Okay devs, facecamping is definitely a “legit strategy”



  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2019

    I can tell you don't play killer lol or at the very least are terrible at killer lol know what gives it away "it's always the killers fault if gens get done in 5 minutes"

    That statement right there along with the fact that you don't k ow what counter play actually is pretty much makes this whole post invalid. Almost everything you said has already been addressed and explained why your wrong or you literally don't even make a point lol

    Counter to tunnel called body blocking, and team coordination. There is no counter play to face camping its literally just hope you have the perks to deal with it. And you can coordinate well enough to get the save then escape .

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    Just for clarification:

    im not in a potato rank. i’m rank 1 (which is weird to have a killer camping everyone on hook)

    -it’s not that i’m “bad” enough to not keep a chase. chases don’t last forever, and we can all agree on that.

    -camping isn’t comparable at 5 gens to body blocking at all. it’s way too early in the game to camp, and there’s no reason to do so if i didn’t teabag or be mean to the killer.. right?

    -camping at 5 gens is also not comparable to ruin getting blown up in 5 seconds, as this doesn’t not “ruin” the game for a good killer (no pun intended).

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    The problem with a lot of the challenges is that they don't take into account how games usually play out. Usually you don't have much spare time to focus on a challenge especially as killer so you end up being forced to throw the game.

  • Bless you for trying 🙏

    Ok, so when in a random match, team work happens yeah? All the time? Nice drivel 👍 of course there's no counterplay to face camping, it's why bad killers use it and why survivors find it frustrating.

    As a killer that plays with all killers, at rank 1 i sometimes I even run no perks and add ons just for the fun of it. I have NEVER had a group of survivors smash out gens in under 5 minutes. So yeah, that only happens to bad killers

    I am using counterplay to mean that there's something realistic that can be done about it. In this game, that comes down to skill and/or perks.

    So well done, for being *not allowed to say because of rules*

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    but one thing: body blocking doesn’t punish a particular survivor. you can just punish the body blocker and hook them instead of tunneling the one you originally hooked. this method works perfectly.

    camping, on the other hand, ruins the game for a particular survivor, especially if it is so early in the game that 5 gens are still to be completed. by being facecamped, it insures you can’t play that round, a guaranteed depip, very low bloodpoints, and a general overall boring after status.

    camping is justifiable in some cases, such as in endgame, or when a survivor disrespects a killer.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    It's these azzhat posts that I find sad. Not the survivors fault for being camped and unless they are part of an organized SWF, they are not getting free. Unless the killer is pure crap or the survivor is the best of the best, once the killer is on you, it is a matter of time. Myself, I won't chase for long in the early stages, I'll peel off when near a gen being worked on. That said, if I'm on you and determined to put you down, it is only a matter of time.

    Blaming the survivor for getting camped is absolute ignorance. Face camping when there are 5 gens is pure toxic. That killer is no better than the 4 man hit squads who derank just to bully killers. Both are what is wrong with this game.

    I face camped one time and it was during EGC vs 4 man SWF. There were three survivors left. Got one hooked and had to stave off the other two. End result was I slugged one, downed the rescuer, the hooked one got away and other 2 died due to EGC. That is where a hard camp is strategic. Not vs 4 solos with 3 or more gens left. If you need to camp vs them, you should get better at killer.

  • Negan4891
    Negan4891 Member Posts: 53

    I play both. But im a killer main tho. But the killer does get punish enough. They get punish. There bp takes a big hit.They discourage camping or face camping. But some of these killers dont care. Like me. Cuz we will do ne thing to get our kills. I tunnel at when the match first starts. Why? To make it harder for the survivors. I dont care if you got ds neither. But this game is ment to be unfair. But punishing the killer more by his bp to 0 for the whole match is delusional. Then if the killer face camps or camps. Lets make it where the killer and survivors bp becomes 0 for the whole match. But im not compling. This is how the devs made ther game tho. But to me both sides are unfair.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2019

    Lol ASYMETRICAL if you can't get your team to coordinate that's survivors fault not the killers. Clearly someone never played evolve and you definitely don't understand what the POINT of an asymetrical game is.

    Survivors should "just do gens" if someone is getting camped or learn how to lose the killer and actually not get caught. See I can make up stupid points too lol.

