God how I wish I didn’t have to play on console anymore everything sucks there. How is that a survivor can run right through me as I’m swinging and I miss. How is it that I can go a full 360 and still not hit the survivor. How is it that the survivor can abuse the aim assist and make me swing at nothing when I clearly should have hit the survivor. How is that I get hit by a pallet when I’m not near it. I understand you guys have a small team to optimize console but this stuff is getting old and I’m getting sick of it.
I'm always looking to help people wherever I can so please don't take this the wrong way. If you're this upset I think it might be time to take a break. I play on PS4 so I get where you're coming from as well.
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if I had a good pc and cross saves were a thing I'd leave the console version instantly
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Yep console sucks
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I’m just ranting don’t mind me but the forums do help a lot
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The framerate is really bad, and the max sensitivity is a bit low, other than that the game is alright
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Alright, I understand, we all need to rant from time to time. I hope your experience gets better. My only other tip would be just play with only green pings but that takes quite awhile to achieve.
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Yeap the framerate is dogshit
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Console optimization is just like the sounds. Every patch that gets released seems to ######### it up in some way.
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Framerate sucks no doubt. If it gets too bad you can turn your system on and off and that helps a bit.
As far as 360's go, I find crab walking helps a ton. I almost never miss when doing that.
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Well it makes me feel better that I’m not the only one
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Low Fps in Badham, Ormond and Hawkins or playing demodog, inconsistent autoaim, fps drops especially after some games, shitdog sensitivity, man i can only say i feel you.. i was brave enough to main nurse, did pretty well with her but at the same time were so much inconsistent due to these reasons..
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console improved a lot over the past year and a half, let's give credit where credit is due.
I remember when skill checks were basically a guessing game, due to very low fps. Yes, killer still struggles and the bloodlust tier up is really messy, but it surely is more playable than before.
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This is true and I’m not trying to minimize the milestones and achievements they’ve made on console; I was just expressing my frustration.
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Yeah and the opposite is true for Survivors a lot of the time too. Hits will land when they should not, whether it be out in the open or through windows. Framrate drops and server lag screw both Survs and Killers, Dead Hard doesn’t work half the time (though I think this happens on PC too because of servers). Skillchecks are crappy as well. Console is just horrible for everyone lol.
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You'll notice the devs are quite silent when it comes to the problems with console. I left PS4 for PC a few months ago. It plays better but I'm still getting back the perks I had.
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Yeah that’s true too
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If they’re not silent about it the most they say is “we’re working on it”
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IIRC they asked about cross save in the survey we did recently.
Even tho I have much better perks on my killers on PC. I have all my bought cosmetics on PS4. I would grab my PS4 copy in a second and go back to PC.