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why balanced landing gone 0% directly and why not nerfing ds and bt



  • Member Posts: 490
    edited December 2019

    It doesn’t become an “SWF only” perk for sure if solos could see their teammates perks and even get basekit (survivor aura only) kindred... like-wise killer gets bbq aura base-kit...

    Now you see that BT is the reason why the devs won’t buff solos and start fixing the game properly so solos can actually be buffed and not bandaided with a skill-less perk (which are far stronger in swf - the pros at r6s begged for lion to get nerfed for a reason even if it was “balanced” for solos). It’s not even fun to run the perk... no one should be forced to take it. And SWF abuses it immensely compared to solos - solos sandbag their teammates if anything very often so no - the current state is anti-solo.

    And you get that braindead teammate who believes they deserve all the saves because they have BT which sandbags the smarter players from getting their altruism emblem.

  • Member Posts: 304

    Since the change to kindred I've been running it non stop for the last week or 2. I've never noticed just how proxy/campy killers really are.

    From my experience in red ranks, a majority of all killers who don't have any real mobility, camp and proxy. I honestly think it's because they don't have confidence in locating another survivor and don't feel like looking / patrolling the gens.

    So, now we have a start to locating the possible root of the problem. Killers have tracking problems locating other survivors, and instantly have an incentive to stay near the hook.

    Instead of changing BT/DS, how about giving a better incentive than a minor adustment to bp's and the few perks which only trigger if you're far enough away (which is realistically still in proxy range), how about something like BBQ built in. How about it last longer and require a counter perk like distortion to hide aura's, not lockers. How about the min range of BBQ be lowered so the overly altruistic survivor's who stay close to farm can be the ones who take the heat, rather than the killer being called a proxy/camper etc. If all 3 survivors want to rush to the hook right away then camping and proxy is the only thing the killer can do and rightfully so.

    Obviously there are ton's of issues on high mobility killers with the above changes to BBQ. Maybe killers need to be grouped by mobility, and have that being a deciding factor for built in BBQ..i dunno.

    Constantly doing minor changes / nerfs / buffs to individual perks to address the problems with both abusing BT/DS/Camping/Proxy is not going to get to a solution for the base problem and that's having a reason to completely leave the area.

  • Member Posts: 490
    edited December 2019

    Solos shouldn’t be down a perk just to be closer to SWF.

    Small changes across the board actually address issues whereas large changes create new imbalances.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    Seeing solo perks makes no difference to what a solo wishes to use. They chose what fits their playstyle. Only swf coordinate perks to an extent to suit how they wish to play as a unit. All that would happen if people could see perks would be lobby dodging and ridicule due to others thinking they are running ones they feel not worth it.

    Seeing perks doesn't change how someone wishes to play its a fallacy.

    Solos can never be buffed to swf level anyone can see that. There is no amount of info that one can see which gives the same amount of knowledge as actually knowing.

    Kindred at base also doesn't help as much some think as players still want to save for the points as solo. You are expecting people to play as one instead of how they wish too. Sorry that just doesn't happen or hook farming wouldn't be a thing at all for example.

    For solo to be at swf level they would have to know so much more info auch as where the killer is on the map if one person knows. See where a totem, chest, gen is when another does. Know what pallets have been used on the map. Know what windows have spawned on certain maps. What gens are being/have been worked on and how far they have been progressed and that's just naming a few.

    Could you imagine how mundane that then becomes? Knwoing every single thing that is happening. Swf have fun doing this as they are chatting and cutting up with friends where as solo it would be like going through the motions.

  • Member Posts: 304
    edited December 2019

    That honestly is an entire other discussion and the solution to that is very simply to put voice comms in the game which BHVR have flatly refused to for some completely absurd reason im sure, so there isn't much to discuss.

    Edit - Didn't see your last comment, hopefully you catch this one only response to that this game simply went in a direction that it's base mechanics conflicted with, and somethings will need to be ripped to the bottom, or else they will never be truly resolved. The devs trying to base the game mechanics around variables they have absolutely 0 control over (voice comms for SWF's, brightness controls, crosshairs sounds etc etc etc) are to blame, imo. For example:

    DEV: HAH, I released an offering that let's me change the brightness on the map

    AVG. Gamer: Turns up gamma and brightness


    I'm embarrassed for them.........

