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What is the most funniest awesome or clutch match you have had in dbd?

The title speaks for itself sometimes despite the toxicity and salt dbd can be a genuinely fun game sometimes. so tell me about the most funniest awesome or clutch match you have ever had.


  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    One time I was against a Ghostface and it was down to me and this Adam as to who gets hatch. So I was getting chased by Ghostface and just thought, "well, I'm dead, lets see how much time I could buy." So I went and pointed at a locker and well, GF downed me, he then proceeded to open the locker and surprise, pull Adam out. I felt terrible afterwords for the Adam, I tried to send him a message but his profile was private. I got the hatch at least, still didn't feel good though.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I was facing a Tombstone Myers.

    My team and I hadn't been potato, and we'd denied his Tier 3 for 3 gens, but he got it as we finished the 2nd. Me and a Meg worked on a gen as he killed one person and then another.

    We finished it as he started coming for us; Meg Adrenaline'd one way and I Urban Evaded another. I literally crouched past Michael and made it to a Gate.

    As I start opening it, Meg dies and Myers' Terror Radius starts playing.

    He comes in sight, and I'm still opening the door.

    He's barely 15 meters away as I open it, and I only barely run out before he can reach me.

    It was the game that made me really fall in love with DbD; it actually felt like playing a horror movie, Wake Up; I'd have died without it, and Nea; the Final Girl of that match.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    edited December 2019

    I got a match as solo survivor. I spawn, get on a gen and work on it. First survivor gets downed, DC. Second one, DC. Third one, DC. Hatch spawns right on the gen, i jump in, easy achievement.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I can't really think of any. My matches are usually pretty dull.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Once as trapper on Thompson's House, I sacrificed two people. I was chasing this Nancy and I hear the last gen pop. As I downed her near an exit gate, EGC triggered. The other exit gate was on the other side of the map by the main building. So, I just hooked her and thought 3k.

    I went to the open gate and I see this Feng waiting at the exit line. I trapped the entrance of the gate and I left without pushing her out, to see if she wanted to be a hero. She disarmed the trap. I went back after a little bit and reset it. She actually got the save meanwhile. I intercepted the Feng and downed her as she was making a run for the trapped gate.

    I had just hooked her and I heard self-care sounds next to me. The Nancy was hiding in the corner of the gate, inside the map, not in the gate area. She finished the heal as I swung, so I only put her in injured state. She ran for the exit and she would have made it 100%, but BAM! She stepped into the trap. GG.

    As survivor vs a huntress on Haddonfield, it's down to two of us and one gen left. I was getting chased down the street and, as the last gen popped, I get downed with NOED while passing by the hatch. I got hooked nearby and the killer went to check around the hatch. It was then that I saw this madman Bill running straight to me like he meant business. I thought to myself "well, you better have BT, because I'm taking this hit now matter what, or we're dead".

    I barely managed to bodyblock the huntress against the fence just after being unhooked. She tried to delay, but eventually she had to hit me. I was so caught in the moment that the whole time I had never checked if I actually had BT or not. I did. We both lost the killer and she headed to the exit gates, which had spawned next to each other. I didn't know Bill's whereabouts.

    So, I tried to work on a gate while getting the killer's attention, but she wouldn't commit. After a couple of minutes of back and forth, I hear NOED being cleansed. This time the huntress did come after me. I managed to lose her and as I was trying to make my way to the gates, EGC triggered and the killer pushed Bill out. I waited for my moment and I sneaked past her. GG.

  • When a hillbilly slugged me to go back to his hook as he noticed he couldnt stop them from running out the gates he came back to me but i was running tenacity and unbreakable got myself up and sprint burst to the door he missed me by a little bit and i walked out the gate butt cheeks clenched

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Most recently I was against a Leatherface doing his basement challenge.

    30 seconds in all 3 of my teammates had divebombed in and were hooked in the basement.

