The rethinking of Hex:Ruin and general generator repair speed.

Kwanghyun Member Posts: 186
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

The thing is, using ruin is not fun but you’re forced to do it or the game will most likely end ridiculously fast.

Right now when it comes to creating a killer buid you basically have 3 preks to chose from because you MUST use ruin since the gen speed waaay too fast which is a terrible terrible game design.

There is alternative perks for it like corrupted or pop but that doesn’t change a thing. PoP is poop alone and corrupted is just a lot weaker but more consistant ruin. But in the end of the day you still need 1 or 2 anti gen perks in order to have chance against gen speed not to mention toolboxes makes it all even more unacceptable.

Especially when you chose to not play with ruin and face the unfair gen speed, you’ll get punished for it by toolboxes winning the game in less than 2 minutes...

IMO general repairing speed should be decreased by about 30% while leaving it the same ONLY if you have ruin. That way the current gen speed would be the side effect of ruin and if it gets destroyed, it would stay the same as a punishment. Ruin wouldn’t be a most have perk anymore, and you would be able to try new things out for the first time without worrying about losing in the loading screen just because 2-3 ppl decided to bring in evenn just a yellow or green toolbox.


  • PatchNoir
    PatchNoir Member Posts: 600

    I made a post about gen speed just now, its broken with 2 toolboxes repairing, and im sad to say that ruin is a necessary evil like DS

  • Kwanghyun
    Kwanghyun Member Posts: 186
    edited December 2019

    Yeah and I think that I made a pretty good point here. There is hardly a room for disagreement for a system like this. The fact that a mechanic like this is not implemented in the game already, shows the ignorance and inability of the developers.

  • Kwanghyun
    Kwanghyun Member Posts: 186

    PoP is amazing but still useless when they pop 2 gens by the time you get your first down and they have another one at 80% or so. Since we are talking about the early game there is no way you can down someone quicky when all the pallets are up and in place no matter how good you are. (survivors can be trash but it’s not worth considering). And even in you get a 25% reduction in one of the remaining gens it won’t be the reason if you still manage to win somehow.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,178

    To a certain extent, I've resigned myself to the fact that competent survivors can complete their objective faster than a competent killer can complete theirs, Ruin or not. I 4k'd with Clown last night running Distressing and Lightborn at rank 2, and I lost games with Hag. Point being: as killers, I think we sometimes focus too much on what we can do and not enough on the fact that good survivors have more of a say in the outcome in many cases.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    I disagree, Hex Ruin is not always necessary.

    I think a lot depends on your ability to pressure and catch survivors, plus also the mobility of the killer you are playing.

    I’m not saying balance should revolve around red ranks, but from my own experience I’ve seen teams get demolished when Ruin isn’t even being used. Ruin is suppose to only slow down the gens, but not permanently. The problem is it’s spawn locations atm.

    I just don’t think a perk that is gone nearly within seconds is necessary.

    You can slow the game down through other means (Thana, Dying Light) if gen speeds are really affecting your playstyle.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Gen speeds are fine. How comes that all those killer who regularly win games never complaing about that? Right, cause its not an issue.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    True3Ta1ent wins games plenty and complains about gen speed.

  • DostiL
    DostiL Member Posts: 39

    This TBH. I'm a several times rank 1 killer, using doctor most of the time. If I get a map where I see there's an infinite loop, I just give all the gens nearby, cause Im not going to get a down there. Also, most of the time you get 2 kills at rank 1; when you manage to get 3-4 its cause survivors are too altruistic or they just want to play the game -healing themselves, healing others, rescuing in pairs to secure the hooked one, tanking hits when you're carrying a surv, trying to bodyblock the hook, etc.

  • Kwanghyun
    Kwanghyun Member Posts: 186

    This should answer your questionable argument about applying pressure. You CAN’T do it, not at all, not with 80% of the killers.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    True complains about everything in game lately. He became whiny.

  • Nunya_Nunyabiz
    Nunya_Nunyabiz Member Posts: 30

    I'll be honest I've made it to rank 8 with doctor and no ruin. I think ruin and slowdown perks are good but mostly overrated. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