Oni is essentially a better Myers. Oni snowballs too quickly and is oppressive.

As the title states the oni has many issues at the moment that make him oppressive to play against and a better myers. Myers starts off at 105% speed with 0 terror radius, of course you want to tier out of it which takes x amount of seconds depending on how close you are while stalking (6 seconds if extremely close), this makes Myer's early game pretty weak. Myer's Tier 2 is essentially a m1 killer with a smaller terror radius (16m), normal killer lunge and slightly increased vault speed. Myer's tier 3 increases his lunge range slightly, increases his vault speed and provides him with a one shot. Now comparing this to Oni. Oni starts off at 115% movement speed,normal killer lunge, with his power starting at 0 charges, needing 100 to gain his power. It would take the Oni 5 minutes to gain his passive at 0.2 charges a second without ever hitting or collecting a blood orb. Also a weak early game, the killer himself isn't weak as he's a 115% killer but his power is weaker than Myer's early game. Now if Oni hits a healthy survivor he immediately gains 40 charges of his power, shaving off 3 minutes and 20 seconds. Blood orbs come in stacks of 2 when chasing and so each blood orb pair gives 5 charges each (20 pairs of blood orbs for power). So with 1 successful swing oni only needs to collect 12 blood orb pairs to have his power. 2 successful swings on 2 different healthy survivors makes the Oni's power have 80 charges, only needing 4 blood orb pairs to gain his power. Oni's power lasts 50 seconds compared to Myer's 60 seconds, Oni's ends once he picks up a survivor but Oni's power grants him the speed of the Hill Billy, increased range similar to Myer's,A AOE attack,Pallet shredding better than chainsaws and the capability to instantly down in a 180 degree angle (This may be a bug with the Oni but as of now it's a possibility). Also Oni's power ending instantly aftering picking up a survivor is a positive for him overall considering he doesn't lose all of his charges unlike Myer's, allowing him to build up his power very quickly again. I would argue that Oni will on average have his power before Myer's can get his tier 3, making Myer's a weaker Oni. Not only is Oni a better Myer's but I argue he's a killer with almost no counterplay and is overpowered in his current state. The only counterplay being "Don't get hit" and "Die in a locker". The "Don't get hit" counterplay cannot be counterplayed, as a survivor you will be hit eventually, within a minute no doubt. Dying in a locker is obviously not a good solution in counterplaying a killer as you lose the chase. The snowball effect the Oni creates is catastrophic as the amount of infinite duration blood orbs spawned from a chase,down,hook quickly grows into a free power after losing your power hooking someone. Games become unmanageable for survivors after 2 minutes of Oni hooking someone. This isn't even taking into account Oni's passive tracking with blood orbs but overall Oni is a killer that does the job of multiple killers, doing it better than all of them and allowing no counterplay for survivors. There are a multitude of ways to nerf him to being less snowbally than how he is currently. Nerfing blood orb generation,duration and charges could be an option. Reducing the amount of charges gained from hitting a survivor is also an option to decrease the snowball effect he creates.
First post bois sorry for messing up my maymay
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We finally got a good killer that is super fun to play and also super fun to play against and you are already complaining about it? Unfortunately this is not surprising.
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oni gives purpose for no mither.
so therefore oni is not meyers.
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On ps4 he is very clunky, not too hard to dodge his demon strike. You do want to heal quickly when playing against him, but he is far from OP imo.
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I am pretty sure no mither would be horrible against oni, you would be leaving a constant blood orb trail.
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that's how you counter him.
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Fun is subjective, I don't have fun playing against him. I'm giving my constructive feedback about him and you're not giving me a reason why he's not oppressive to play against. Please offer a discussion on something I talked about instead of ironically just complaining about my constructive feedback. I'm interested in ways to counterplay Oni so if you have any feel free to reply.
