Bad Sport Warning System

KodaFrost710 Member Posts: 7
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

So for a while I've been throwing out the idea of having a separate que for people labeled as bad sports. Similar to GTA's bad sport system. There would be a number of obstacles to such a system inside of DBD understandably.

A revised idea I had would be to at least warn both survivors and killers if someone in the lobby has garnered a large amount of bad sport reports within a given time frame. And let the survivor and killer decide beforehand if they would like to stay in the lobby. Killers already use a similar idea to avoid playing teams they suspect of being a SWF (not staying I agree that is a legitimate reason to leave the lobby tho)

Survivors could display some kind of symbol above their head and vise versa survivors could receive a small piece of text warning in the same area where you see that a player has joined your party. "Warning. The matched killer has received a number of bad sport reports recently"

I recognize that this system could be abused by players who are simply upset just by losing. This would be circumvented by requiring a certain number of reports within a set period of time that would reset once if not twice a day.

To build on the last issue; another balancing issue would be that a team of four survivors would be able to give a killer 4 bad sport reports where as a killer could only give a maximum of one report per survivor. This could be mitigated by including a vote system of sorts. In order for a killer to receive a report against they're account. At least 3 out of 4 survivors would have to lable them a bad sport to have it count twords they're reputation. And even then it would only reflect as a value of 1, not 3.

Just wanna hear what you all think.

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