Am I The Only One Thinking This Seems A Bit Like Favoritism?

The basement/wiggle bug is ruining games for survivors and is being abused by a few killers, so its already being fixed within a day. This seems good right? A game breaking bug that put the other side an extreme advantage is being fixed quickly?
Who else remembers wake up and SB abuse? I cant remember exactly but it was definitely alot longer than 1-2 days before it was even announced to be being fixed much less actually fixing it, survivors were ending games ridiculously fast and constantly abusing it but its not fixed near as fast as the basement bug? I understand ones one every map and one was a perk but I saw at least one every game I played.
I'm not saying it is them favoring survivors or that they dont care about killers but how am I supposed to look at this and not think that?
What about tinkerer 2 and both of the legion blades bug?
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Gotta appease survivors first and foremost killers are still getting stuck on genes.
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Well the basement bug was literally game breaking. The perk bugs, while really bad, did not prevent the game from being played.
What I'm sure both of us want is more hotfixes between chapter updates. I for one don't like waiting 45 days for a patch to broken elements in the game just to have more things break in their place.
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What about vacuum pallets?
Old exhaustion?
Pallet spawns?
Multiple things were broken at one point these were just more recent
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I thought we were discussing bugs, why change the subject?
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So the wakeup bug applying to all actions was more complicated than survivors falling the floor after being basement hooked?
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Quoting Peanits, One is an easy fix, the other, not so much.
The basement hook bug was the worst thing possible because it rendered you useless on quite possibly your first hook.
I saw a surge of ppl using agitation and iron grasp so they can get you in the basement jfc.
It's not a favoritism thing, that's so childish to say. This is fixing a game breaking bug that ends games faster than survivors do gens without ruin.
For me it got so bad at one point that we had a killer put 3 people in basement. He was running insidious,agi, and IG against a solo Q team lol
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It's almost as if you have no idea how game development works so maybe instead of making accusations you should defer to people who know what they're talking about?
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Oh bugs? What about hillbillys still existing fake saw? Or being able to hear spirit while in Tr?
What about the multiple maps where the spawns are bugged so a quadruple pallet can spawn? *looking at you coldwind and ormond* whether or not it's a bug, there is no way this was intended,making it a bug.
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obviously it's not favouritism if they find the fix to a certain bug first it's being fixed instead of a different one also maybe it was easier to solve the basement bug
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I understand that, but it seems less complicated to fix one perk rather than fix something literally one every map, especially with how unusual the fix is.
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What about the crash issues? What about the bug that gets survivors stuck in the healing position or lockers? You’re forced to dc if the healing position bug happens and if the locker one happens then you’re forced to dc or let egc kill you.
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Well, apparently that is not the case.
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I said it LOOKED, I specified that in my op because I wanted a discussion about it im not saying it was or even is I'm saying from my pov, and I'll make sure you can understand what this means, from what I saw, ME not fact but from what I saw it looked like it could be so I asked for a discussion about it, please read before you speak.
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All I can say is that it's not as simple as it seems. To give an analogy, it's like a house. If a window breaks, it may look really bad, but it's an easy fix. If there's something wrong with the foundation, you've got a big problem on your hands. There's a lot more going on behind the scenes in the game than what you can see, and a problem with a perk doesn't mean it's the perk that's broken, it could be something much deeper which the perk depends on.
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Crash issues are universal, and what about the new gen bug?
I'd rather not have a dlc for a year and just have big fixes and core game fixes for 6 months or more.
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As I've said multiple times, I didnt saw it was i specifically specified it looked not was LOOKED i.e. what I saw, not what was fact or what I knew.
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You already mentioned the gen bug. This discussion isn’t gonna go anywhere so I’ll just end it here.
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I understand that, but it just looks odd looking in which was the main reason for my post. I dont believe one side is extremely favored by the devs now but it just seemed odd that that issuse was addressed immediately compared to others.
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Why did Mettle of Man take so long to change but you managed to change the way deep wounds worked from PTB to live in less then a week?
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To be fair the Sloppy Butcher bug was in the game a very long time also. It made my game and other crash and it wasn't fixed immediately. Infinite mending Legion was also not a quick fix
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Again I'm not trying to argue or play who can name more bugs, I made the post asking why recent killer issues were fixed at a much slower rate than survivor, peanits explained and gave an analogy. I fail to understand what naming year old issues brings to my question about recent bugs/issues. I understand trying to show context but I dont get what old legion which is mostly agreed to be the worst designed killer ever released and was more or less a bug himself, brings to recent issues I was discussing and look at what happened to legion now.