  • Member Posts: 490

    Seeing who has BT would let people know who can save who... infact... bear with me I’m going to upload a clip onto youtube showing you a “solo-que moment” I had on R6S. I literally thought to myself “only solo-quers would understand this”.

    I don’t share your view and most people don’t agree with the platitude “solos can’t be buffed to SWF level”... it’s an excuse for no change.

    I don’t mind seeing other teammates perks nor a kindred that doesn’t expose the killer... this is a 4v1 game and has been balanced accordingly so. What I’d hate is to wall-hack the killer etc removing that mystery... what wouldn’t bother me is knowing my team can work together.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    Rs6 you win or lose as a team. This game you can win regardless what happens to others. You can't compare it to games like that.

    It's not an excuse it a reality. What part of the info I stated would be required do you not agree with? To make them be on par they would NEED THE same information its common sense. You can't say realistically say "most" people as the player base is hundreds of thousands and people on here are an extremly minute portion so that's a huge assumption.

    You don't mind but as showing ranks showed people that may feel they are disadvantaged so dodged. History has proved this many times that information is used to abuse the system for cherry picking games. Hence why seeing the killer profile was removed early on.

    I disliked the aura perk addition phase the devs went through with the exception of bbq as it felt like they were leading players by the hand to an objective instead of hunting. Giving survivor too much info in game does the exact same.

  • Member Posts: 614

    For whatever reason you are near that hook as a killer the person on that hook deserve to have a chance to get away because he has no control when or how he gets unhooked. It is up to the other surviviors and the killers. And yes if you trigger the BT the chances are pretty high you are at least tunneling the person otherwise why would he procs the BT in first place. If you have seen scratches that means you would see the other survivor so just go after him ? I've seen a lot of people like you here who are trying to brute force some nonsense very often but they never look at the whole picture. If you have been a survivor main as you claim you should know very well how that feels when you get unhooked and tunneled and why BT is needed. If you haven't - then I think it is fair to say you haven't played a survivor much /aka you are lying there/... and I think everyone here would agree. It is just something very common to see as a solo survivor ...

  • Member Posts: 50

    So you're basically complaining why you can't camp and tunnel more efficiently

  • Member Posts: 490
    edited December 2019

    Here’s the video... happened yesterday... no voice comms or chat... I knew there was a doc on the team from the pre-load screen... you wonder if you could get healed... you kinda have an intuitive guess with enough experience... he actually went under me which only I could provide a hole for him to heal:

    You under-estimate experienced solo-quers - when they’re given some even mild info... info goes a long way.

  • Member Posts: 490

    The threat of DS is reason for why killers wouldn’t pick them up and go for the unhooker... the killer doesn’t deserve to lose momentum because of hook-rushers.

  • Member Posts: 86

    As I said, DS needs just 2 adjustements... protection gone if you are full healed (which means you weren't tunneled), or you do something different than heal (stop survs abusing rushing gens hurted)

  • Member Posts: 296

    Like SB, it's a one use, but it can now be used to quietly fall down from a high drop, so the killer goes up to that location won't hear you at all. Makes one loop up a second story possible, and that's okay.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    It would be good if it could be used on every map in multiple locations. That isn't true unfortunately.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    RS6 is an entirely different game as I stated in my last post where teamwork is needed as you win or lose as one.

    Info can be good but it can also have adverse effects like I said the ranks in lobby caused too much dodging. If someone comes into game with WGLF and/or BT/we'll make it yes you know it's a save build and they will go for them but will it stop you from also making them or simply expect them to make them all the time? You are already notified when they have certain perks after actions which never done anything to change the gap. What makes you think knowing before hand would change that?

    DBD is a game where you aren't actually a team in the same vain as other games you are a set of players with a common goal and what you do is more about choice than needing too as you can win or escape while everyone else dies. The others outcome doesn't change you own with how the game is setup.

  • Member Posts: 490
    edited December 2019

    You need teamwork in this game (that’s balanced around swf vs killer) aswell as rainbow 6 siege - all to some extent and R6S enables that more for solo-quers as they give more info... the difference in that game is - there’s more info given... KNOW’ing there’s a doc is essentially like knowing what perks are in play in that game.