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I'm mostly talking about PC, I've heard on console he's clunky like you said, my bad for not clarifying this. I do agree healing against him is very beneficial but it's risky as well as healing takes quite some time and the person you're healing is leaving a bright red orbs nearby (If he returns to the hook of course). I haven't tested out everything about the Oni so I could be wrong but theoretically healing against him is very risky as a healthy survivor gives him 40 charges of his power instantly. (Assuming every time he hits a healthy survivor he gains 40 charges of his power).
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You aren't wrong, No mither did get a indirect buff, now as a survivor you can carry giant bright red skittles into a match against Oni. Truly a beautiful addition to DBD.
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Yeah just don't get hit bud. Deny that first hit for as long as possible and he's essentially a killer with no power. Do gens and you'll be fine. If you think he's oppressive you must not go against good nurses/spirits much.
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I didn't read the post because there are literally no spaces between paragraphs and it hurts my eyes, but going off the title, yes he is. Myers is incredibly overrated IMO, he's good but it isn't a high tier like people make him out too be.
Oni is on par with Billy. They both have ups and downs but they are both really strong killers.
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I agree denying that first hit as long as possible is the way to go but isn't always an option. Sometimes you're caught in a bad spot or a teammate is. He's oppressive in the sense that 1 mistake will start to snowball the game quickly. Good Nurses are worse I admit and same with spirits but they're also incredibly rare compared to Oni and his lower skillcap.
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in all seriousness though - it's a cool mechanic. it makes use of the bleed benefit in more ways than one.
honestly though he's more like wraith meets billy because wraith is the one that follow blood pools.
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Sorry buddy, first post and use spaces but if it came out bad for you that's unfortunate. I think Oni is stronger than Billy after his first down by a large margin. Of course both are better in different maps and situations. Billy probably blows Oni out of the water on Rotten Fields but overall Oni is just more consistent with his power, able to down survivors incredibly fast once acquired. Billy on the other hand can be looped even with a chainsaw.
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Well Billy in the sense of speed from his power, moving the same speed as Billy,able to track like wraith though which i fair. Using blood to trick the Oni sounds interesting but extremely dangerous. Can make for a fun meme build.
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you call it a meme build. i call it science.
dead hard, no mither, head on, and decisive strike for days son.
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Of course...it was so simple... Who's got a box, a stick and a piece of string?
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Try Spinechill,Object of Obsession,Distortion and Sprintburst. Only look at a wall the entire game and use spinechill to know when danger is coming. God speed to you.
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I'm saying this as someone who's played a large amount of both survivor, and Oni recently.
On PC he's definitely pretty ######### gross. I don't think I've seen an Oni have a bad game yet, myself included on him. This is a brand new killer, and he shouldn't so quickly just be 4king seemingly every match against decent red rank survivors.
He snowballs incredibly fast, and there's almost no downtime to his power. He downs someone, then picking them up and hooking them there's like 5-10 seconds before he's recharged and back at it.
His power has far too much control for how powerful it is. There's no penalty for hitting anything, even to the point where you can hit a solid object, maintain the charge while forcing him to turn, and then keep going on your way.
The strike has far too much reach and spin on it. At the end of the charge I've been able to run along a wall, have someone get to the end of that way, 180 and run along the other side in the complete opposite direction, and still been able to hit them. Most of the time it feels like if I just swing in their general direction, it does most of the work and downs them.
He only takes a short time to get off the ground, but becomes a vastly better Billy basically permanently, but then also has Legion levels of mid-game stalling by forcing you to heal or constantly reveal yourself.
He has too much of everything going for him, and I really hope they already have some nerfs in line for him. I really hate these people that respond with nonsense like "killers finally have something fun and you want to nerf it??!!1!" Yeah, because you're only finding it "fun" because it's broken in your favour.
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The thing that sucks though is that any nerf Oni gets will make him even worse than he is on consoles. Pretty sure devs have said they are making Oni's turning worse somehow, which makes me worry because Oni is already much worse on console, and this will hurt his viability even more. They have to take I to account all platforms.
