No One Escapes Death Basekit

Temporary second objective for devs to try: Once the exit gates are powered a dull totem becomes a Hex totem. While this totem is standing all survivors have the Exposed status effect and and the killer has the benefit of 25% less cooldown for missed basic attacks.
Then NOED could be changed: Once the exit gates are powered you gain 3/4/5% Movement speed increase
What do you guys think?
NOED is already a strong Perk if you don't find every Totem
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Just do bones 4head
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I would be against this. Unless there's a totem counter on screen, this would create a divide between solo survivors and a full SWF group. You could easily say, "I cleansed three totems" to your friends to figure out how many are left, but every solo survivor would need to search the entire map just to make sure.
And to some extent, I'm not sure if this would really be a game changer. I feel like if that's the meta, most people would just rush through the generators and dip. You might get one kill, but nobody would stick around and risk giving you another if they expect it.
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I don't see how it is weak. Would you also want increased speed while carrying survivors and reduced cooldown for successful attacks? There are a lot of ways to tweak NOED. Totem counter is a good point.
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noed doesnt need any change, is fine and very strong as it is. giving noed for free is the most stupid thin i heard in a while, if u want noed fine waste a slot and play with 3 perks all game and thats it.
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the strength of the perk lies in it being unpredictable weather it hits or not, making it basekit and therefore guaranteeing a NOED every single game would render the perk / effect completely useless, as everyone and their mother would now go on a huge totem hunt, therefore not activating the effect.
if you wish NOED to take effect, you will have to sacrifice a perk slot for it.
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That's the point. Doing dull totems will slow survivors down.
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delet NOED
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I am on it 🧐
Not only for NOED, Point's you know? 😍😈
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I already think badly of killers who have it. Why make it base? It's just a reward for failure kind of perk anyways.
This is the failire for killers end of EGC.
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I think it would be a good way to make the EGC more scary and get survivors off of gens.
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A dull totem objective with a totem counter is a great idea. Only problem then is some totem perks would probably have to be removed.
I do think it does make the Exit Gate Phase way more scary for survivors. It wont have them open the exit gates and mess around with the killer for extra giggles and it gives a secondary objective.
It might not be useful every game or be a "game changer" like a dev above said. But thats called balance. It shouldnt be a "game changer" every game. It has counter play by doing totems or adjusting the way you play at the end all while making the exit gates phase a lot scarier if you skipped doing totems. Risk vs reward.
Again the perk would probably have to be adjusted and the totem perks might have to be removed or adjusted but doesnt sound like a bad idea.
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It wouldn't hurt to try
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is that so?
imagine 4 survivors dedicating their early game to totems.
you, as the killer, dont have any pressure. by the time you find someone, everyone of them has done a totem already - thats 4 totems down (well, unless you literally spawn on top of a survivor).
unless its a map with ultra hidden totems, this would barely waste time.
on top of that, this change would easily screw over any other totem perks, as everyone is now focussing on them. you'd basically nerf any "sneaky" totem that exists, like Devour Hope, which would really not be necessary.
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At least whispers would finally be meta
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Give them a reason to get off the gens. Dont expect the Devs or the game to hold your hand. You can create additional objectives by slugging hitting. You just need to learn when to slug and when to hook. That's a start at least.
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A timer could be considered
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I already know. I'm suggesting this to give a small helping hand to those who don't. (there are a lot who don't you will find on these forums)
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ok so if youre telling me "just cleanse 5 totems because you have 100% chance noed is in game"
with same logic make DS basekit "just wait 60sec because you know he has DS" (well we can eliminate locker DS tho)
i would rather see sth like: if 5th gen was done before 5-6min mark noed would activate but in the same time i would add mini DS too (like 15sec but unslugable)
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On one hand you said the solution yourself: Adding a totem counter.
On the other hand that's far from the only reason not to implement this
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Buffing survivors and killers at the same time sounds like a good idea
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@Waffleyumboy i know right? and both buffs are to counter 2 things both sides hates the most
extremely fast gens (without adding more m1 job which is boring af)
being tunneled off the hook
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Too many survivors (myself, included) just despise the existence of NoED. I actively avoid it in my killer bloodwebs, because I will EARN my kills. I've had too many games where I've almost escaped, only to be cheated out of them by someone using NoED.
