Okay devs, facecamping is definitely a “legit strategy”

I just played the game where i got facecamped, farmed, and then downed, farmed, and then killed all within 1 minute. then in the post game chat the killer says it was “for a challenge.” seriously?

how unfair is it to make these challenges that encourage mean, unfair and boring gameplay??? seriously it’s ridiculous.

please, fix your game!!



  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    Which challenge?

  • kengee
    kengee Member Posts: 11

    i'm not accusing you for body blocking. Since i'm playing both side i do understand how it feels to be facecamp. But this body blocking i mentioned not just 1, some SWF body blocks with 2 ppl when killer try to hook. If it's a legit strategy, poor poor killer side.

    And yeah that facecamping too need to be punish severly when killer camping hooked survivor while there are no other survivor around. You can't tell killer camping when s/he circling around hooked survivor because the other survivor around hook trying to save.

  • kengee
    kengee Member Posts: 11
  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    The devs have said over and over they will not punish camping (with the exception of the emblem penalty)

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    it’s a reality that they are losing players left and right because of it though. there’s no ignoring that...

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I didn't mean EGC, I refer to anything after the generators are completed as the "endgame", just from a general gaming perspective. Sorry for the confusion.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2019

    They have lost way more killers than survi it's games take way longer to get into as survivor. And if youre in red rank your most likely getting a purple or green rank killer at best lol on console anyway.

    I rarely get a killer in red ranks as survivor. Which is unfortunate cause I almost always get at least one other res rank with me while solo queing

  • WillWolf76
    WillWolf76 Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2019

    He wasn't crying, he was pointing out that survivors do all this crap to killers but whine when the killer does something back.

    Devs have fixed it so survivors can body block but killers cannot.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    The rudeness is unnecessary, and they're actually right. Bodyblocking is only reportable when it's done to a survivor, and even then only if done for an extended length of time.

  • leslie4445
    leslie4445 Member Posts: 44

    And mmmm don't forget about salty SWF hate messages guys. That crap never gets old. I even get em just for having a clutch perk, good ol NO ED. Lol literally some ppl unhook someone in front of me W/O borrowed and thats a crime apparently. Lol 😂 Yeah it seems like survivors just want killers to give em a free pass .

  • leslie4445
    leslie4445 Member Posts: 44

    True bruh but its situational . Especially if you dont have good perks youll end up losing most of em.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,312

    Body blocking to take the game hostage or grief (as in survivors blocking eachother in corners) is bannable.

    Body blocking to take hits for another survivor or blocking someone in a corner to chainsaw them is not bannable.

  • leslie4445
    leslie4445 Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2019

    Omg amen dude i thought i was the only one who noticed this comment. Its sad how ppl take a game so seriously AS IF being good at a flawed game will bring em riches! Lol but seriously this game should have an option to not play RANKED matches THANK YOU VERY MUCH DEVS. lol 😂 thatd be great .

  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72
  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    Especially with killer without terror radius. I mean BT counters all kind of camping? Oh right forgot...

  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72

    Borrowed time. 100% fair.

    ruin gone in first 5 seconds. Impossible.

    “god” loops are counterable and are indeed not on 70% of the maps.

    being DS’d is fairer now. It’s a lot more fair to the killers than it is for survivors.

    3 gens in 80 seconds is your own fault for focusing on survivors more than the gens.

    these types of killer mains is what really get me. You know it’s not the killers job to kill right!? It’s to prevent. Stop wasting your own time hunting down survivors you clearly can’t catch. And stop them from doing the literal ONE objective they have to do. It’s not that complex.

    want ruin to last longer. Run thrill of the hunt. Look after your totems better. But frankly. It just keeps going back that you just need to patrol gens better.

    literally no point you made was valid and most of it was false.

    so think of that before I’m called a sweaty survivor main like usually happens on here and Reddit. Because I’m really not one.

  • dont_ask_me_again
    dont_ask_me_again Member Posts: 490

    Do they still punish for this during the EGC or not updated that? I mean, what else can the killer really do... just let a BT save? Gotta change that aspect or fix BT during endgame.

