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The Health Update

reworkstabbyteens Member Posts: 19
edited December 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

As much as I adore and can't wait for new killers, survivors, perks and maps that come with each new chapter and paragraph, I believe the game would greatly benefit by an update dedicated to just fixing major bugs that still exist even to this day and also improving the artstyle in a manner that makes it more brutal/graphic.

 Major Bug Fixes

For a game with such a considerable following and significance in the Steam marketplace it is unacceptable for gamebreaking bugs to not only still exist but also new ones to be created constantly. You know what am I talking about, getting hit when you are nowhere near the killer, vaulting a window or a pallet and rubber banding back and forth, clipping through map which always happens in some form every new chapter that comes out, getting stuck inside objects and becoming unreachable and/or inescapable, perks not activating or interfering with abilities, constant frame drops in important moments even in high-end PCs etc. You get the picture, glitches that prevent you from accomplishing your objective. They are many, they happen constantly and the devs either do not bother to fix them or do it sloppily and they reappear either directly or in some other way.

 Minor Bug Fixes

There are many more bugs that don't prevent you from playing the game but still are noticable and can be offputting for new players, even if we veterans are accustomed to them or find them funny. Grass clipping through walls/floors, low textured objects that don't render properly, invisible cosmetics, characters t-posing in menus and ingame etc.

 Spaggheti Code

I am familiar with how difficult coding is, especially when it comes to games where the programs have so many commands they can fill entire books but please, just sit down for a good while and fix the issues with it. I assume whenever there is a bug they just sweep it under the rug instead of properly addressing it and since their code is so jambled up it either resurfaces or is recreated. It is high time they did something about their code.

 Mori Health

Moris are actually what inspired me to write this. 9/10 times they are completely bugged out. Especially Myers, I literally never had a mori with Myers where the survivor didn't clip through my hand, be invisible, appear higer or lower than they should be, lose their hair and more. And why are they all so bland? Most of the killers brutalize the survivor in their moris and the weapons appear to just go right through them and survivors cry out in anguish while being unscathed and having a poker face. Again, especially Myers, from his point of view it looks like his stabbing the air, the knife just clips through the poor sod without it actually stabbing him properly, all the while the survivor itself clips through his hand. It looks way too poorly made. Moris in general need to be addresed to look more proper and if possible more violent. I know they are trying to avoid the dreaded A rating but still. Also, why did they stop giving killers first person view of the moris? Thats was the best part!

 Artstyle & Animations

I played the game all the way from the Beta and I remember how it was, flaws and all. What I dislike most about the modern changes is that they changed the focus from being scary to being competitive, same thing that happened to R6S which went from grim and realistic to fully esports competitive. I understand that the changes were made to make the game more appealing to hardcore players but honestly? It’s stupid to change a game so fundamentally from its original idea and is what drove me away from R6S actually. Old grab animations showed the survivor struggling, trying to grab onto something only to get pulled away. Old Trapper trap placing animation looked realistic, him placing his foot on it and the opening it with his hand. Old Hillbilly lobby animation showed him slouched over, as it should. Old moris showed things in first person. Animations like these gave the game a more realistic feeling and its sad to see them get simplified in order to save time. I believe that in general the dark, grim and brutal aesthetic of the game should be reinforced instead of focusing on creating content that makes the game more and more esports like.