Daily reminder that DS still isn't purely an anti-tunnel perk
120 seconds of preventing the killer to do his objective on each survivor.
People that use DS can brainlessly abuse the DS they get after the unhook to force free hits from the killer.
Jumping into a locker prevents the killer from slugging you and he is forced to just stand there and wait or take the stun and lose a lot of momentum. ("Just wait 30 seconds, it's not that much." - Peanits)
Combining DS with Unbreakable has no counterplay at all, since the killer gets punished for slugging you.
Having DS up with open gates has no counterplay aswell.
Had a BS DS today playing Demogorgon.
Rank 12 so in honest it was a chill game of me going rawr at folks and purposely avoiding certain Survivors to not tunnel. I cant even remember when this one Survivor was unhooked but I had time to hook another person, walk off for a save, both got healed, and I still ate the DS when she kept destroying my tunnel exit and got grabbed.
Didn't want to grab either. Just build STBFL stacks but the game forced a grab and thus are the DS.
That was technically working as an anti tunnel perk. But she was tunneling MY tunnel!
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I guess we needed another place to hold hands and cry about DS.
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Yep, this seems like a good spot. DS just needs to be changed so that it deactivates after hooking another survivor.
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No thanks.
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Whats wrong with that? It still prevents tunneling, if the killer dosen't hook another survivor it still lasts sixty seconds? Its such a minor nerf that just prevents the perk from being overly strong to still being strong. I don't understand the resistance to this idea.
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What if a one for one trade occurs against for example the Oni and he just AoEs the savior and you off the hook, hooking the savior first. You shouldn't have DS for that? Seems kinda lame.
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Then don't make bad plays. I know thats hard for survivors to grasp with BT and DS, but really thats what a game should be about it is NOT rewarding bad play, but good play.
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Yes, let me control what my teammate does in solo queue. Good idea.
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Thats on them to play good. Each person is only responsible for themselves. If they don't want to play well then thats the problem with playing in a team. You get punished for everyones mistakes, not just your own.
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Just don't tunnel, seriously. It's that easy lmao. And if they really want to use their DS just slug them or pull them out of the locker and eat the stun.
Overall, it's being easily countered by simply not tunneling, stop crying.
I only agree that the perk should be disabled when the gates are open.
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I'd say DS should deactivate if you start doing certain "not running for your life" actions like working a gen, interacting with a Killer's possession (traps, tunnels, Saw boxes, or such), save someone else, or blind/stun the Killer.
If you arent running for your life or actively fighting the Killer, it isnt tunneling in my opinion. You can still jump in a locker or tank a hit to use DS or heal others/yourself and still have DS just in case. But you cant simply start playing like an idiot without it costing you.
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And that's why we have perks like DS...
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The problem isn;t tunneling, its that DS stays active after you hook someone else (which is the opposite of tunneling) then find the other person, down them, and they still have DS.
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That way you could down the unhooker, slug him, down the unhooked survivor again. Go back to hook the person that unhooked earlier, go back to the survivor that just got off the hook and rehook him.
Sounds pretty bad tbh, that survivor should still get to use DS in that case.
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but that's not tunneling...
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It never was and it never will be.
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I just had a match where I was getting trolled with DS, because they knew I couldn't do anything about it. I really hate this perk because it punishes me for their mistakes.
They literally blew through every pallet in the first like minute of the game, so now I have to keep eating stuns because I am hooking them too fast; and it almost actually them them all escape because it was just stun after stun, and I couldn't slug them because my kit didn't really allow for it well enough.
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Its a good point but realistically no killer would waste so much time to do all those actions at the risk of the other guy getting healed from the ground and therefor still having to eat the DS. Your situation would only be viable if the survivor just unhooked someone next to the killer and the other guy has nowhere to run, making that case very situational
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Daily reminder that DS is fine. I can't remember the last time I got hit by DS because I simply don't tunnel the unhooked.
I only down them if they run straight into me or I can't find the unhooker. What do I do then? I just slug them. Now there's a few things that could happen:
1. Nobody helps them. DS runs out, I get another hook.
2. Somebody helps them when I'm not present. The helper spends precious time running and healing. Two survivors not doing gens.
3. Somebody helps them when I'm present. I get to go after the helper, the previously unhooked either still down/running/healing. Two survivors not doing gens and I most likely get another hook.
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DS should de-activate the moment another Survivor is hooked, period.
It isn't tunneling if someone else gets hooked!
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Yeah but the same argument comes up every-time "Why should I get punished because ___ made a mistake and got hooked?"
to which you will say "Well then it isn't getting tunneled is it"
and they will say "It's meant to be more than that, it's a defensive perk and I have a set cooldown for it" which the devs have actually backed.
and so on and so fourth.
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"Oh but you tunneled him!" 😂
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I agree with DS in terms of the time, etc.
But the fact that it is a free escape when not tunneling is so stupid. The whole team could technically have it live at once. DS isn't that hard to maintain as perk which is the silly thing. It's just not functioning as intended and is always abused lol.
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I also remember that the Enduring nerf is also what is making the stuns feel even more painful each time too. Man, DS was nowhere near as bad back then. You could actually eat it, and not care haha.