If this also happens, then every other Hex perk in the game becomes useless, because Small Game will now become a staple perk, and everyone is going to hunt totems. No more Ruin, No more Devour Hope, No more Thrill of the Hunt. They will all be cleansed too quickly to become relavent. "But what about Haunted Ground?" I hear you say, well simple. That'll be left alone. It's already an active Hex perk.
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Like I said in another thread, I'd add a little additional perk slot for killers that would be exclusively for endgame hex perks, noed would fall into this category. I can think of a couple of new hexes; a hex that shows the killer the survivors' auras or a hex that prevents the survivors from interacting with the exit gates for 80 seconds. Adding a variety of endgame hex perks wouldn't let you know what to exactly expect as a survivor once all gens are done, making the endgame unpredictable.
Of course, a totem counter would be needed.
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Why would HG be left alone but not the other active Hexes? I get hating NOED but making it basekit is the best way to nerf it without making baby killers cry. (You could also replace the NOED speed boost with missed attack cooldown reduction but devs felt like they needed to make it OP)
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Variety can't hurt :)
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If people find 3-5 active Hex totems, then they're going to do them all and hope they don't hit HG. I was more saying it as if they're the ONLY Hex perk.
Then again, I only run Ruin to help me get that first hook, considering I play slower killers, so if I had a better substitute, then I'd go towards that instead. And no I'm not going to use Corrupt Intervention. I prefer the more universal use of Ruin.
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I guess I can respect that
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You'd be surprised how quickly totems can be exterminated if you have 4 survivors that know their spots actively looking for them. Or even one guy with a map with or without totem-finding perks doing it in a "serious" SWF while the other 3 hit gens/chases/saves like normal.
Even maps where there's juicy totem spots now would quickly be learned if totems were a proper secondary objective at all times, which would completely kill all hex perks as a side effect. And as a Devour Hope enthusiast that's a no thanks from me 😄
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I don't see how it could nerf anything at all. That's like saying faster healing for survivors will make healing perks irrelevant.
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You can't be serious.. nice bait
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No. Waste a perk slot for it.
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If only it was that simple :)
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Then isn't the issue lack of information? That's not a helping hand it's just a horrible idea and solution. Imagine your a rank 20 first game gone well and bam the killer just insta downs you. Killer has no perks and you got no idea what happened.
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If you want to do that, then let survivors have Skeleton Keys as basekit.
See? We can both make jokes!
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No, how about Ruin as base kit instead.
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What if noed gets nerfed then?
I sorta like the idea of endgame hex perks, makes the killers more scary and unpredictable and would make games last longer. I also like the idea because it's a mechanic we are all already familiar with, which is simply cleansing maybe a couple of totems, there are four survivors after all.
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Ruin extend the M1 time on Gens
Noed may create messy situation in the end game which make more interesting, but its quite a bit OP but has a downside (Hex)
I created a topic of a new gameplay that Noed should be a basekit, not a Hex BUT only able to instant down the 1st healthy survivor. I like how Killer is more scary and threat at the end. But not totally op.
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Great you even read his comment
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I think this would be awesome in game, just like making survivors only able to run 3 perks, gens taking 140 seconds to finish, coop actions being removed and ebony moris being the killers basekit. Alternatively, the killer should be able to mori a survivor without him getting injured or hooked
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This would nerf perks like devour hope because everyone would be totem hunting
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Honestly no this kills any other totem based skill. Noed is very powerful, and it drives be crazy that killers use it like a crutch.
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I think adding any secondary objective that implies exploring or running around the map will nerf all hex totems anyway.
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No. Just no. I'm all about suggestions. But no.
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The perk is more powerful when the survivors don't know whether the killer runs it or not.
The survivors' objective needs to take more time than it currently does, but making NOED base-kit is not the solution.
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Make the most crutch killer perk base kit! With Unrelenting too