Where are the answers for the Q&A?

Maybe I'm just slow or something but the entire thread it's just all questions. Where are the answers posted?
Best Answers
The chosen answers should be answered during the next dev livestream, not on the thread itself.
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As @TheRockstarKnight pointed out, they don't answer the questions in the thread itself. The thread is just there to collect questions for an upcoming Q&A livestream.
As for when the livestream will happen, we'll have to wait a short while. The thread was only opened two days ago, and it's the weekend now so the developers/community mangers aren't at work. Once they come back to work on Monday, they need time to go through all the questions, select the ones they are able to give answers to, talk to the rest of the team and gather information, and prepare the answers for the stream.
Last PTB, there was a delay of around 2.5 weeks between the posting of the Q&A topic and the stream where the questions were answered, so I wouldn't expect to see anything for another week or two at least.