There was nothing wrong with the Bloody glove addon?

But okay I guess, let's not punish survivors who don't heal.
Not only can survivor take away your power and control your power even more with that addon but reduce the aura time as well.
Then don't use the addon. Problem solved.
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Bruh it was broken. Everyone agrees on this.
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Nothing wrong with it, it just constantly shows aruas of survivors that are injured, even though survivors can't just heal themselves, ( without a perk ) like they can with plague.
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I mean, I haven't tested it, but it seems to me now Survivors have to avoid blood orbs and injured players are forced to heal now because of the stackable aura read from absorbed orbs... I think it's to early to call it a straight nerf
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I never even got a chance to try it out before it got changed, sounded fun but oh well.
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I think it's nice the add on presents a trade off now. I just think survivors shouldn't absorv ALL the blood. this way it gets way too easy to deny the killer his power.
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It was a little too powerful, they could just add a 30 second cooldown on being able to see survivors aura. That would be enough imo
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So what should we have done about it? Constantly avoid the orbs? An impossibility if you want to heal seeing as you produce them while being healed or should we have just constantly ran about the map, not doing gens or being healed seeing as you need to remain motionless to perform those actions, meaning you touch the orbs, meaning your aura gets revealed.
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Yes, there was.
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It's still a pretty busted add-on. It still acts as an unlimited range Nurse's Calling. The aura time stacks now for each blood orb the pick up. That means their aura stays visible for you for 10 seconds if they pick up 5 orbs instead of just expiring after 3 seconds.
Oni is still in the top 5 strongest killers in the game and doesn't need this ultra rare add-on by any means. Its literally so easy to get his power that this is essentially just a buff to the add-on
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Devs are gonna watch and nerf it if it gets out of hand.
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I hope that was a glove pun
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They should have just deleted it. Right now it benefits survivors more than you since now they can delete your blood orbs when you're in no position to capitalize on their auras. I would have preferred a cooldown on the aura reading instead of this.
Way to go, BVHR. You've manage to make both of the oni's "top tier" addons about as useful as his brown ones.