Survivor passive abilities.

EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416
edited July 2018 in Creations

So I really feel that each survivor needs it's own passive ability, not a perk, this is what would make each survivor different. just as each killer has its own weapon ability that makes them all different from the others. survivors needs this. these below are just examples. what kind of passive abilities do you feel each survivor should have to make them different from the others.

Meg: Years of training: increase all exhaustion perks action duration's by 15%
Claudette: Herbology: uses herbs to recover from aliments 10% quicker ( exhaustion,hindered,mangled etc)
Nea: Quick step: Nea naturally walks 3% faster. ( does not effect run speed urban evasion would still be 100% so would be slower then her walking state.)
Dwight:Natural Habitat: when in a locker recover from all ailments 25% quicker( exposed, exhaustion, mangled etc)
Kate: performer: her musical skills has increased her action speeds in light bringer and altruistic actions by 3%

again these are just examples, lets hear what passive abilities you feel would make each survivor feel different from the rest.


  • Mystoc
    Mystoc Member Posts: 66

    no, because there's gonna end being top teir passives, like 3-4 top ones you cant have 12 passives that are all viable choices so you will only end up seeing 3 survivors skins in higher ranks, I can tell you as killer being able to tell survivors apart and who you hooked is very important esp with BBC,

    the cool thing about survivors unlike killer is with enough work they can all be played the same way if you unlock all the teachables, having passives makes it so you will never see some survivors because they passive would end up being a bad one

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    @Mystoc said:
    no, because there's gonna end being top teir passives, like 3-4 top ones you cant have 12 passives that are all viable choices so you will only end up seeing 3 survivors skins in higher ranks, I can tell you as killer being able to tell survivors apart and who you hooked is very important esp with BBC,

    the cool thing about survivors unlike killer is with enough work they can all be played the same way if you unlock all the teachables, having passives makes it so you will never see some survivors because they passive would end up being a bad one

    as I said I think it be great to have different choices to make passives would be great for survivors no different then killers having different weapon types and play styles. if your afraid of only seeing 3 survivor skins welcome to the club of survivors who only see three killers in the higher ranks. Nurse, Billy and Huntress is the meta you proclaim would be bad yet it works fine for you killers. unless you're suggesting they should make all killers play the same and that would solve the balance issues that the killers have. imagine it all killers play like Freddy. would you love playing killer if that was the case? no? yea I agree it be kinda lame, that is why passives on survivors be a great addition. of course they would need to balance it out. but there should be a difference between the survivors.

  • cleit68
    cleit68 Member Posts: 11

    I completely agree. Survivors right now is repetitive. This would also slow down games since gens wouldn't be top priority. This would make games much more exciting. That or making teachables work better when used by the respective survivor it belongs to.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    I play both sides and I love this idea!

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited August 2019

    Quentin: Can wake himself up even if sleeping, at 50% regular speed.

    Laurie: Increase the range and duration of aura reading and sensory perks by 15%.

    Jake: Sabotaging hooks doesn't trigger the audio and visual notification until the third sabotage.

    Post edited by TheUnendingNightmare on
  • cleit68
    cleit68 Member Posts: 11

    Yes. and it's sad that the biggest impediment for this change is that some people would be mad cause their 3D model isn't as good at something they wish it was.


    It would add so much to the gameplay enjoyement.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    A passive would be really nice for survivors so they are at least more than just skins.

    For example what if each survivor could have their own teachable as a “5th” perk. Or at the very least water it down.


    Dwight- Leader

    Claudette- Empathy

    Meg- Quick & Quiet

    Nea- Streetwise

    Jake- Calm Spirit

    Ace- Open Handed

    See what I did there? Each survivor has a preset teachable as a passive. I deliberately chose perks which rarely see use and aren’t as powerful as others. Would that be too OP?