    Yeah basically your whole 3rd paragraph is a lie in some form or another you either DONT play killer or you are lying about how good you are with killer lol. Put up a stream of you playing as killer I'd be more than happy to watch a pro prove me wrong 😂

    Like I said you don't know what counter play is.

    Right back at ya 😘

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    Don't know what to tell ya, if survivors would stop crying for killer nerfs and the devs didn't make the survivors the power role you'd probably almost never see camping

  • Negan4891
    Negan4891 Member Posts: 53

    But im not boohooing tho. And im not saying you are neither. I came across that challenge. I didnt have to camp for that challenge. I just had to guard the hatch till i seen last survior. Close the hatch hook the survior. And it still counts. The game play is alway different tho. Idk tho. All i know is that dbd community is soo toxic that the roaches dont want to play. Lol. But i dont care ne more. I will play the game the way i want to play. On both sides. I get camp so. Or i do the camping. But it is what it is tho. There are thousands matches afterwards. That i can play

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I find it sad that people complain about camping and tunneling and want to punish killers by reducing their blood points to zero. Devs have even said that it’s a legitimate strategy. Heck, the perk insidious encourages camping.

    If a survivor gets caught, they should get better at the game. They can work out a strategy in the chat before the match starts, or even invite each other to their Discord server. They could run perks that will help them avoid the killer, or even break free from the killer. They can even jump off the hook and have their teammates body block the killer so they could get away.

    Heck, they could use the BEST STRATEGY against camping which is to just have their teammates power through generators and end the match while the killer is wasting time. Sure, one would die, but at least that way 3 will live and the killer would get minimal points.

    Not everyone plays a top killer. Many of the killers are underpowered and need to be reworked or buffed in order to get a chance to do good.

    Is camping a good strategy? No, it’s not, but all of the cons that come with it are punishment enough. Sometimes, killers don’t have an option to run around to look for survivors because they don’t have enough perks from other killers unlocked in order to track them. Maybe the killer isn’t “pro” enough to compete with the survivor so they resort to camping? Maybe the killer enjoys camping? Why should a killer care about how enjoyable the experience for the survivor is in the first place? It’s obvious that most survivors don’t care how much fun the killer is having.

    Don’t be mad at the killer, be mad at your overly altruistic teammates for not rushing gens. Be mad at yourself for being caught, especially when the devs have put plenty of things into the game to help you avoid being seen, caught, or even help you escape.

    Instead of telling other players to get good at a video game, you should get good yourself.

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    getting downed after a certain amount of time is unavoidable. it’s impossible, and looping can’t last forever. camping is a strat, but really? at 5 gens? 5 gens can’t even be completed by the time of one sacrifice, which leaves 2 survivors dead because of camping.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    I am glad I brought my popcorn pack, they needed a bit of salt

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    I agree with almost everything you said but I dont like the get good saying ng. Because it does nothing to try and get the ones who ONLY play survivor or ONLY play killer to see things from the side.

    A lot of killers think key should be completely gone.which I can understand being a killer main myself. But I don't think it's the key that's the issue it's the requirements to use it and the fact that there's literally no draw back to having it.

    I'd much rather see something be done about DS than see a nerd to keys.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    If the survivor is good, the killer can definitely be looped long enough in the beginning of the match for three gens to be popped, if your teammates aren’t wasting time cleansing dead totems or just hiding in a bush watching their teammate run the killer.

    My advice to you would be for you to level two killers to 50 so you could see how good survivors are. When I started playing I thought I was a decent survivor, not great, but decent enough to where I was a team player and could do objectives. Then I played killer and I learned the truth. I was nowhere near good. Facing more experienced survivors showed me that I was a bad survivor and that there is a lot of room for growth and once mastered, a survivor can give a killer a horrible time.

    Yes, getting downed after a certain amount of time is unavoidable, but it’s up to the survivor milk the chase for as long as possible. And if the killer decided to waste time and get the down, they have every right to want to camp and make sure the survivor dies. It may not be a great strategy, but that certainly doesn’t mean the killer should be punished with zero bloodpoints. Once they decide to camp, they punish themselves by throwing the rest of the game, unless the survivor teammates take the bait and stop doing gens.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I only started saying get good in retaliation to survivors who say it to killers. I main both sides now, though I’m more partial to survivors because Claudette is my Chocolatey Bae, and I enjoy the trill of trying to complete objectives while avoiding the killer.

