I know moris are op and all,but...

kate_main Member Posts: 178
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

I managed to kill all 4 of them (with ebony mori) relatively fast and I got an "entity displeased" ? :/

I dont think you should pip by using ebony,but losing a pip when you won?

big oof for me.

I think the ranking system should be looked at in general; I find too many bad players from both sides at red ranks.

(If we wanna bring lore into this,judging by the comments, the Entity literally tells the killer he can kill the survivors, and when he does, the Entity is displeased????????????????????)

Post edited by kate_main on


  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Moris have always been that way. It's the same reason why you're guaranteed to black pip if you run tombstone Myers.

  • kate_main
    kate_main Member Posts: 178

    But the point is that I dont think its fair.

    You should be guaranteed to black pip at least when killing all 4 of them.

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354
    edited December 2019

    You aren't playing the game the way it is "meant" to be played though. The ranking system doesn't reward kills anymore.

    You've got to be more sadistic than that, and toy with your prey before killing them off, e.g. chase them like rats, eat every pallet because it doesn't matter, etc.

    It's the same reason why slug Nurse will almost always Black Pip. You aren't playing the game the way it wants to be played.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Entity displeased because it was hungy so now its angy.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    The same should happen to survivors then when they escape with a key. Yet the opposite happens

  • SafetyOff
    SafetyOff Member Posts: 68

    The best comment here. Why are you booing him?? Hes right!

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I think essentially you lose a pip is because the entity is unhappy that you were greedy and killed everyone instead of sacrificing them on her hooks which is why it brought everyone there, lol

  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 227

    It's not the same, survivors do a lot more to escape with a key than a killer who one hooks the lobby

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    Well, the main reason you lose points is because you have to skip a hook.

    Also, this means less chases, and less stuff in general to gain points from

    I do agree that it is a bit harsh. I feel like it should be a black pip.

  • ChronoSeth
    ChronoSeth Member Posts: 55

    Because the entity doesn't care should the Survivor escape, since it gives them Hope. And Hope is what the entity feeds on.

  • kate_main
    kate_main Member Posts: 178

    The entity literally tells the killer he can kill the survivors -_-

    You definetely shouldnt be punished

    How is using an offering that has been there since the release of the game not playing the game how it is "meant" to be played?

    So,when you use a Mori you should lose because ...? Winning is winning; you shouldnt lose when you win,duh.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    I agree with you - killers shouldn't be punished for killing people. I'm personally not in favour of railroading people into a particular playstyle the way the emblem system does.

    If you managed to kill all four survivors, you completed your objective and you should be rewarded for that, no matter how you got it done. And yes, it's true that it takes less skill and effort to kill someone with a mori, but that shouldn't matter as far as the ranking system is concerned because moris shouldn't happen every game (at least in theory - I've said for a long time that the only problem with ebony moris is that they're not actually "ultra rare"). And if you're not good enough to 4k without a mori, you probably won't be getting enough kills on average to rank up anyway. But if you are, and bringing a mori just makes it easier to reach your objective every so often, that shouldn't be something you get punished for.

    I went a bit off on a tangent there because I anticipated responses along the lines of "but moris take no skill so you shouldn't rank up with them", but I hope all that made sense.

  • JTSLogic
    JTSLogic Member Posts: 15

    The entity gives you objectives to do during the trial. Killing every survivor is only part of your job as a killer. You need to get hooks, get chases, damage gens, break pallet, use your ability, avoid ending the game in less than fifteen minutes, and lastly not letting anyone escape. A mori distracts you from that. Usually when a killer brings in a mori it's to release their anger, use it strategically, or they simply don't care about piping. The game's definition of winning is finishing these objectives, you are rewarded for how much you succeeded and punished for slugging, camping, or bleed outs. If you just focus on one objective, you'll obviously depip and should since you failed to do what the entity asked for fully. Here's some advice, don't use a mori if you care about piping. They're not in the game to be used skillfully (unless you're smart and hook everyone twice and still get those other objectives done).

  • kate_main
    kate_main Member Posts: 178

    The entity itself said I could kill all 4 of them.

    And the objective of a killer is to kill.

    I killed 4 survivors.

    I won.

    I didnt lose.

    I shouldnt lose a pip.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Think of it like a school assignment.

    You were asked to do a paper where you include A, B, C and D (emblems).

    Yes you submitted a paper but you did the bare minimum and only completed one section asked. You got 25%. You failed.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    I dont think that you have to black pip at least by relying on moris. You obviously choose to make your game as easy as possible, then you get the payback of depip. The game wants you to play well, not just killing everyone after first hook. Even though Moris still need to be reworked, cause theyre just dumb #########.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    well i guess you didnt think this through, survivors job is to escape, killers to sacrifice not just kill xd (guess why you dont have emblems for slugging ppl to death)

    and in theory survs can kinda punish themselfs because of using hatch (not key but hatch) because they didnt got points for gens/gate/less chases/less healing

    but your argument is so op, "im punished so should survivors be",just type without even thinking what youre typing, kill ppl on deathhook instead tunnel after 1st then you wont be that much, surv can wait for hatch on 5 gens (waiting for teammates to die without doing sh..) and escape via hatch (with or without key w/e) he wont pip but survive, its not that hard to think bruh

  • I_Be_Pro_Fun
    I_Be_Pro_Fun Member Posts: 73


    You say that survivors have to do a lot to use a key to win. A half a year ago, I would have agreed as you had to actually do gens. But now, so long as one person is dead, the hatch will spawn (i may be wrong about the number or dead people, but my point is). A survivor with a key can sit and hide the entire game, and do absolutely nothing, and then get hatch. I once had a teammate do that who actually ruined it. He hid almost the entire game with her key, and waited for our teammate to die. He died, the key guy used hatch. Killer closed it. Activated EGC. Got us killed.

