Most ‘satisfying/rewarding’ killer?

To take a break from all the whinging, I wanna ask: Which killer do you find the most satisfying to place as?
For me its either Nurse or Huntress, they’re both more difficult then most killers but when you land a precise blink or hatchet that’s the best feeling.
How about you guys ?
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Mnhh....Myers. I think.
He has addons that require a lot of effort, patience, and have a hugely rewarding pay off if you can pull it all off.
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legion it's just something about frenzy that makes it satisfying to stab people
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The Clown. He’s so low tier that if I win I feel that it was actually my skills that got me the win.
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I find Ghostface to be extremely satisfying to play as. The feeling when you stalk someone and oneshot them without them even noticing you is so nice. You constantly jumpscare people and you see the panic in their movement. This is pure gold for me
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Reverse Bear Trap kills are my favorite, so Pig kinda wins easily. :P
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Hillbilly and either completely destroying a group or curving perfectly.
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I'll second ghostface. When I'm killer i want to play. He's the only one that lets you express your personality through either teabagging or playing around with survivors.
I wish ghostface had an add on that gave him a flashlight just for giggles. Let you blind the survivor and click at them.
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It is definitely the trapper. Planning the trap spot, luring the survivor to it and hitting them on the ground gives you such a powerful feeling
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The joys of being a GF main
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Yeah I’d agree with GF being one of my faves, I love sneaking up on a gen and watching one guy bail and the other one stay there all confused. Hilarious
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Legion is satisfying imo
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Pig is up there because getting a trap kill is amazing.
Oni's dash is extremely fun to use and downing somebody is just brilliant.
Legion is a honourable mention for getting a 4k with him at rank 1. Especially if no gens are completed in your game.
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Hag. Once everyone is injured and traps are going off left and right. The chaos. The landmine panic effect.
Nurse's begins to proc. Lunging around corners. Surprise!
The hooked person in the basement, that turns into the two hooked people in the basement.
Walking right up to a crouching dwight via M&A. This is a pretty good time in green ranks.
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Trapper - There are few things better than watching a teabagging survivor turn and *snap!* right into a trap. I snicker every time.
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Spirit and Billy
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I love when multiple people get trapped at the same time, the panic grows 😂
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Downing a survivor (with shred as demogorgon) who was about to get to a safe loop or to the gates.
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Hag is my favorite. Knowing the pants crapping terror when the trap springs, then the panic when you try to run and keep tripping more traps. Spirit is also fun when you successfully mindgame someone. Scratched Mirror Meyers is my favorite add on build, it's just so dirty.
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I don't see how that's more satisfying than a good blink or hatchet ;)
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The Huntress is very satisfying to play imo. Nailing hatchets that you think would miss is extremely satisfying to me. :)
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Michael for me. Because you're playing a long game with Myers building up your stalk. And its also a strategic process, because if you're smart with the boogeyman you'll bring it to the edge and have that tier 3 ready to pop at the most opportune time.
Smart Myers players also don't max stalk the first survivor they see. They'll leave enough so they can get more off that survivor later in the match. There's four survivors in the match. Use them all, and don't put yourself in the situation where you run into one later and find you've no stalk left on them.
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This is all very true, I like Myers a lot because of how versatile his builds can be. Infinite tier 3 or scratched mirror, tombstone etc.
One of the best designed killers imo.
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Huntress is 100% the most satisfying. Landing extremely difficult shots just fires off dopamine.
I was going to list Nurse, because of how punishing her mistakes are and how hard she is to be effective with, but I remembered how much of a scum bag I feel like when I'm hitting all of my blinks. I know playing against a good Nurse is probably the least fun thing in this game next to pre-nerf prayer beads Spirit, so most of the time I just feel like a dick playing her.
Nailing curves with Billy is very satisfying, but I loveeeee Oni's pummel animation way more. I think it's hilarious how he repeatedly beats them down on the ground when you land a hit and it never fails to make me laugh. I just hit rank 1 killer for the first time with Oni because of how much i've enjoyed him
Pig has a special place in my heart as well. Mostly because of how many survivors are down for some snoot boops. I give every survivor a free pass and will leave them to chase somebody else if they show interest in joining Snoot Boopers Anonymous.
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Clown because his laugh makes me happy. Yeah winning with Clown is the best feeling.
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Huntress 100%
Highest skill cap killer in the game imo.
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Yeah between her and Nurse I’d say, especially on console.
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Pig or Ghostface.
Just that feeling of beig the silent, unseen predator is so fun. Especially playing Dash Pig.
Haven't played Wraith, so I can't compare him to GF or Pig.
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Silent bell Wraith.
I love pulling survivors off of gens, or uncloaking in a doorway, body blocking an unsuspecting survivor in a small room and waiting for them to turn around and see I’m standing there, watching them, waiting for them to see me.
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Ghostface. No other reason than because he can T-Bag. I T-Bag whenever I make a play on a survivor to rub salt in the wound. When I down them and when I get them on a hook.
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Wraith. But I'm a Wraith main.
Love Daddy Ding Dong.
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Michael Myers. I love it when they twerk in front of me thinking that they are hot and sexy. Then, back hand! They are on the floor crawling.
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Lol I’ve only started playing him again recently, must admit he’s pretty underrated.
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Huntress for flashy mechanical skill like crazy hatchets, Trapper for feeling like a megamind as someone steps in that weird trap you just had a good feeling about when you put it down earlier.
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Outsmarting survivors through the clever use of traps never gets old.
It's possible to have some pretty crazy plays if you can think ahead fast enough :)
At 10:20 the magic happens
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Oni, before they took a giant pile of crap on his ability with a "hotfix"
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Of all time - Wraith, he ma OG. But I think Demogorgon is super fun to play as, I love the Shred ability.
Oni would be up there if they didn't destroy his flick.
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Some pretty sweet Hag gameplay, I’ll have to borrow some of those trap placements..
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For me, it’s definitely Nurse. You have to thoroughly outplay people to win with her. Winning with worse killers like Clown and Trapper just feels like RNG since their mindgame potential is much lower than Nurse.
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Huntress for sure. You can also try to consider hillbilly
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Something about Legion's Fatal Frenzy is immensly satisfying if you are able to chain a lot of hits
Catching someone with a well placed trap as trapper or hag also never fails to make me smile
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Definitely Spirit! The moment you're at a loop and you pretend to phase. At first the survivor doesn't believe you're phasing, but then doubt sets in "Is she phasing? She might have prayer beads (before the change), oh God I need to get out of here!!!" and BOOM! They move away from the loop, allowing me to easily down them.
I freaking love mind-gaming survivors with Spirit, it's so thrilling seeing them work out problems : )
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Hearing Survivors scream gives me a mental release that I cannot explain.
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Killing a toxic flashlight squad with the hag is one of the best feelings there is. Especially after on of them threw a "The Game"-Offering. Yummi.
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Ah huntress nothing my orgasmic than hitting a snipe
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Hillbilly. Most people think he’s just a simple, but mind gaming and curving are just a great feel, that you feel you actually outplayed survivors yourself.
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Old Freddy.
As much as I love New Freddy, he will never replace my love for Old Freddy.
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Lol I’m not gonna get into this.
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OP: to take a break from all the whining here's a fun post
*instantly whines about spelling*