Why do other survivors have to be punished


As a survivor who gets off a hook, I feel so thankful. Atleast until I get downed immediately by the killer who was camping. Now I'm back on the hook, put into the stage 2 or flat out killed because another survivor thought it was a good time.


  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    I suggest in various post to devs the idea of bloodpoints reward for borrowed time (like bbq and chili). To incentivate solo low rank players to use it and learn better slowly to do safe saves, and help against tunneling killers.

  • tapegreen
    tapegreen Member Posts: 12

    That's actually not a bad incentive, I would agree with that wholeheartedly

  • LemeTheMeme
    LemeTheMeme Member Posts: 403

    That, or we'll make it. I hate that killers get a really powerful perk WITH added BP gains. Why can't WGLF have some sort of gameplay bonus?

  • SyntheticAesthetic

    I hate to be the guy who says this but...git gud. To get hooked means you got outplayed and if your teammates aren't working on gens they're plainly bad at the game and lastly this games horse ######### balance lets you unhook yourself so if the killer is face camping you're ######### by a healthy survivor can just take a protection hit and unhook you.

    If you don't get hooked this doesn't happen, killers get punished for closing the hatch so I honestly have no idea what the game design is aimed at.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    The aura reading of BBQ&Chill isn't all that powerful, because of how many counters it has.

  • SyntheticAesthetic

    tunneling isn't an issue it's literally just the game design. It's just a long chase that's it.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Yes logically I agree. It is also a choice of the killer to tunnel a surv or not, he can confirm the kill or lose gens. However I think it is not fun for the tunneled survivor, to be all the game in chase. And for the other survivor that basically only doing gens. The game suggest you to play various with the emblems sistem, to peep and have a fun game. (Moreover also not good survivor being tunneled waste almost all pallets and after die ruin the endgame for the other surviviors in the match).

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185
    edited December 2019

    I hate this argument, I really do. There is 3 counters, 2 gameplay and 1 perk. Distortion is ok but not great. Hiding in lockers is also not that good, some maps don't have lockers everywhere (swamp and spirits/oni level). Also if the killer wanted to be extra, iron maiden with BBQ. Now you get exposed and still located. The only real good counter is being near the hook which is bad to have all 3 survivor do that. I don't think the perk needs adjusted with hope it works but the BPS boost could be moved to another perk.

    BBQ is a training wheel perk to begin with yet all the red ranks use it and claim they only use it for the boost, which is ludicrous. I've never seen someone run BBQ and not b-line to the nearest survivor they see.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @LemeTheMeme WGLF actually has some kind of good gameplay bonus, since they changed it to require safe unhooks :P

    @ABannedCat @Psypho_Diaz You can even bait the killer with BBQ. If you know the killer has it, run 5 seconds to one direction after the hook, then turn to the other direction :P Depends on the distance of course

    But I'd also say "git gud". Not in a salty way. Take the challenge and try to do your best to loop the killer and let the team get the gens done as far as possible. The better you perform, the harder the killer can be punished. Try to learn from your mistakes, search for optimal routes while hanging on the hook already, where are pallets up, where are safe pallets, TL walls etc.

    Well, if you get unhooked in front of the killer without BT, this apparently wouldn't help much. But with potatoes on team you will always have a bad time.

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    To your get good I say get literate. All I said was the blood point boost she be moved so red ranks don't run it and claim they only use it for the boost. If you don't need the Aura reading then you don't mind if the BPs gets put on a different perk.

    Why don't we put a boost in DS so red rank survivors can claim they only run it for that?

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    @Psypho_Diaz There was a paragraph, I didn't adress you with that, there was a guy before saying that and I joined him with that. The paragraph is about the OP topic, what to do on being tunneled. And beneath that, I also don't like people saying "only for the BP". It may be the reason why picking the perk, but the aura reading is definitely not useless. It can tell you where you can find the next chase without wasting time. Still an argument that it can be countered or outplayed, but that does not always happen. If people claim to ignore the aura reading, this is definitely questionable.

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    Thank you, that's I wanted. IDC if someone runs it, but when it's like legion or hillbilly then it's just annoying. The real annoying part is just the constant build with BBQ and hex ruin, you know something needs changed if more than half the killers need those 2 perks.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    Its a team game, you're not supposed to be self reliant, if you get screwed over by teammates it sucks but its part of the team aspect