  • leslie4445
    leslie4445 Member Posts: 44

    Guys! I really would like casual match optionas lol or AT LEAST a customizable match option where we can choose what ranks to go up against!!! 😀😁🤩😍 I dont like going up against sweats..they make me try hard 😅

    The ONLY reason i do is cuz the goddamn rank system . Im lvl 12 and i don't want to go back to lower rank cuz the load time to get into a SINGLE match is horse crap . 😫

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yes, the killer still receives an emblem penalty for camping the hook during endgame. They're basically trading chaser points for devout points.

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,487
    edited December 2019

    People deadass still complaining about bodyblocking and facecamping in 2019 smh

  • Lol all this drivel has counterplay.

    -Its not fun to be looped around the entire map and have 3 gens pop back to back

    Don't be chasing a survivor that long. Run perks that slow gen progress

    -Its not fun getting hit by pallets over and over

    Don't run through pallets. Run enduring, spirit fury

    -Its not fun to get body blocked by three people while you're trying to hook someone

    Hit them! Run mad grit, agitation, iron grasp

    -Its not fun to be blinded by two or three people after you finish a long chase

    Pick up a survivor while facing a wall/tree. Run lightborn

    -Its not fun for a killer to have to deal with borrowed time

    Don't camp!

    -Its not fun for killers to get repeatedly flashlight clicked or t-bagged over and over

    This is just crybaby nonesense

    -Its not fun when a killer finally catches a tryhard and they DC because they can't handle getting hooked or killed

    I feel this, I hate that too. At least it's becoming punishable

    -its not fun for a killer to be doing a good job through out the whole match and the survivors escape with a key

    If you're doing a good job, they won't even see a hatch.

    -its not fun when survivors hide through out the whole match and barely try to do the gens because they're too scared to do the gens and don't want to get caught

    Get out the potato ranks (by not camping)

    -Its not fun when survivors dc because they don't like the map

    As previously stated

    -its not fun when survivors dc because they don't like the killer

    As above

    -Its not fun when survivors suicide on hook because they're angry babies

    Survivors tend to when camped

    -Its not fun when a swf on comms coordinate to repeatedly loop and locker stun the killer

    Yeah, swf is brutal. Git gud

    -Its not fun when a killer is trying to hook someone only to find someone broke the hook

    Honestly, how often does that really happen?

    -its not fun for Trapper to find out his trap was broken

    They regenerate

    -Its not fun to play Plague because her power depends on the Survivors actions

    I like playing plague, survivors are either 1 hit down and I get to down them at distance

    -Its not fun to face a group of survivors that have 4 toolboxes and one or two brand new parts and power through all the gens in 5 minutes.

    Franklin's demise, corrupt intervention, ruin, Thana, dying light, pgtw, surveillance, overcharge.... it's ALWAYS the killers fault if gens get done in under 5 mins

    So, what's the counter for being camped/face campes and tunnelled?

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Just allow DS to reactivate every time the miler stays within 15 meters of the hook over 10 seconds, easy peasy. Those saying they don't tunnel and camp have no worries of a DS that let's you hit the killer every time they down you after a hook of they stayed on the hook.

  • Kalec84
    Kalec84 Member Posts: 495

    You are assuming thet killer dont want to depip and go against lower ranks survivors...

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338
    edited December 2019

    There Is a challenge to kill obession 4 or 5 times other than that i don't know. But yes Is lame if there was no reason. But Is legit he wanted that kill and mover on.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Have today facecamp one myself, the third time in my complete "dbd-career".

    That guy needed to run purple and second chances perks, while I was on the the with a nearly fresh and new Legion on rank 17. Also he had acted like he was a god and full of selfesteem...

    Guys like him, I will always facecamp -when I am in the mood for it- no matter how many blood points/ep or whatever I would lose for it.

    If someone plays like a jerk, he has to be punished. That is just the natural order.

    Survivor who act not like jerks -that is the overwhelming majortiy to be clear- I sometimes let go or just play normal with. Without facecamping and all that crap.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    *was on a new prestige legion with a nearly fresh...

    Damn guys... Why I can't edit my postings here anymore ? :(

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    One thing I immediately notice: You complain about the camping killer. You don't complain about your teammates who farmed you twice in a minute.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    No they have said so many times camping is a strategy a bad one but a strategy and wont ever be punished stop complaining and move on to the next game. P.S with your logic they should also make it so if you body block or camp a hook for a save you get 0 bloodpoints. And immediately sacraficed.