List of suggestions


So I've mainly been on Reddits dead by daylight with a lot of my ideas and I know devs don't look on there but I just wanted to discuss with the community. Now I actually hope the devs look at some of these as I have played more and feel like some of these would improve the game. FTR technically I'm a survivor main, for swf aspect but I do enjoy both sides. I made it to rank 2 as a survivor and only rank 8 as killer. Also I think it's harder to be a killer than a survivor.

First mechanics.

Games go to fast and killers depend on hex ruin because of this. Plus high rank people know to spread out and get 3 gens done in less than 2 minutes. Which is why certain killers aren't in high ranks (trapper, demogorgon need time to use their power). What if the solo repair speed is reduced and coop is increased. Would encourage more cooperative gameplay while making the gameplay last a little longer.

NPC husks for DCed players. If a player DCs they can't join another game until the game they DCed from is over. I would like the husks to be able to move still but that may be difficult for the devs, I just hate missing out on a token for huntress lullaby because some guy DC on my shoulder.

Make totems harder to find, they spawn in some areas that just don't hide them at all. Plus they don't seem that random anymore and there is a lot of ways to find them (perks and item). Maybe even add more than just 5. Or allow the killers to find the dull totems and convert them to hexs.

Distraction points for survivors on hook getting face camped. Face camping is literally the only thing that bugs me about gameplay. It's not fun for the hooked survivor and it prevents them from earning points during the game. Plus technically the killer is distracted watching them. Also, more point penality for the camper.

Make it harder for survivors to rank up and easier for killers. Sometimes I do almost nothing in a survivor match and still pip up while I put work in as a killer (3 sacs) and barely pip up.

Now for killer suggestions

Freddy- alarm clocks, more than 1 able to use. I fall asleep, I always need the alarm clock on the opposite side of the map. Teleporting, needs a longer cool down, and fake outs should start The ability over not just take it from like 50-75% charge time. (Freddy is even my favorite killer).

Demogorgon- needs a boost on Portal set time and an add-on that allows for already placed portals.

Spirit- please get rid of her mini phasing. Freddy only phases for awake survivors at a distance but this killer can be right up on you and disappear for a second, long enough to come around a corner unexpectedly and down you. Sometimes it appears as lag but it's not.

Pig- speed up her crouch. She doesn't even get to use her undetectable aspect. Give her the ability to grab more bear traps, every other killer with item powers has the ability to replenish but her. Make the games longer the more they play, like Freddy's waking up scheme, the more you do it, the longer it takes.

Huntress - wouldn't mind some type of aiming dot or something for her hatchets.

Ghostface-remove the directional indication of being revealed. Sometimes I don't want to reveal him but because I look in his direction, he knows my direction which forces me to reveal anyway which will inevitably give my position away.

Clown- make his tonics more potent or have some lingering effect like the doctor.

Doctor- this may just be the electrical engineer talking but why is his power able to go through objects like rocks? He shouldn't be able to shock people through walls and rocks.


BBQ and chili- take the blood point boost and put it on like monstrous shrine or something.

Small game should have a token system, earn tokens not start with them.

No mither - I'm not sure how to fix this perk but I think it's terrible. If I see a survivor already injured at the start, I know not to leave him on the ground. So what's the point of running it?

This is all I can remember off the top of my head and at this time at night. I'm sure I'll leave more on here. Looking for constructive feedback or just suggesting these to the devs.


  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185
    edited December 2019

    Follow up with NPC for DC players. Just had a match where I almost depipped because 1 surv DC and another committed suicide on first hook. Why do the killers have to get punished for survivors no wanting to play?

    Survivors also get a harder match but at least they don't need to do much work to pip up.