DC's going out of Control on PS4

I play solo Survivor(50/50 Main).I don't know what my Mates are doing but Killer DC's are going out of Control.
Last match 1 Gen was done,ruin was still alive,we had Thana and 1 Person was hooked.Still DC.
I can't have a ######### normal Match since yesterday evening because some Killer are crybabies(lol yeah not only Survivor)
It is time dedicated Servers should come to PS4 and XBOX too.
I could understand DC's if all Gen's were done and you're be t-bagged the whole Game or something like that.
I hate it if people DC's becaise the Game isn't going like they wanted.
I wonder if they're having some new issue, if this just started yesterday with the fix patch? I only played like three games last night, one of them someone DC or lost connection during the loading screen so the game aborted, and a couple more times it did that crap where you're in the lobby waiting for minutes and then it says host unreachable. Killers don't normally DC with ruin up and 4 gens left
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But I think it would be more aknowledged.
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I'm not so sure it would be acknowledged. I'm on PC and at some point I had random crashes as killer, including some right when picking up a survivor or finding them in a locker. Never heard any acknowledgement about it happening or anything about fixing it. Fortunately, it doesn't happen to me anymore but random crashes are still pretty frequent from what I've seen.
Also I assure you you don't want the dedicated servers. I've lost count of the times I've had to press a button twice for an action to execute properly, both as killer and survivor. Unhooking? Press twice, hope you were not in a hurry. Opening a 99% gate? Press twice, it's not like the killer is chasing you. Setting up a trap? Press twice, looking down is good for your health. Damaging a generator? Press twice. You're getting the picture...
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But it shows a DC Symbol.
Everytime if a Game crashed then it dosen't show me a DC Symbol.
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It's not consistent. In the thread below both I and the killer have DC symbols. I didn't DC so I thought the killer DC'd. Based on the comments from other players in the thread who don't play survivor solo, it turns out that only I crashed and the match continued normally for the rest of the players.
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Oh okay thank you :)
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You're welcome. I hope whatever is causing the issue is fixed soon.