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I feel similar, I don't want him to be gutted but yeah once he snowballs he almost always has his power up and like you said, he's a better billy in every way. Also there's always gonna be someone who just types in "You want x nerfed" for both sides but thanks for providing your info on him and how you feel about him.
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I agree that it's unfair for platforms to suffer because of PC users. Platforms should be able to change their sensitivity (I've heard that's the main issue he sucks on consoles) and then change him. Another option is for consoles to have console only patches to adjust for the differences between pc and console users. Both can work and even be used together, depends on if the devs have thought about it before.
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You CAN change your sensitivity on consoles, but it doesn't do much. You're pretty much stuck at the same sensitivity regardless of the settings.
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That sounds awful, they should change it so it actually does change the sensitivity to a meaningful degree.
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Ideally they would just be able to limit the angle he can "flick" to something like a 90-180 arc in directly in front of him. Rather than being dependent on the sensitivity of controls, cap how far PC can turn while keeping it in the realms of what console can hit.
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You realize that Hillbilly, Nurse and Spirit are considered S (as in BEST OF THE BEST) tier killers?
Oh, just don't get hit 4head. Why didn't anyone ever think about that before? We don't need decisive strike or borrowed time or MEDKITS anymore because of your pioneering ideas /s
What about when he spawns within viewing distance of you? What about when your teammate gets hit and he starts rampaging around the map, I've legit seen rank 1 survivors all get downed in under a minute and it wasn't an SWF. What about how you leave a trail of literal breadcrumbs when you're hurt and being chased (and mind you, the meta build right now is to slow down the game with sloppy, etcetera.) and losing him is nigh impossible? How about the fact he's like a nascar Billy on steroids? At least you can run a nascar Billy into a wall. At least when you get downed by a Hillbilly player you know he was actually putting in effort to hit you.
Right now the go to is, chase one survivor blood lust until you get a hit, chase next survivor and blood lust til you get another hit (so lets say 1 minute and 30 seconds of chase.) and then demon form to winmode.
This scenario above is while they're the toxic "your game is slower than slow" build. Oh, just don't get found 4head.
I'd rather play against a spirit or a nurse, at least you have a chance to actually get away from them.. Because "just loop him 4head" doesn't work because they have blood lust or have you forgotten that little chestnut?
The only build that a few of my DBD friends and I have thought about to lose him is
Head on
Iron Will
Quick and Quiet
Inner Strength
Let's not mention that his blood orbs are literally infinite in duration, you spawn them if you're even in the outskirts of his terror radius and he can have 100 on the map which is 2 1/2 recharges of his ability. On a map like Coal Tower where you aren't far from the killers terror radius at all times, that's essentially a fiesta of blood orbs at his disposal, that's not counting the half bar he gets for hitting people, the fact that while he's sucking there'is more than likely someone spawning more just within his terror radius that he's eventually going to run into.
Again the fact that you can loop him (JUST DON'T GET HIT 4HEAD) and if you're injured, you're just feeding him another demon form. What if you loop him and someone enters the area where you're looping him, he sees them and he goes and smacks them. He now has demon form, he now downs one or both of you. What would you do in this situation? Oh just don't get hit 4head.
He's oppressive and overtuned and, yes, if he weren't over-tuned he'd be really neat, actually kinda scary and fun to play against. Instead he's Hillbilly without the risks and Hillbilly is just barely balanced because he can ######### up and ram into a wall. Oni loses nothing, he doesn't even have his demon form go down when he attacks or uses it. It's a fixed timer. It's like playing against a Michael Myers that only had to look at you for 3 seconds and then he straps a jetplane to his back and zooms around the map while retaining the control of his regular moveset except just slightly less agile.
Please don't preach to me or anyone about how, "They should play against Nurse or Spirit, then they'll see the light." That's saying, "Oh well he's OP yeah but they were worse." Comparing apples to apples isn't going to get anyone anywhere and just makes you look like a tool.
Oh but right, I forgot... Just don't get hit 4head.
