Lobby dodging

What is something that makes you nope out of a lobby?
For me as killer, any more than a single toolbox and there's a good chance I'm gonna find another lobby lol
For me, as a survivor, I only dodge if one of the other survivors has a name like "Spirit = DC" or even has the decency to warn the team in the pregame chat that they're planning to DC if X happens.
As killer, I very rarely dodge even if the team looks like they won't be much fun to go up against. The only time is if I see a survivor who I know from past experience is going to disconnect on first down or something similar, or if someone has a map and I'm trying to do a Trapper challenge involving catching survivors in bear traps.
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I just ready up as soon as possible and generally only look at what's going on in the lobby during the last few seconds, mostly to see if a key was brought. Lobby dodgers are a huge pain to me, especially last night when I was playing with my friends and it took like 15-20 minutes to find a lobby, and the killer DC's and this happened like 4 times in a row. We didn't have any crazy items either they just dc'd because it was a 4 stack I think.
Personally I'd like a change that doesn't show killers the survivors at all. Survivors can't see the killer's add-ons/perks, or if there is a mori. So why should the killer get to see if the survivors have items so they can lobby dodge? Because of Franklin's? There are useless perks on survivors side, and even if no survivors brought an item into the match, there are boxes which it can be used against.
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I used to get so frustrated going against 3-4 man swf groups, if 3 or 4 people all popped into the lobby at the same exact moment I'd dodge... But not anymore. I just find lobby dodging annoying now and I'd rather play a miserable game than wait another ten minutes to fill a lobby. As survivor (99% of the time I play solo) if I'm planning on bringing a toolbox but two other people bring a toolbox I'll just unequip mine cause most killers see that and feel like they're gonna get screwed with 3+ gens in five minutes... So they just leave the lobby.
I get why people lobby dodge but it's still just annoying
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Yeah. I feel kinda bad for dodging, but let's be real, going up against a shite ton of toolboxes really isn't fun.
And if this isn't fun, why play, ya dig?
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But killer fun isn't important. You're just there as a punching bag for survivors. No go be quiet and enjoy all of your nerfs.
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Main reason I dodge is red ping.
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Where do you get this "80%" figure from? I assume it's your backside.
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Yeah man, like I said, I do get it. I just choose not to anymore for the sake of time mostly
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Survivors not readying up. 2+ toolboxes when I'm not in the mood to bring a mori. Bad ping.
I usually don't have problems to get a match when I play surv, even when I play with a SWF group. From my experience, items are the main reason for getting dodged, not being SWF.
If killers weren't allowed to dodge lobbies/to see the survivors, we would have even less people playing killer. We are already in a problematic situation with instant killer lobbies and long queue times for survivors, and a big lack of highrank killers.
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Give it time. With the new ranking system, eventually every killer and survivor will be red and purple every season
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Yeah, I expect that to happen, too. Still it doesn't solve the problem with not enough people wanting to play killer.
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Ping & people not readying up until the timer's almost up.
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True. Killer can be really stressful at times.
Plus it can be more fun to win as a team and pop on 4 people alone lol
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If I somehow have ping that would make it feel like I'm playing from a colony on Mars.
That's it, don't care about anything else.
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I dont dodge, because I have some balls. Also it would be hypocritical to dodge, when I complain about dodging myself.
But I switch the Killer, if I see too many Toolboxes. I wont play a Mid Tier Killer, I play Spirit with Good Add Ons then.
Just making sure that I have something of equal strength instead of dodging.
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@Aven_Fallen You can't expect everybody to have a leveled Spirit. Or even wanting to play Spirit.
But as you said, good that you don't dodge when you complain about it.
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I don’t dodge (unless I’m spent and mentally exhausted and my spidey sense is telling me to get out or real life stuff) UNLESS:
- The survivors have more than 2 toolboxes. 2 is my limit. 3 or 4 and I’m walking out the door.
- And most importantly, I get the hell out of dodge as BOTH killer and survivor when I see a survivor whose name implies dbd smurf (it should be noted I play on ps4 - so either the player made a new account or is extremely dedicated enough to change names.) or wears toxicity like a badge of honor. Yeah no, I want to play a GAME not a bully/sandbag simulator where I’m the victim.
And I think that’s totally fair and reasonable.
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I generally don't dodge, unless I'm doing a challenge/daily/achievement.