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Sloppy bug still exists btw, it causes huge frame drops upon first being hit with it, infinite mending legion was part of the bigger bug that is legion.
It wasnt a quick fix but how long was freddy's fix? Or insta heal changes?
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Every player is still a paying customer. There is not reason to not fix bugs. And just like Peanits said, some things are easier and faster to fix than others.
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Yes, you are.
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Because you can't just change MoM, you actually have to think up a change for it. The Deep wounds change was more simpler and less game changing.
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I'm only talking about bug fixes. Freddy wasn't a bug fix and neither were instaheal changes. I'm just making the point that if it looks like the devs favour fixing survivor bugs ahead of killers then the examples I gave disagree with that.
I haven't experienced any sloppy bug since it was patched so maybe I'm lucky but before it was completely unplayable. I'm lucky I only got infinite mending legion twice when it was a problem. Luckily the killers in both games were so bad everybody got out lol
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Didn't Wraith's "Blind Warrior" - White + Sloppy Butcher literally break Survivor games for more than a few days?
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@xRem so do you think that it should be left in the game to continue to be abused by a "few" killers?
Both sides constantly deal with bugs.
Agitation II
Devour Hope stacks(get stacks striking survivor on hook)
Stuck on trees
Unable to escape through exits
Unable to heal, be healed, mend or interact with a generator
This are a few bugs that benefited killers and were in the game for a bit of time.
BHVR for their flaws are not favoring one side over the other. It is what can they fix because they found the root cause.
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What about bugged BT? I'm pretty sure it took them 2 weeks to fix it if not more
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They haven't even fixed it yet entirely, it's less common but still happening.
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How about looking at the bugs that wre about onth in game that favored killers? Your whataboutism is disgusting.
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Just want to point out that the EGC bug, in which the survivor was unable to leave the game through the exit gate (and if the hatch was already closed - unable to leave the game, period, until the Entity took them) was in place for probably close to half a year.
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Imagine complaining about dev's fixing bugs too quickly
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Sometimes it's harder than it might seem to figure out what's causing a bug, and in cases like the MoM changes and the changes to original Legion they wanted to know what they wanted to do before they actually do something about it.
The more recent DW changes between the PTB and now weren't really rushed either if you ask me. It was related to something they clearly don't want to ever allow back into the game ("moonwalking" the DW timer) and it was also caught on the PTB. They had time to find a solution, and they landed on one that not only makes sure Legion can't do it, it also prevents similar situations related to Freddy and stealth killers in general.
Stuff like vaccuum pallets, instablinds, instaheals, facecamping and so on weren't really bugs if you ask me. They were things that ended up being changed for the better.
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Here's the thing though the basement bug literally made the game unplayable while sure the wake up bug was not good either and made games much faster but the basement bug mad the game unplayable so i can see why with the favoritism
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Ohhhh you mean like game balance. Gotcha. Don't worry've done a pretty good job so far.
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Aren't we getting a bit too deep into conspiracy theories at this point ? Like ... No, they don't favor a role,or atleast I don't think so 🤷♀️
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Imagine thinking bugs are favoritism, purely accidents in coding and the game is "killer sided" or "survivor sided." Lmao.
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Devour Hope? You meant to say STBFL or something else right?
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Using insidious against someone whos not getting out anyway seems like overkill, but ok.
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survivors were falling through the map and rhe basic functionality wasnt working. i mean sersiously you are complaining about perk functionality......
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Most of the gamer population dont understand how coding a game works. They always see the visuals of the product I.E inside of a cave while exploring. They dont realize the countless hours it takes to make the lighting and textures while making it synch up with other aspects of the game without creating issues with say a underground forest in another area.
They may understand that it is code, but they do not seem to understand that a single error of a random digit can have drastic effects in another spot.
Either way good work patching the basement issue ASAP keep it up.
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its incredible how u killer mains make everything so political. even bug fix timings at this point. its pathetic. get ahold of yourself.
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This whole discussion shouldn't have been made
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People got banned for that
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This and this.
We're lucky the basement bug was an easy fix. Else it wouldn't have had a hotfix so soon.
And the priority of the bug is important. Basement bug literally makes the game unplayable. Wake Up/SB bugs are balance breaking, but don't actually stop someone from playing the game.
Also FYI to anyone that might still experience the bug; if you tap the rescue as if going for a fake it will reset the hooked survivor's camera and undo the bug. So tap them, then make the save.
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People also got banned for the Crotus Pren Asylum bug.