    The fact of the matter is if a survivor gets caught early in the match it’s because they got unlucky and spawned near the killer, or were not aware of their surroundings enough to realize the killer is near. Or, the survivor is just inexperienced at running and looping and doesn’t have the right perks to extend the chase.

    And I agree with you about the key. I don’t think they should be removed. The Devs just need to balance more.

    Killer only mains and survivor only mains need to break out of their shells and invest some time into playing the opposite roles in order to see that not everything is peaches and cream on the other side. It will also show them how much that they could improve when they face someone that is better at their role of choice.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Butter makes everything better. Thanks, now I’m hungry.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    🤢 🤢

    putting butter on popcorn

    🤮 you americans probably fry popcorn too

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    It's only as effective as your teammates make it. The team aspect of survivor isn't always fun. That goes for any co-op mode in any game. Camping is absolutely legit in certain situations, but camping at 5 gens is only as viable as your teammates allow it to be.

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    but it’s completely useless for killers to camp at 5 gens. it’s like saying “yes, i only want 7,000 bloodpoints for the entire match”

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Key word punishes 1 survivor of the survivor dosent try to unhook themselves or use dosent struggle that's enough time to get at least 1 survivor done the only reason camping is a problem is because your swarming the hook for the save giving the killer free downs

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Sorry Buddy, bad luck. Move on.

    If a killer can get a survivor out of the game, within a minute and 5 gens still up? Bravo! Well done, now they are only 3 survivors some probably injured and 5 gens to go. Good win conditions.

    If you are concerned with face camping run a combination or all of these perk: DS, Deliverance, Unbreakable, DH. Best don't get downed first. Successfully unhook someone else and you are good to go. Medkit can help too.

    Good luck next time.

  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    If Survivors aren't going to punish me for it, I'm going to facecamp. When I know they're just going to farm unhooks I have no reason to leave the hook.

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    so you’re saying that it’s okay to completely ruin a game for SOLO survivors in such an unethical way? when the survivors did nothing wrong? and you’re supporting that?


  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100

    I didn't really see something like "Camp 10 survivors until they die" :DD

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    there were no survivors nearby, yet the killer still camped. please explain the logic in camping at this point.

  • RickyRoo
    RickyRoo Member Posts: 2

    If someone is saying they facecamp for a challenge, they are just stupid. I do challenges and I don’t play unfair just do it. Just calm down and ignore them or tell them they can do it without being toxic.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,247

    For sure. If they're trying to rank up yeah. It's mostly new killers that do it, in my experience.

  • val842
    val842 Member Posts: 1

    Alot of you sound like entitled killer mains, if you dont like the survivors start playing top tier killers and get over yourself.

    I've been playing oni, ON CONSOLE at high ranks, and I DONT CAMP, yes I come back to the hook eventually but i make sure to proc my pop before i go back

    Also saying dont get caught is still the dumbest thing I've EVER heard since day one of this game being released. You literally are full of yourself if you ever think not getting caught is a viable way of playing. If you're a killer main dont say anything about survivors, and this goes for survivor mains as well. Yes face camping sucks, and I personally believe survivors should be awarded bloodpoints and emblem for distraction because getting face camped by a LF especially is a lose lose to every survivor

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274
  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited December 2019

    @AvisDeene Dude really? Your post would've been informational and great if you would have never insulted the Survivors gameplay to start it off. Please Killers, stop doing this. Not once did OP insult the Killer for being a camper so this was so unnecessary.

    @StrodeWins Anyway, OP as much as I hate to say this, I don't think the Devs won't do much about it. They believe camping is a strategy and as long as they do, Killers will do it. It sucks but hey, what can we do. Just move on to the next game and HOPE the next Killer isn't a camper as well, thats all we can do at this point. Sorry you had to deal with that.

    Edit: Missed a word.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    I had it happen a couple days ago against a Pig. Killer just sat around the corner from me. Luckily, since I play solo and can't communicate that, nobody wasted time and came for the rescue. My only problem as a solo survivor is that unless I bring in a certain perk, I have NO way of communicating anything to other players. It's all well and good to say "don't go for the rescue" but that's part of the survivors' job along with doing gens. As a solo player, I'm tired of seeing people DC after being on the hook for 4 seconds because they know more than likely nobody is coming to the rescue and don't want to stare at the killer while they just hang there. I also don't feel like losing a perk slot is a fair compromise when SWF doesn't need a perk to communicate either. If it's something like that, it needs to be an inherent ability otherwise, that means everyone has to adjust their playstyle to accommodate it which defeats the point of unlocking various perks. There is a such thing as unfun matches which, is fine but it becomes an issue when people are miserable while they're trying to learn the game because obviously, some players are more forgiving of new players than others. Survivors need to learn how to bide their time and learn how to put the pressure on the killer to leave the hook as well instead of just complaining all of the time. I don't know how many matches I've played where ppl see me LEAVING the area of the hook and keep heading TOWARDS it only to be downed because they couldn't understand what was going on and went for a save anyway.

