Windows and Palettes are Death scentences.

Fast vault a window? you'll still get hit.

a metre away from the window? if the killer looks at you, you'll still get hit.

Dropped the palette and got the stun? you'll still get hit.

I find it so annoying that the only feasable tools survivors ahve to create distance and play mindgames, more often than not end up getting me killed eventhough im pulling them off correctly. i've noticed it more recently. i always knew in the back of my mind playing survivor that it's killer favoured in terms of what counts as a hit and what doesnt but its really making me mad after 250 hours.

I know i sound like an entitled survivor but the game isnt fun when you vault the window and get skullF*cked by an oni m1 or billy's chainsaw. every game feels like a nurse game.

I cant see myself playing any more survivor without friends untill this gets fixed or something is done about dedicated servers. i'll be playing killer and waiting 30 minutes for a game againt people 6 ranks higher than me.