    You can still play how you want even if you see teammates perks... obviously solos can’t try good teamwork if the information is suppressed in the first place.

    You can’t dodge if the perks are shown in the match and really the game is rated 18 or w/e depending on country... let the community be able to hold itself up in social matters.

    People build game-sense after enough time... I ranted about lion earlier... I’m actually seeing soloquers use lion pretty well recently despite his huge nerfs... nothing amazingly strong but the odd wonder play can go far.

    Also dude, just look at Aaron’s play’s recent video with BT... you’re enabling that douche play... he even says in the video title “OP?”.

    And sorry but I’d rather have encounters like in that vid with the random which was a beautiful and awesome moment (which stuff like that comes now and then) than something like on dbd with the douche rushing to me with BT farming to get ez rank 1 sandbagging their teammates emblems.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    Thats the thing you don't actually need team work in DBD but it can be used if one wishes too. Hook saves can be coordinated even in solo with guestures but most players are out for there own needs and use the other for points or to help them escape its an entirely different mindset and why many players lead the killer to others to save their own skin. The game gives players a choice about working together or not, saving others or not, risking yourself or letting them die. It's the whole concept help of other or don't.

    In RS6 you must keep an eye on what's happening in the match. Take defending you need to know where each person is as one going down leaves that area exposed for the attackers to break through and needs another to cover it. Without team work you are less likely to win as that how it is designed to be. Someone having a role means yes you know who to go to or what you need. It's the same in any game such as that.

    Knowing what someone has before hand doesn't tell you anything as this game has no roles. If anything it would just tell you there is a possibility but even if one person had BT they aren't ever guranteed to get a save. Why should the others let them? What do they gain from that? In reality its nothing and they actually lose more.

    I'm not enabling anything that's simply clutching at straws. You keep saying little remarks which are so far detached form the truth. I simply don't agree to change something due to some using it wrongly when it punishes the ones who use it as intended a lot more.

    Some will always troll or look out for themselves in this game regardless of what you give them. People sandbag others, tap heal, tbag other on hook, refuse to unhook, lead the killer to others, make noise to alert the killer etc etc its how the game is and nothing will change how people wish to play as this is a casual game which many just take way to seriously.

    If you think seeing perks at the start will make people know things you are so wrong. It would be much more beneficial to see someone has DS when say they are slugged. If they have BT when you are hooked by changing their aura. Knowing from the start doesn't give the same info as someone on comms saying "I still have DS to use" to have that info on the fly needs to be something shown to solo when they are in a position to use it or else there is still a gap.

    Do you honestly want all that to be in the game?

  • Member Posts: 369

    what you don't notice is that these perks can be abused beyond the "just dont tunnel"

    ds allows the survivor to play recklessly without being punished

    bt allows free bodyblocks

    please aknowledge why these perks are a problem and fix them please :)

  • Member Posts: 354

    But why not just get rid of the infinites? It's not hard to stop them from spawning if you change how the RNG worked on the maps that had them - or even to just flatout remove what causes them.

    Infinites are something that are far more frustrating to deal with than any perk in the game for Survivor. They are the true problem in the game, and should be removed. That way the perks that Survivors have wouldn't feel so bad in the trials as a Killer - and nerfing perks to accomodate them wouldn't be needed.

    These loops have plagued the game for years now, and they still haven't been removed. But why?

  • Member Posts: 146

    So you're saying nerfing BL is the right way to fix infinite loops? Why not just fix the maps? Can you tell us which maps had infinite loops? Maybe if you could give us a number of how many maps were effected by the BL infinite loops people might understand more.

  • Member Posts: 490
    edited December 2019

    You’d just show the DS highlighted or not + the timer etc... exactly everything your teammate seems in the match. You’d see the 60 second timer trickle down.

  • Member Posts: 982
    edited December 2019

    For Decisive Strike, I have to disagree. There are numerous examples of Killers who actively avoid tunneling and simply chase whichever survivor is the easiest target at any given time, but get hit by DS anyway.

    Survivors will often use DS as a safety net in order to play very carelessly; jumping into lockers right in front of the killer, working on generators in front of the killer, or unhooking in front of the killer.

    Also, why should the killer be forced to keep track of up to 4 60-second timers in their head, in addition to everything else they need to pay attention to?