    I actually played safe and got them out only for 2 to go back in instantly, then I got slugged while the killer looked for the Claudette.

    He hooked her, then me, and went back towards her for some reason. I kobed right before Claudette died, got into the locker right next to me, he came back and started looking around. Inner Strength healed me, as he turned to find the locker, I head on'd him and ran, and the hatch had spawned in the next jungle gym over.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I actually found a key in a chest playing against oni as he was killing the third survivor. I decide to go stealth mode and i follow him to the hatch. He closes it and runs right past me to head to a gate. I started running for the hatch and he must have looked back and saw me. Next thing you know I hear him stomping behind me and I make it to the hatch a split second before him. I got to see him clubbing the air as I jump into the hatch.

  • Fabianian318
    Fabianian318 Member Posts: 48

    We started all 4 survs on the laboratory map on the platform in the room where the portal is...

    We got heartbeat and went to the hole and waited for the killer to come upstairs, after he came up everybody wanted to jump through the hole at the same time so we all got stucked in the air above the hole while the killer was coming...that was really funny xd

  • MysticAdvisor
    MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453

    I was playing solo survivor on the groaning store house (with the god window/ loop with 2 pallets open/ relevant later).

    We we’re playing against the wraith he finds me on my way to my first gen near the storehouse.

    After 2 minutes of me looping him outside the storehouse he downs me because of mind games and hooks me.

    Instead of camping me he “leaves” and 2 survivors run in and save me then heal me.

    Now I’m playing Shirtless David with spine chill, self care, dead hard, and DS. Remember this.

    He finds us again at the gen near the hook outside the storehouse and he goes after me again.

    I immediately go to the storehouse and I’m injured at the window.

    3 gens left- I loop around the god loop and occasionally using the pallets to force him to break blood lust but he doesn’t until a minute later.

    While looping him he tried to mindgame the storehouse wall but I could see through it.

    He was inside and I was outside we both stopped and he tried to cloak to confuse me but I saw him.

    So I started self healing in front of him.

    This forces him to run around and I continue the loop until I hear the last gen pop.

    I then run the outer loops near the gate.

    I was running towards a window that an exit gate was on the other side of. ( team mates were opening the gate 99%)

    He was about to hit me when I dead harded, vaulted and then my team mates pop the gate.

    and just as we all walked out the wraith DC’s and messages me saying “I’m going to report you for cheating” I said have fun with that.

    This is why you don’t tunnel or focus on survivors the wraith thought that because I was good at looping I deserved to die for being “toxic”.

    Not sure if this is funny or not but I found it a tiny bit humorous.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I love getting the "I am going to report you for fill in the blank messages 😊

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    One time I was playing against a Ghost Face, I got hooked for the first time when all the gens were done, someone opened the gates and everyone immediately left me to die on first hook. I managed to kobe, run to the gates, but the killer downed me right outside of the gates. I DSed him and escaped. Keep in mind, I was very new to the game and could barely hit good skill checks.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Are you trying to say DS is OP because you kobe'd against a bad killer? If not good story.

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    No I was just amazed I hit ds, I consistently missed good skill checks when this happened.

    But yeah, this isn't the best story /=

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Started to do a gen with 2 other teammates, they start to run I tought they were going to teabage maurice, but then I see that I'm exposed by a Ghostface. I start to run and I do a juke to have a way of escaping, after that I got hit 1 sec after the exposed goes off and manage to do a 3 gen chase, and the killer leaves me. Quite fun

  • RPGWolfGamer23
    RPGWolfGamer23 Member Posts: 126

    I was playing the Plague on Ormond. I had 3 kills and Endgame Collapse had started since I closed the hatch, by the time I got to one of the exit gates the survivor opened it as soon as I got there, and ran in. They however started teabagging halfway-in so I was able to down and hook them with NOED. Pretty fun match.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I was playing against a Hag on Gas Heaven. I was hooked in the basement with a ton of traps, and decided that it was game and no one could save me. I gave up and started trying to unhook myself, and I successfully pulled myself off the hook! As I ran up the basement, I triggered two traps. The Hag teleported and whiffed an attack, giving me just enough time to escape. What would have probably been a 4k turned into a 1k because of a bit of luck!