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Oh I agree, just saying these arguments have already been had. To get your point across you are going to have to already have read them too, else it's just gonna recycle.
DS annoys me because I keep getting SWF groups that are like, all Bill with the new sweater and nothing else, so I end up eating DS's all over the damn place because I can't tell who is who.
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That's very true haha.
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I mean yeah, that was kind of bs but this was a terrible play by the survivor and they should get downed again pretty quickly since they made so little distance in that time. It was also pretty obvious that they had ds and the killer could have downed him instead of grabbing him
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Are we talkin about NOED? Kappa
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Sorry to interrupt, but that Steve on full health ain't going down quick. Especially if he has access to pallets and/or an infinite somewhere lol.
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Oops, didn't check the next page to see you'd already made the same point sorry 😂
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If you are able to down them like that, I mean so quickly, than DS shouldn't be a problem. Eat it, than down him again. You guys acting like DS is up all game. Be more serious pls.
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Well nvm then, I didn't realize he was fully healed.
What could be done to make it more fair then? People keep recommending ds should get disabled if someone else gets hooked but that doesn't feel like a solution to me. It would also allow killers like leatherface to camp more easily.
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Yes... let's encourage more SWF so killers can cry even more...
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That sounds like a decent idea to me. If the survivor is deliberately making themselves a target instead of using DS as a purely defensive tool, they get punished.
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While we're at it, we should also raise our voices so that the Exposed Status Effect times out, when someone gets hooked. Just to be fair. You know. Balance and all that.
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At then they all kobe, lol
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That seems like a better solution. I wouldn't be against this. I think the devs will eventually change ds, let's hope they don't make it useless by making it last 30 seconds or something.
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It's hilarious the amount of survivor mains on this thread that are so mad people are discussing their OP perk because it might get nerfed just like how back when people were asking for MoM nerfs the survivors came in and denied all good reasons why it should be but they just want to be the keep being the power role so I geuss BHVR won't do anything and keep the survivors happy untill mass amounts of killers boycott and queues suffer.
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Not only you could've hit the Steve normally here instead of grabbing him as you most likely knew he's been unhooked a while ago, but also not hit nothing afterwards. Without missing an attack, you could've downed either of them instantly.
Not to mention something like this rarely happens.
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DS is fine. It is a good survivor perk, but it is a one time use perk and it can often cause survivors to go out of their way to get triggered.
Had one run up to body block after unhook. He might as well scream he has DS. Slugged him and downed the other for the hook. Came back and found a new survivor healing Captain Stupendous. Chased him off and hooked him. By this point Captain Stupendous was up and running. That means the following:
1. Captain Stupendous never got back on a gen for more than 2 minutes. He ran to unhook the first survivor after getting up.
2. Due to Captain Stupendous's silliness, he caused another survivor to leave a gen to get him up. That is now 3 survivors not on gens. 1 hooked, 1 slugged, and 1 healing.
3. I chased and hooked survivor #3 for another hook. Survivor #4 comes out to save Captain Stupendous. I now have zero gens being worked on because of Captain Stupendous. He is the best assistant ever.
Seriously, if I eat a DS, it is as if I ate a pallet stun followed by a blind. Then the fool is back down again. If you think they have DS, make them burn it early. Then they have 3 perks.
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DS is annoying but not problematic in Solo Play. It buys time after getting tunnelled but that's all it does in Solo play, attempting to use it for other means usually proves futile due to the lack of communication with other Survivors.
DS becomes problematic when used by SWF groups. Via simple communication and basic planning, they can disrupt the Killer enough to save everyone.
Sorting out SWF will help reduce the overwhelming presence of DS and will provide a clearer picture with what state it's in.
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The only thing that should be changed about DS is the timer. 5 second stun? And not countered by endurance? #########?
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I would like to try a pure Slugging build.. any chance you can give me tips on who the best Killer might be for such a build and what perks to use? Thanks! It sounds fun, and I am also irritated with DS sometime on killer. So would be fun to learn how to play something different.
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DS is still the best Survivor perk in the game after its "nerf."
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Then don't go for hook trades lol, that's already stupid as of right now
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There arent 120s of preventing anything. There is just a timer for a 5 s stun if you wanna pick them up. (you know that pickung up survivors isnt a guarantee for a hook, right?)
What free hits? If you hit them it counts normal. The survivor goes down. Nothing special at all.
Slugging is just a cheap way to outdo certain mechanics, that shouldnt be outdone at any time. Just take the tiny stun and go on a chase again, normally you would may have to do 10 seconds chase again. Wow, how bad for you. Standing infront a locker for 60s is just showing lack of skill. And DS + unbrekable is a onetime use for cheap gameplay of killers. Also you could go on chasing other survivors while this one is doing nothing to you at all until he can get up and down him again.
And having DS up with open gates, just deal with your loss. You areant entitled to get your kill guarenteed. and you shouldnt get your kill if you rely on cheap gameplay.
DS isnt useful as anti-tunnel in 90% of the situations. And those 10% where it is usefull youre crying about. Thats sad.
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I like how survivors complain about slugging yet they have a perk that forces it to happen kinda their own fault.
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dude this perk isn't as bad when compared to the nurses rework or OP keys, hell i lose more to keys than to someone using ds.
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Just eat the stun.
It really is that simple.