Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Hooks - problems i have with them and how i'd fix them (for both sides)

Hello all,

todays diskussion is going to be about hooks, what i feel like is not optimal and what i would personally like to see changed about them.

i will take a look at the issue from both sides, so feel free to skip to whatever side interests you more.

please note that all these are issues i personally experienced ingame.

so without further ado, lets start!


1. hook spawns:

i know hook spawns are mostly RNG and that there should be a hook every 24m, but sometimes there are not enough hooks around. i just recently had a game on Azarov's Resting Place (Autohaven Wreckers). the side of the map with the little office building on had a total of 3 hooks available. the next hook would have been at the middle of the map. with other words, if i had sacrificed one person on one of these hooks and someone else goes down there aswell, i'd be forced to bleed them out, since i wouldnt be able to reach another hook in time.

ive just had a similar experience on the Grim Pantry (Backwater Swamp), where i would have a total of two available hooks at the main building of the map - without the basement being inside of it. one was on a back corner and the other one was in the corner of the map next to the "window log" (you know what i mean). again, it was immensly hard to reach a hook uppon downing someone eigther inside the pantry or behind it. the next hook would, again, only be at the middle of the map.

what could be done here?

i dont really know. just increasing the hook spawn rate would probaply break other maps, however i feel like some more hooks on certain, big maps, would be appreciated.

2. hook suicides:

this is the big one.

so, since the DC penalities are put in place now, whats the new "leave the game early" solution?

insta killing yourself on the hook.

this not only screws over the survivors, but also the killers bloodpoint and emblem gain.

so what could be done?

thats pretty easy. add point score events for the killer when someone kills himself on the hook and charge up their emblems aswell.

here is my suggestion for point score events:

  • "failed escape" (is granted for each failed self unhook attempt) - 200 BP (sacrifice category)
  • "futile struggle" (is granted when a survivor fails at struggeling) - 500 BP (sacrifice category)

(they are also granted to you uppon sacrificing the last survivor, who is forcefully killed on the hook)

these would allow the killer to get a total of 2200 sacrifice points from a survivor killing himself on the hook, so if all 4 do it, you walk away with some nice 8k points in that category. on top of that, camping killers would not receive any bonuses, since the survivors who are just waiting on the hook (which is the course of action you should do against camping killers) would not grant any bonus points to them.

now regarding the emblems:

i dont know 100% how the emblems work and what is considered which quality, though i feel like failing 3 self unhook attempt and failing at the struggle should each count as a hook for the devout and malicious emblem.

that way, if they all killed themselves, you still get iridescent Devout and Malicious, so you dont depip.


1. hook suicides:

yes, those are also a problem on the other side.

they basically take away a player from the team and doom you and the others, which is not very fun for anyone.

so i thought lets at least give some bloodpoints for the remaining players.

so here is my suggestion for BP categories:

  • "survivalist" (is granted when a survivor fails at struggeling) - 1000 BP (survival category)
  • "left behind" (is granted when a survivor fails at struggeling) - 500 BP (altruism category)

i decided to give points in the two point categories that are the hardest to achieve when someone kills himself. survival is probaply not going to be an option if they do it early enough, so it grants more points than altruism, since you still have other players around you could get these from.

for emblems:

its pretty hard to find a fitting emblem for this, but i'd say the Benevolent emblem is gonna be the best to pick, since its the only one that actually relies on the team. so someone killing himself on the hook should count towards a safe unhook i'd say. since 3 safe unhooks equal iridescent Benevolent, 3 players killing themselves should grant you an iridescent emblem aswell.

we could name it "staying behind" in the score category of the emblem.

to show that you didnt abandon your team and stayed behind to help them escape, which would fit into the benevolent category pretty well.

2. being abandoned on the hook:

we all know this scenario:

you get hooked, but no one comes to rescue you. this has multiple reasons, they might just not feel like going for the rescue, or the killer might be camping you, etc.

this is also something many have asked for, so here is my suggestion:

  • "abandoned" (is granted uppon entering a new hook state without you speeding up the process) - 2000 BP (survival category)
  • "killer distraction" (is granted uppon entering a new hook stage with the killer being in a close proximity to you (kindred range, so 16m)) - 1500 BP (altruism category)

for emblems, id do it pretty similar:

uppon being put into the next hook stage without speeding up the process, you gain points towards the "unbroken" emblem. this is to show that your spirit has not been broken and you fought for as long as you could, even after being abandoned - this way you could get an gold unbroken emblem even with dying.

and when the killer is within a close proximity to you aswell, you gain bonus points towards the Lightbringer emblem, since you bought your team a lot of time to spend on gens.

how many points the emblems should give is up for diskussion. like i said, i dont know too much about how exactly they work, so it might be best if the devs decide that.

also, numbers are subject to change, ofc. thats purely a suggestion right now.

and thats it for now!

do you have other problems with hooks?

and what do you think of my solutions?

please tell me your thoughts down below!

have a wonderful day / night and i'll see you in the fog!

(here's a fee kiss from our beloved Flowerface <3)