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If I see a swf with everyone having 2k+ hours nope not dealing with it
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I only dodge if I am in a bad mood and see every survivor wearing something multiple times.
As example 3-4x toolboxes, or 3-4x flashlights.
Then I ask myself "why should I do that to me?"
2x toolboxes are regularly already annoying, 2x flashlights can be, if they know how to use them...
If the devs think that such teams are ok, they should play against them by themself -> I don't have always the mood for it.
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I don't have much time to play some nights, so if I know I am only going to play one game, I will dodge if all 4 survivors drop in at the same time.
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Dodging a lobby with four blendettes who will inevitably put on a yamaoka offering is important to maintaining good mental health.
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More than one David in the default outfit. Take turns learning to play no mither don't do it in the same match.
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As a Killer, an SWF group. I've dealt with enough annoying groups tht id rather just not deal with it. I don't care for items or cosmetics, so they can all have boxes,keys, maps, don't care. I've also at times just had a feeling in my gut that I won't have fun if I play this group, so I'll leave those.
As Survivor, I guess if things either take to long or something comes up.
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I leave lobbies as a survivor if there's a Blendette. I just will not play with someone who is too afraid to play. And high ping.
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It happens constantly on PS4. If there's two or more tool boxes it's almost an automatic dodge
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Pfft, what do you mean? I just got dodged two out of my last three. My record was five straight yesterday which made me stop playing. I never run prestige cosmetics in case that might scare away some killers. What rank are you, btw? I'm five right now and the dodges are worse than they've ever been.
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Rank 6 survivor atm. I main Dwight/Nea/Feng
I play around 3 to 5 survivor matches per day and get at least one to two dodges. Killers D/C has also gotten worse in the past month or two I feel
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Just take solace in the fact that those "Twitch Streamers" will never break 5 concurrent viewers, and their dreams have no chance of coming true.
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I only Dodge ######### pings
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Oh yeah the killer dc's are making challenges really annoying for me. When the game doesn't bug and actually gives me credit for them, the killer dc's. It happens a LOT lately.
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Also not true. Tyler1 and WingsofRedemption exist.
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ah wings lol
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Oh, oh, you lucky, lucky soul.
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I mostly dodge people who change their items right before the lobby timer reachs 5 seconds. Sometimes I dodge a 3 man or 4 man swf team after some bad experiences when I was starting to learn the game (Haddonfield offerings, playing against survivors who were a much more higher ranks than me and the idea of coordination and communication struck me as an unfair and unbalanced advantage after a while).
I can handle two people playing together on comms, but I still consider that is an unfair advantage if I'm not playing against potatoes. Another thing I dislike about 3 and 4 man SWF teams is that they play together with their potato friends; ranks 13-15 and it's simply not fun to stomp the newbies/bad players. So I figured that a reasonable difficulty setting for me would be a 2 man SWF team paired together with either another 2 man SWF team or with survivors who are closer to my rank.
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I only dodge if im playing hag and see 2+ flashlights
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Yeah, see, I really only play legion. So more than one toolbox is suicide
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I mean, you cannot expect to win every game when playing the worst Killer.
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I dont expect to win, I just dont wanna get rammed in my pooper either.
I'm cool with losing if it's a fun and close game. Not just total carnage lol
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Auto dodge if there are more than 2 toolboxes and even with 2 it depends on if I'm set on playing a "fun" killer or build where I don't have to be a tryhard. Also will dodge if there are 3 survivors with a clan tag on their name or the word "toxic". But 3-4 toolboxes and I leave and laugh like "######### are you thinking?"
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Oh yeah, and those shady MFs that try to slip in a toolbox in the last 5 seconds of the countdown when there's already one in the lobby. I see you with that Engineer toolbox/BNP.
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When I stream I ask the lobby. If they say they aren't fine with it I leave
I only dodge on bad ping or depending on surv chat
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They did. At a live event even.
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I actually used to dodge SWF 3 years ago, but searching for mostly solos became too annoying, so I sucked it up.
I also used to dodge red pings, but once my lobby searches started taking longer than 10 seconds on average, I just thought: "You know what? You're the one staying here, so enjoy my teleporting and massive range."
Nowadays, I literally don't look at the lobby: I hit ready the moment I see my ping is fine, then browse these forums until the match starts.