    Honestly, I've felt like a mode where rank doesn't matter, a casual mode if you will, would solve the issue for new players and a lot of players in general. Take away rank and most people will just play for the thrill and the fun of it. If people want to be ranked, they'd have the option.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    If you read my post, you will see that I never insulted the op for their gameplay. I just called him out for whining like the other countless threads and complaints about camping. There was nothing constructive to his original post at all, it was just them complaining and telling the devs to fix it because he didn’t like it. Granted I could have phrased it differently, but I was annoyed from another post that I read and ended up replying that way here. I do apologize if I offended anyone, that wasn’t my intent.

    People do need to stop complaining about something they don’t like without actually trying to look at things from the opposite perspective. It is tiring to see the same stupid complaints over and over, especially when they’ve been addressed multiple times, even by devs.

    I wish there was a way to force players to play both roles. I think that would get the whining down to tolerable levels.

    I just want to point out that I do agree that it sucks to be camped, but it’s only part of the game. I think I only face 2 campers out of every 10 matches I play, and I’ve been playing a lot recently. You just gotta move on and hope you’re not paired up with that killer any time soon.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Body blocking doesn't restrict gameplay, facecamping does.

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    it’s not whining, it’s pure frustration because i was punished for nothing.

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274
    edited December 2019

    @ZtarShot exactly. facecamping ensures the game is ruined, especially early on. body blocking however does not.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    There are perks to actually counter body blocks. When it comes to face camping, the devs made it clear that killers are capable of doing so and that there is nothing a surivior can do against it. Take leatherface as an example.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited December 2019

    I appreciate that you apologized a lot of people dont 💜. All I'm saying is that your post was very informative and the first part of it was unnecessary. You gave a good perspective from a Killers point of view, but with introductions like that you will only get negative responses.

    Edit: @AvisDeene (forgot to tag you)

  • Bustanut_Champion
    Bustanut_Champion Member Posts: 53

    Camping at five gens does nothing but kneecap the killer. Yeah they'll get one kill, but if he doesn't move the entire time the other three can pop four gens if they just work on them the whole time. The desired average is two kills per game, and as much as it sucks for one survivor, they can ######### the killer even harder by just sitting on the hook and tapping space so the other three survivors get out. It's a strategy that just loses the killer the game if people aren't pointlessly altruistic. Sometimes you just gotta take one for the team to secure the overall win.

  • Bustanut_Champion
    Bustanut_Champion Member Posts: 53

    I can guarantee it's just as boring and sad for the killer if nobody comes to unhook. The only time I do it is if i get absolutely ######### on and there's only one or no gens left, and several times it's led to me getting a four-man because survivors wouldn't let their friend die on the hook. If you play around it and don't go for the save, they'll do it less because it just won't work. Giving free hits, trading for the hook, getting downed by bubba when you try to unhook, etc, encourages the horrible strategy. If it works it works, but if it doesn't, it won't happen nearly as much. Some mouthbreathers will still do it just to get one person and no more, but that's just pathetic and they're walking away with a loss just like that one survivor.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Well...for your two minutes of ruined time being face camped I think the survs who hide out for the entire 2 minute endgame timer then run out last second should also.

    But we're not gonna do that. Are we.

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    yes. with ruin, thanat, and good location of hooking, it’s a guaranteed win for the killer.

  • Bustanut_Champion
    Bustanut_Champion Member Posts: 53

    I disagree and think it's more a mentality to believe it's a guaranteed win, but if you see it at that much of an extreme no amount of discussion would change your view. Ruin and thanat are truly minor slowdowns, the latter especially. Thanat is pretty negligible especially if you don't give the killer free hits. Agree to disagree, but you can just work around it and lose one survivor if you play better than someone who is bad enough to face camp at five gens.