The new map really hurts killers

I play on ps4 and sometimes I like to play nurse but I’ve noticed on the new map she just really sucks (even more then she already does on console) do you think the devs will ever balance for console? Or do anything that makes playing her feel better ? On console
Sadly I highly doubt this. When Nurse was gutted, she got gutted for good on all platforms. Even the skilled players can struggle with her. I'd also rephrase the question to be Nurse specifically if that's who you're struggling with.
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The new map is abysmal for Nurse on all platforms. As for performance of Nurse on console, as a former Nurse main on PC I dropped her post rework, and in general straight up don’t see her anymore, so if anything I’d say they made Nurse on PC equal the console experience.
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Any plans on brightening the map? It is SUPER dark.
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Its not the temple alone. Random rocks and structures around the entire map are affected by this.
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I'm surprised the map is on console. Haven't seen it at all yet
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I hate the new map
It looks amazing and the statues looking at you is really creepy but god i can't see anything
Survivors can lose me just be running in a straight line
I have the same problem with the other japanese map
Something about those maps just makes my eyes go blurry
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Had a game last night as Nurse where I’d go to blink upstairs on Asylum, only for it to take me to the basement, even tho I was looking up.
Cost me the game, super annoying.
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That is stupid annoying as nurse. I feel like they need to make the blink landing indicator as basekit for her.
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Killers: It is a Horror Game, people should be scared!
Also Killers: Its too dark, I am scared. :(
The Lightning on the Map is fine. I have no problem with it. More a problem with the sounds tbh...
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On console at least, she’s so painful sometimes. Very map dependant.
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Same on PC. Badham Preschool, Hawkins, and Lery's are AWFUL. If I can get a 2K, I feel like I won.
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I literally struggle to see on it no matter what side I’m playing.
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Sounds are a problem, they seem to be bugged at the moment.
However, the map is way too dark. If a Claudette starts running, you can completely lose her. It is too dark.
Also, saying that only Killers want this game to be horror is incredibly childish. You are looking for things to be upset over, there are people who play both sides who want that; there are also people who don't.
Oh, and for the record, I do play both sides, a lot.
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Lightning? I didn’t realize there was lightning on the maps. That could make for some badass pictures.
We want to this to be a horror game, but we also need to see where we’re going. The Survivors are the ones who are supposed to be scared.
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I've gotten stuck in spaces I should be able to pass on the new map. Then sometimes, I run into random statues that aren't visible. lmfao
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Nurses issues aside, Keep the map dark. Apparently I'm unaffected by the darkness, so I can see Claudettes attempting to perform the Blendette strat, and then just walk up to them and smack them in the face! Maybe my tv's brightness is higher than it should be? lol
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It is not too dark. For once there is a Map that is not in complete daylight. Like on Farm Maps, when standing on a Hill, I can look from one side of the Map to the other. If you compare it to what DBD looked like in the past, the new Map is not darker. But players are simply more used to it.
If people would actually play instead of complaining, they will also get used to the Lightning of the new Map. (When it comes to visibilty, the problem is more in the tall grass or whatever it is)
And nope, sounds dont SEEM to be bugged, they ARE bugged. Injured people without Iron Will are comipletely silent from time to time.
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This. I've been blocked by jungle gym walls and rocks when I'm pushed up against them with a full blink charged. I've actually DC'ed from a frickin CUSTOM GAME match with friends I got so frustrated. I have less trouble with blinking around the temple than I do with the random junk scattered around the map. I suppose I could go back and highlight a match to prove it, but it would include some REALLY salty commentary.
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Please hurry. I've gotten this map twice as Nurse and I've just stopped playing her because of this.
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I was on the old Yamaoka map for the first time yesterday and we had three gens done before I realized it wasn't the new Yamaoka map. WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S DARK? 😉