Killers able to kill by themselves

Gato_Loco Member Posts: 39

So, how all we know, killers can kill survivors by burning a memento mori offering, which is basically asking permission to the entity, and she agreeding by their pretty good job so far

But, what about the killers that can kill by without a mori? These are only three killers: Spirit by rancor, Hag by Devour Hope and Myers by tombstone

Why only these 3 are able to kill without the entity permission? Are they the strongest killers somehow?

Is the entity non capable to force them to sacrifice as the others do? or does she have some favoritism towards them (or maybe just Rin and Lisa, beacuse she feels dissapointed with Myers when he kills)?


  • EmpathyModule
    EmpathyModule Member Posts: 54

    Myers and Rin are too powerful in some way to be completely controlled by the Entity. The Spirit is immensely rageful and Myers is evil incarnate. As for the Hag, no clue. Devour Hope states that her hunger grows based on the hope of the survivors, like how the Entity feeds on hope. I think when the Hag kills a survivor in this way the Entity still is able to 'devour hope' from them, canonically, as if they died on a hook. Or the Hag gets stronger with the survivor's hope like the Entity and gets strong enough to make her own decisions. Either way, the Hag shares the same hunger as the Entity for some reason.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Gotta be honest, I basically agree with everything @EmpathyModule said. I do personally however believe the Entity does harbour some favouritism though.