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Beat a tombstone Myers to the hatch.

  • UberedSandvich
    UberedSandvich Member Posts: 2

    Me and my friend were playing dbd half and half (he played keyboard and I played mouse) we were playing against a spirit. It was egc and one of our teammates was hooked and facecamped. We saved her while injured 360d her three times, then we all escaped. It was batshit insane.

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    I was a Meg in the hospital. Leatherface downs me and puts me in the basement. I see the auras of the other survivors next to the exit gate, so I tried to kill myself and somehow got the 4%. The Leatherface downs me as soon as I get out of the basement, and as he picked me up, my Decisive Strike (that I completely forgot I had) activates, and I book it halfway across the map to the exit gate the other survivors opened and escape. Felt like I just got a touchdown

  • xFAKExAxoN
    xFAKExAxoN Member Posts: 73

    Once me and a few friends tried to get the "where did they go trophy" (everyone escape through hatch)(this was also before the egc was implemented, so killers couldnt close hatch yet) and we were up against a pig that was tunneling one of us, 3 of us found the hatch while the other was being chased and then he got downed close to us, so I decided to sneak up on the killer and try to do a ninja unhook while the others were waiting next to us by the hatch, as soon as the killer put my friend on the hook she ran towards the two by the hatch, I rescued my friend and we both ran for the hatch while the others opened and escaped, but as soon as we were about to jump the killer downed my friend again right next to the hatch, I body blocked her while she was in the animation for cleaning the weapon and we both managed to jump in. We were laughing for a while after that because we all jumped in right in front of her and she didnt even try to grab us mid animation. She left the second the game ended

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,211

    I was playing Claudette (base skin, no cosmetics) for the "Escape with Claudette" Tome I Challenge. We went against a campy Leatherface on the Asylum map. He killed one person with two gens done and hooked a Quentin (I believe) in the basement and went Insidious in the corner. He got genrushed because, guess what, Quentin had Kindred.

    After Quentin is dead just before the last gen is done, Dwight and I head to the closest door, and I begin to open it. NOED hits Dwight, and he is hooked right next to the door. Leatherface comes after me, and I, SOMEHOW, managed to avoid every single hit he could throw at me and take off to the other door. Except I actually turned around at the asylum and snuck back to the half-open door.

    He continues camping, and Dwight dies. Leatherface then walks off to the other door, and I immediately jump on my door. Finish opening it JUST as he gets back, avoid his swing, and got the hell out of there.

    Also got the achievement for escaping as the obsession without being hit, so that's cool.

  • TheEntity03
    TheEntity03 Member Posts: 117

    There was this one game where I was playing with my friend and we were able to manage to get all the generators running with all four survivors still alive. Unfortunately, my friend was downed and was taken to the bottom floor in the meat factory. I went chasing after them to see if I can se if I can save him. But I guess Michael Myers was desperate for points and started face camping him. I try to see if any of our teammates would help me rescue him, but nobody came. So I had to formulate a plan to save him I notice that the Michael Myers was looking around to see if anybody was coming to save him and then turns around to stare at my friend. So when he started at my friend I sneaked up right behind Michael, crouching where he can't see me and when he turn to look for any survivors I ran and unhooked my friend. I don't know how or why he didn't hear my friend taken off the hook since he was right there next to it. Me and my friend started to run for the exit and hope for the best as we ran away I look back and I guess Michael Myers was confused and then started going in the other direction where my friend went. Then I ran all the way to the exit without looking back and I saw the two survivors there waiting for us, I sprinted past them and went through the exit gate. My friend was able to manage to escape through the other exit and all the survivors managed to escaped.