  • Member Posts: 367

    Opposed to now where they down us, hook someone else, and we sit on the ground for a minute with them stalking us.

    I don't even have ds and it annoys me that I'm slugged just browsing Twitter on my phone because they think I have ds. I'd rather get hooked, struggle, and them leave so I can be saved or at least earn bp

  • Member Posts: 210

    If you're at the point where you're downing and hooking survivors fast enough to have to keep track of 4 60 second timers in your head, you probably don't need to be keeping track of much else since they sure as hell aren't getting anything done.

  • Member Posts: 207

    DS and BT need big nerfs. Deep wounds us pointless now and decisive is being constantly abused. Many survivors agree it needs to be nerfed.

    Unnerving Presence should be buffed to counter decisive. Every perk always has another perk that counters it. At least let killers sacrifice a perk slot to fight back

  • i have same direction but having different points

    peanit knowing stats of avg killrate and stuffs he so confident to being part of official opinion

    so doesn't want to nerf bt or ds because its now calling anti camping or tunneling perk

    i think different, as top player hits in chase always from survivors mistake

    that makes killer automatically lose when they decided to chase good players like me first

    its the same happen when i play killer or anyone plays killer unless they played one faction

    no matter how killer incoursing everything to maximized their base mov speed

    and blocking windows with bamboozle still theres so many pallets in common maps

    if survivors all decent at looping and gen rushing doesn't need any stealth to break game

    high usage of ability hitting op killer like spirit can hit survivors without get their mistakes

    before this game population grown every survivors in asia had that level of looping

    they had no problem with spirit and tinkerer fastest charge billy and quick draw hatchets

    now? idk what happend to userbase

    good to see wm1s like wraith or freddy also can all kill so some people playing them

    but still heres lack of killer playerbase

    because they knowing if they get mm x4 of good players

    and toxic teabaggers like me just better to clear room and play survivor side

    because killers are passive from those limited gen rushing+killing time increasing perks

    maybe killer still gets 2k at egc but killer player didn't any fault at their play to lost their pips

    and i can stay or get pips easily when im dead while laughing how much i bullied killer

    pffs what im talking

    i want to separate deep wound and endurance

    bt should be old white screen version 25sec timer

    ds i think any nerfs are welcome if its situationally usable

    if mattle of man was old white timer and 20sec im sure its balanced and people not much cared about it

    devs should rollback white timer and still its end game and general timing changer

    punishing killer twice for camping and tunneling fine = ridiculous conversation for me

    i played survivors mostly when middle vault buffed and maps were crazy

    played legion 100% while legion was broken, especially purple tape

    played nurse 100% while nurse broken, and checked its free all kill ticket

    now i don't scare killers after nurse nerfed so playing 80% survivor and 20% killers because there lemmings i can all kill easily

    how to check skill yourself in this game when you playing both factions and well knowing them

    imagine 4 survivors of your level and all solo vs your killer and its not a spirit

    if you can think your killer without mori can all kill 4 of your level solo survivors

    you still "very" bad at this game and have no sense about judges

  • Member Posts: 982

    I said "up to" 4, not exactly 4. My point still stands; if you don't keep track of exactly how much time is left until DS wears off, you will often get hit by it at the last second, or be forced to slug a survivor out of paranoia.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    Are you looking into killer movement when falling and landing near objects to correct the amount of jostling and unwanted velocities that result? This would be one way to prevent loops such as those from being "infinites" even with a stagger reduction and would also give killer players the feeling of more control over the character when dealing with heights.

  • Member Posts: 4,125


    But 90% of the situations the unhooked survivor bodyblocks the killer so the unhooker can just savely run away and you cant do anything against that. In that case you are FORCED to hit the survivor or wait until the endurance status effect runs out. In theory Borrowed time is a good and balanced anti tunnel perk agree but in practice it is getting abused waaaay to easy with barely any downsides for the survivors. They dont take any risk getting hit by borrow.

  • Member Posts: 1,367

    DS is a free escape when the Exit Gates are open though. It's a lose-lose situation if you down a Survivor at the Exit Gate who just got off the hook. They use DS and escape or they just crawl out and shouldn't be that way.

    DS should be disabled during the End Game Collapse.

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