Buffs for solo survivors

I'm sure we all know, solo survivors are nowhere near up to par with SWF with voice comms. I have a few ideas that I'm sure have been discussed before, but wanted to see how everyone's thoughts were on them.
First being proximity chat. I feel like it wouldn't be an awful option, but would be a decent option. It could be heavily abused by toxic people who want to use it to be annoying, but would help. Maybe make it so killers can hear survivors talking? 16 metres doesn't sound bad either, but I want to know how people feel about it.
Secondly, add a way for survivors to know which perks someone is running in lobby or in-game. It would help in many ways. Someone on your team has borrowed time? let them go for the save. Someone is running plunderers and Ace in the hole? Let them search through chests.
However, I do agree that seeing the players' ranks and levels would be problematic for lobby dodging purposes and am actually glad they aren't visible anymore.
Both these things are obviously useless for SWF, but would help the solo survivors be somewhat up to par with them. Let me know what you guys think or changes that would help!
I would disable proximity chat if it became a feature.
Showing perks in the lobby will just make people lobby dodge if someone isn't running meta stuff (like no mither, MoM, etc).
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I think if cross-play gets added, they'll need in-game chat to make up for lack of parties on console. Unless they just decide to sponsor discord
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Kindred/bond/empathy being built in would help solos have a chance at 50% survival rates. Or just showing when someone is being chased via the status icons
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I agree that solo needs buffs. But I'm against the proximity chat and seeing other people's perks. It might sound good in theory, but it won't work well.
It's better to buff solo with other means.
We just need more information on the HUD: who is being chased, who is being healed, who is working on gens, who is opening the gates etc. Might also add a progress bar to some of these icons, similar to the healing progress bar near the survivor icon when he is downed.
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Fair enough, but at the moment we do have some things people haven't realized. When a killer picks up a survivor in dying state their name glows. The same thing happens when a survivor is healing another downed survivor.
But, I do agree with you. Solo survivors need more information to be up to par with SWF