Post edited by AmandaBunner on8 -
If I have one complaint, it's how long blood orbs stick around. Sometimes there are so many of them left behind when he comes out of his power that he'll almost immediately go back into it. I feel like they should work like scratch marks behave with Legion's frenzy. Whatever's left when he activates his power are permanently removes, and new orbs don't spawn until the power's deactivated.
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That sounds like a good spot to start when it comes to changing, a light way to reduce his power use. At the moment blood orbs stick around 10+ minutes regardless if Oni is in the area or not.After 10 minutes I can only assume they last forever,only 100 can be on the map at a time though.
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A friend of mine mentioned that if you run no mither against, Oni, 1) most Oni will just expel their power to pick you up. 2) you're basically throwing because you're constantly creating blood orbs. I hear no mither is the worst possible thing against oni to have. And any killer with a brain would probably not leave a no mither user on the ground.
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Oni and Myers 2 total different killers? what's the point
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you find having to play slugging build/style fun?
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if you think playing against that ability is fun ur a masochist
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This whole post makes me sad. Obviously people are going to keep complaining about him until he gets nerfed and then he's going to be absolutely ######### useless on console. You all know damn well that the devs will never make a separate patch for PC and console so us console scrubs are the ones who are going to end up getting ######### in the end. And God forbid if they ever actually say anything about when and if they're going to change the sensitivity settings.
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Where are your paragraphs? My eyes hurt trying to read this.
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I dont slug with him
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Stealth is a counterplay to all killers, can't really stealth when injured though and iron will doesn't help. Also with how sound works in the game stealth isn't the most reliable but yeah it's an option to delay his power.
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My point is that Oni is very similar to Myers in the sense of building up his power through survivor interactions and how Oni does it better and faster? Essentially making Myer's obsolete in most cases.
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Oni is so op nerf him no counterplay lul.
Classy survivor main material, nothing to see here.
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nah. bro. it's 4D strats. you gotta think above the plane of logic and understanding.
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Please provide counterplay then other than the very obvious: 1. Don't get hit, 2. Stealth and 3. Die in a locker (If that counts as counterplay). Because the counterplay listed here are applied to all killers except for #3.
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Stealth doesn't win games.
Especially when perks like Infectious Fright are so damn strong on him.
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Yea, @SirFloofington is correct. Everyone's definition of fun is different. But I personally think he's a little bit over tuned. Maybe reduce how much charge he gets from blood orbs would be best. Because even after the Oni hits just 1 survivor, He's guaranteed his power. If we still had old styptic agent in the game it would be more tolerable because then survivors could use it to deny his power for just a little bit longer. But, going back to current day, He'll just chase the injured survivor and get his power and then steam roll the rest of the match.
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Guess what, one mistake can cost a killer an entire match welcome to our world lol.
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Ummm get a life maybe.....go play something else if you're upset...and put that effort into a doctorate that matters....you're literally crying to a forum about nonsense.
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Having played him quite a bit now, slugging with him is terrible. Smart survivors just get off gens and hide while his ability is going.
Also chasing 1 survivor after you hit them is literally the worst way to get his ability, they don't drop orbs that fast, as a matter of fact if you want to actually do well with him your best of trying to get everyone injured and THEN hooking a survivor. The first half of the game he's an M1 if you want to do well with him. And when I say well I mean actually have a chance of getting 2 or more survivors sacrificed
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Oni is an M1/R2 killer with no ability at the start of the match. If you can't loop a killer who is huge and very loud then I don't know what to say. Most loops in the game are safe and make it easy to waste the killers time. His power is also map dependent like Huntress and demon strike is a clunky mess that is easy to dodge by simply juking left or right. Myers biggest problem now is spine chill because it ######### over his tier 1.
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If I want to use my time to give feedback about a game I enjoy I will.I feel that this new killer is oppressive and needs to be changed in a way, if you won't give any kind of constructive feedback then maybe you should follow your own advice before giving it to others though.
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Very true and the same can be said about survivors. It all depends on the severity of the mistake but 1 mistake shouldn't end a game before it's been a minute.