    The key requires you to do nothing but live long enough for someone else to die. If anything, the mori actually requires you to do more than the Key does.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Depends on your view of a win.

    Should the game be balanced around the idea that kills=a win or should it be balanced around hitting points in the 4 categories in the emblem system?

    BHVR needs to decide this so they can set a define path for the community and clear up the debate around balance.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    It's not only mori's, but killing everyone in a series of slugs (which the survivors let happen to themselves) will depip you as well.

    A 4k depip is just omegalul, and is one of the reasons I literally don't care about the ranking system in this game

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624
    edited December 2019

    I'm sorry, I didn't give horrible survivors a million second chances even though most of them are running full second chance builds. I am a horrible killer depip me game.

  • kid187em
    kid187em Member Posts: 102

    Don't feel bad, i used the clown and stomped all 4 relatively quickly, got 11 hooks and not 1 gen went off. Did not camp or tunnel and yet didn't pip even once. What could i have done better. Not my fault the were trash that couldn't loop. Lol

  • Skywclu
    Skywclu Member Posts: 43

    Ummmm...No. the whole reason I don't like using keys is because if I leave too early I won't get any good emblems and I won't get good BP. But if I decide to wait it out I usually die so I just don't use keys. Unless the survivor plays the whole game out then uses the key they aren't rewarded. I'm just wondering, do you even play survivor?

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    It depends, if you escape with a key with all 5 gens done (hatch doesnt spawn before that with 4 alive) you should get a ton of points and pip, after all 5 gens worth of game time means lot of chases, hooks, heals, cleansings etc. If you escape as the last guy with 1 or no gens at all you are probably going to depip or black pip at most since the team didnt do much.

    Same go for killers, if you bring an ebony, hook them once and kill them asap you are not putting much on the trial, if you bring the same ebony, use it only when they are dead on hook, chase a lot, kick pallets and gens, injure people, use your power a lot etc you will probably pip.

    Pipping its not about escaping or killing is about the amount of work you put on the trial, you put 0 effort you get -1 pips.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    I understand that, but a killer shouldn't be able to depip by killing all four survivors with a mori at least it should be a black pip.

    Yeah I didn't really think that through, but it seems pretty unfair for a killer to depip because they moried 4 survivors after a first hook, because technically the Killer did his objective of stopping the survivors from escaping. The only objective he failed was sacrificing the survivors to the entity, which should punish a killer with a black pip, not a depip.

    A survivor with a key or escaping when the hatch was opened without the gesn being completed will at worst get a black pip. The only way I see a survivor depipping in this situation is by doing literally nothing the whole match, and just waits by the hatch until it opens.

  • JTSLogic
    JTSLogic Member Posts: 15

    What you don't understand is the entity told you to kill all 4 of them AFTER you feed it hope. Yes, you can kill them after the first hook. Yes, the entity let's you do that. But the entity didn't WANT you to do that, it's just letting you. What the entity wants is the hope of the survivors. The entity wants you to complete your emblems and THEN kill them all. A win does not equal killing all survivors at the start, that's YOUR definition of a win. Not the entity's.

  • Freddy_chan
    Freddy_chan Member Posts: 31

    To be fair, even when i use bring ebony, i use it after 2nd hook if they dont gen rush me too hard, although that problem only comes when i want to do adept achievement for a certain killer, and going back to question in post, you played it to win asap, which is a mistake im many ways, firstly to get better emblems game has to last some time, you have to chase for a while, break some stuff and bam, at least 1 checkpoint with ebony. There will be people that will say mori is unfair and #########, but i prefer dying to a mori and having to stay on hook and look into the killers eyes xD + mori wont give info if killer has bbq

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    If survivors truly escaped like you guys say they would lose pips, but problem is the need to fix at least 3 gens, find a hatch, have a teamate die which means unhooks and altruism. When yoy estimate it all up, they did a lot more in the match then you did as a killer with a moris

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    If you want to play the game in easy mode then it's less rewarding. Makes sense to me.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726


    "The only objective he failed was sacrificing the survivors to the entity, which should punish a killer with a black pip, not a depip."

    1st hook mori:

    failed sacrificing (100% failed) (2nd emblem) at most Brown

    less chases (~50% failed, just check how Billy is punished for 1shoting 1/2 chases, pretty much same is with mori) (4th emblem) maybe silver

    less hooks overall (66% failed) (3rd emblem) silver or brown?

    deathhook mori:

    failed sacrificing (100%) at most brown

    same chases as normal game (up to iri)

    less hooks (-33%) gold

    key depends on how game looked and most of the time when you can use it in game that means game is close to end so you had enough time to get your surv emblems (which are way easier to get because its pretty impossible to not pip as surv)

    its not unfair, its pretty smart imagine what would happen if mori would give you pip xd (those mori climbs would be real xd) and key has a lot more counterplays unlike mori (im not telling key is ballanced, but it has more counterplay than "just dont get hooked")