate at all if survivors cleanse all totems before all gens are done :)

    I do get your point tho, perks like bbq and pop goes the weasel don't give off any negatives. But bbq is countered by lockers I guess.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Even the devs call this game a 1v4, it says even in steam and all other platforms.

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  • Member Posts: 4,125


    So if you dont have any arguments for your opinion you just change the topic... interesting

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    I can give you another example, Overwatch. Its a 6v6 arena TEAM shooter, but you can play solo without communication. I wonder how ppl DARE to call it a 6v6 O.o

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  • Member Posts: 4,125


    I dont need to cause I have literaly the game designers and all platforms and websitdes telling you that you are wrong lul

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  • Member Posts: 6,556

    What's the downside of spine chill again?

    Borrowed time? Ds? Unbreakable? Quick and quiet? Dance with me? Any means necessary? Empathy? Kindred? Bond? Prove thyself? Iron will? Any exhaustion perk?

    Do I need to go on?

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Haha welcome to the club :D I guess its just a bait post so dont need to try that hard.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    Mental recover... 6months

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  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Survivor perks need to be less powerful than killer perks. Whether you play solo or sad, the killer is always playing 1v4.

    No single survivor should be as strong as the killer, thus no survivor perk should be anywhere close to as strong as a killer perk. Because giving 1 person a strong perk is ok, but usually strong perks get run by multiple survivors. Think current meta.

    The last 2 months ive pretty much played mostly solo survivor. My loadout is usually plunderers, empthy, spine chill and sometimes DS and sometimes fixated or inner strength. And usually a brown medkit with no add ons. Im currently rank 4, and since I've hit purple ranks I've only not survived due to lag and me playing stupidly to do archive challenges.

    Survivors don't need stronger perks, killers do.

  • Member Posts: 105

    All of the perks you mentioned can be outplayed by the killer. Decisive Strike, either you miss it or the killer waits for the time to run out. Borrowed time, if a killer is camping you have to sacrifice yourself to give someone borrowed time. Adrenaline, you must make it to the last gen, if you're on the killers shoulder they can drop you and hit you and you're dead. There are negatives, people are just afraid to mention them.

  • Member Posts: 105

    Lol it's pretty tuff being a solo survivor these days xD

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    You missing DS has nothing to do with killer outplaying you. These are not even real negatives are nowhere near as impactful as NOED's negatives.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Missing DS is the survivors fault and not a case of the killer outplaying them, And waiting for BT to run just so you can down a survivor is actually bad for killers because their wasting their time to do so, and ever so rarely is a killer carrying a survivor when Adrenaline goes off and surviving until all gens are done just depends on the survivors skills at the game and gen speed (which is usually fast btw).

  • Member Posts: 9,419


    Nerf the possitive 🤔

    Ok, instead of a guaranteed unhook we will double your chance of unhooking in exchange for not having to save someone first. 😁

  • Member Posts: 830
    edited December 2019

    1 Killer perk needs to be the equivalent of 4 survivor perks, so no wonder they're more powerful on average.

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