Balance landing
isnt BL to much fragile now?
i mean, i know the power the perk had before and in some times it could be a pain in the **, but that was isolated events, not every map can take advantage of the perk and above all, killers can inflict exausted even before you use the perk, in wich case would make it useles, maybe we could reach a less radical nerf, like a 10-20 seconds cooldown between uses
[i would love to talk about how overpowered are some killers addons but im sure it would be pointless(any way ill at least talk about how unfair mori is, goddaam survivors cant have a one time use instaheal but killers can kill all players hooking them only once...)]
while im out here complaining ill just drop something about NOED, its ######### anoying when you play against a baby killer and he dosent hook anyone the whole match just to get a single hit on you when the gates are powered, i think it would be really fair if the perk only give exposed status to survivor who have been hooked already, or the killer gets a single instadown hit for each time he puts someone on a hook, but of course im just gonna be called a bad player and will be told to gitgut so whatever i can live with things the way they are, just wish someone would take this into concideration
Perk is perfect now
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Perk is useless now
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It is good now, consistent with the other Exhaustion perks.
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just to clarify that the 20 seconds cooldown would afect only the stun reduction, you would still get exausted and wont get speed boost
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Only people complaining about it were the reason they changed it. They abused it and are upset they cant abuse it again.
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I never used it. I also dislike the change. Care to make more baseless assumptions?
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I laugh at how everyone is like nerf BL cause it makes maps broken like Haddonfield. I then loop the killer through the houses without BL and it's still cancerous.
BL may have been to strong but it's the maps that are the real problem. They were supposed to do reworks instead of a new map. They really need to get back on those reworks. Most maps are survivor sided heavily, a few are killer sided with maybe only the autohaven maps being semi-balanced.
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I really love when ignorant people try to justify one perk with another perk. BL was the only Exhaustion perk that had a passive benefit, and a ridiculously strong one at that. All of the Exhaustion perks function differently, but they're all quite similar, excluding Dead Hard.
You're so desperate and completely lacking in any form of argument that you have to pull the "But NOED" card.
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More likely you're a liar
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The perk is still very strong, it's just not infinitely abusable anymore.
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So that's a yes. Outside of getting Adept Nea, I didn't use it. I don't use exhaustion perks in general. I don't particularly care for them.
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Unlike you I have used it and it was broken beyond belief. Now it is inline with other exhaustion perks. Since you never used it then your argument and comment in general is baseless and slow how little experience you have in the game. More than likely you are just lying.
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I never said it didn't need changed. I said I didn't like the change they made. There's a difference. I used other exhaustion perks before. I just found they didn't really fit my playstyle.
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Balanced landing were wayy to strong on certain maps where it could actually create near infinites. It's easier to nerf one perk than to rework all the maps. People who complain abaut the nerf now are people who abused it
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Stealth players are gonna love the perk as it reduces the sound after landing now
That's more powerful than it appears to be at face value
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dude learn to read
where tf did you see me comparing bl with noed i just talked about them in two entirely different points
anyway go back to crying when you play killer and cant get four kills every game