Camping is insane
I have played over 30 games and each one of them was a camper sitting there waiting and if you get off the hook they tunnel you all day long. I can never get a killer that dosent camp and tunnel hard.
When you do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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It sucks, yes, and I wish the devs would try and nerf camping to make it even less viable so that it is dicouraged even more. Solo survivors suffer from camping killers much more than swf survivors, which I think is horrible.
I know people always bring up that one time where they tried nerfing it and it could be abused by survivors. But obviously you could just try improve on the nerf to a point where it can't be abused. And I'm pretty sure there would be a way to nerf camping without it allowing survivors to abuse the nerf.
Not sure how much priority I would give this change though, since I feel BHVR really needs to take a look at and buff weaker killers now after the nerfs to multiple killers, but camping is definitely something I really hope the devs will take a look at in the future as well.
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Camping yes and no. If ne survior tbage me. I will camp them. But i dont camp. Even tho it seem like i do camp. But the other survivors runs to the hook. Tunneling yes. At the start of the match.
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What is your rank, and are you doing anything that might be considered toxic by the killer? (Flash light clicks, butt dance, etc)? Is your team farming you off the hook without BT? Are you a swf that are being jerks?
30 matches of killers camping makes me think they are either low rank or new killers, or you and your team are doing something to provoke it.
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I run Kindred and don't see any Killers camping.
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Camping is only bad at low Ranks beacuse a killer can't rank by camping.
You are exaggerating. 30 games and all camps and tunnels? No chance in hell that happened. But it is annoying when it does.
The devs have been working to cut back on it. Great perks that encourage leaving the hook, BBQ being one of the best perks in the game, and making it so you lose points for staying near the hook. They are trying.
But rest assured, I'm a killer main and if you are toxic, I'll be toxic, simple as that.
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It could definitely be done to where it couldn’t be abused. But at this point, as annoying as it is, you just have to use your perks against it. No different than killers having to use gen defense perks. It is what it is. When (if) the day comes where survivors are given a second objective, or gen speed is nerfed, at that point a hard nerf to camping and tunneling must happen to where that playstyle can’t happen.
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And I get looped every game. What about it?
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DS, Unbreakable, DH, BT. There's a reason why they're meta perks.
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What are you considering camping? Because I haven't played against 30 campers total in the last 3 months.
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Sounds like you have bad teammates to me
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What rank? I found most camping is done in yellow. It's always hell getting out of yellow. . .
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Camping is situational depending on survivor attitudes and character I'm playing. Hag is a natural camper/tunneler. Her movement speed is so slow, that you rely on trap teleports, and a hooked survivor is a great place to load down with traps. An overly altruistic team is like picking low hanging fruit.
Ghostface is a natural camper as well. When I play Spirit, I will mindgame the crap out of people. Hook a survivor, fake my power, wait for anyone close to run over and make the save. I will also wait for the unhook and make a guess with the haunting.
If survivors are being toxic with butt dancing, pointing, flashlights and running me on an infinite, I will start playing dirty. If I'm being gen rushed, I will also start playing dirty, because the easiest way to get them off the gen is to have them trying to unhook a friend.
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To tunnel someone, after he got unhooked is not a decision made by the killer in many cases.
It is just, that he saws you, instead of the guy who had unhook you and ask yourself - what would you do as killer?
-Hunt the injured survivor down that runs around for your eyes.
-Hunt the healthy survivor down that has unhook someone but hides now in some corner or has come out of sight for you?
Yeah, you guess it maybe already... You will not wasting time in the time of gen rushes and where nearly every survivor wears some sort of speed perk.
You will instead hunt the injured survivor that runs for your eyes a long.
What camping matters - that is a decision the killer makes.
Some may do it, because they didn't know it better and some may even like it, but imo - the majority does it because they feeled annoyed.
Either from a particular survivor, or by the whole group.
The reason for that vary from killer, to killer, but to teabag a killer, playing like you would untouchable, looping the killer for too long, or flashlight the killer, can very often lead to heavy injuries later on a hook.
That sounds almost like one of the small texts on the boxes of cigarettes :) .
So you may validate to play healthier, next time :D .
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Run DS. Next post.
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Raas is that you?
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Camping is only valid when
-Survivor is being toxic
-There are survivors nearby
-Everyone keeps hookrushing
-There are less then 2 gens remaining
-Exit gates are open
Other then that camping is bad