25 mins? ######### how many times did they dc before hand :')
13 -
Pretty much what @MrsMaliciousX is saying.
25 min isn't happening on 1 DC
25 -
As for the cancel match part, at the moment, if you are the one that crashed, you will get the DC penalty. The other players will not.
19 -
2 times :))
1 -
Seeing that the first one starts at like 30 seconds or so, I mean it must have been really going hard at dc'ing lol. But I guess if the match gets canceled people are receiving the timeout as well.
2 -
hi Queen , infinite loading screen then my friend got 25m after match canceled
0 -
Why keep dcing tho. I mean clearly they seen that there was a timer on it the first time its kinda hard to miss. I mean it sucks that it happened..BUT he kinda just has to wait it out.
1 -
that we know , but why is that a thing tho ? his game didn't crashed, he wasn't loaded into the match , i asssume servers logs or whatever info the server gives , can tell if a player crashed or dc'd by his choice... right :) (again , he dc'd 2 times before by his choice )
1 -
Actually, I can refute what not_Queen is saying. My fiance barely ever plays DBD, but today she wants to do a 2 person SWF with me (not super sweaty, we mostly just sandbag eachother :P). Had a couple matches, and the 3rd match was cancelled, and she ended up with a 25 minute ban. This is a person who hasn't played the very least...last February? And even then, she never DC's.
In contrast, I DC'd from a game last night (As killer, cause someone else DC'd and I don't do 3v1's). I got nothing.
So I'd say BHVR better get on this ASAP.
17 -
was for test, to see . but not that is the issue, the issue is that 3'rd time wasn't a dc , but never got into the match ( sort of infinite loading screen) . we are not talking about first 2 DCs because we know he deserved the time out for that :))
0 -
Okay and my question is, Did he DC pick you up then try to load into a game?
Do we even know if you can load into a game while you have the timer active?
No one really knows anything about this dc stuff yet, so for your buddy to test this out as soon as it drops is kinda ballsy
1 -
Just to make sure they see this
1 -
The bug penalty system is now live, and also bugged.
Oh the irony is off the scale on this one! You put in a system specifically desgined to punish people who get hit with one of your bugs, and you can't even do that right....
14 -
the penalty should be gone i had to dc twice already because the game is bugged as ######### and still i got punished (first one the game frozen in the loading screen and second one the same). so biased and stupid, when are they gonna fix the real problems this game has like bugs and glitches?.
3 -
Amazing confidence in your programmers, that for the first time, the got it right and couldn't possibly have made a mistake in their programming.
Instantly accusing your customers of being dishonest or going absolute "that's not possible" mode is the last thing you should be doing with all things considered. Didn't even make a recommendation to use the bug reporting feature so the devs could look into it. Just "nope, that didnt happen, our game would never do that"
8 -
just so I understand, if my game crashes, I get penalized? So when your game crashes, you punish me?
This has to be a misunderstanding. There is no way you are punishing players for your infinite loading screen bug that I got 4 times 2 weeks ago. Tell me I read that wrong, please. You guys said you can tell the difference between a game crash and a DC. Was that all smoke?
EDIT - If this is true, please fire your developers and hire new ones. This is pure incompetence.
8 -
Right? Imagine, BHVR, the technical prodigy's of our generation, making a mistake. OOF.
2 -
This is the proof that system does not know if you are dcing on purpose or just your game crashed. Bad feelings about this...
8 -
If they keep game crashes or lag outs as punishments I might finally leave this game
8 -
Behaviour introduces a system they have been working on for MONTHS. On release its bugged on a gamebreaking level.
Why am I not surprised?
11 -
Infinite loading screen is not infinite it goes for five minutes max quit disconnecting
1 -
Actually, there is an infinite loading screen bug.
9 -
Wait you expected a good system? lol
3 -
Makes perfect sense to punish players for the developers coding errors.
This is how you lose customers effectively.
My swf buddy had the same. We played a different game after that.
Fix your code, epic failure once again.
9 -
Imagine thinking that it's even REMOTELY okay for that to be a thing.
This is self sabotage. It has to be. You guys honestly, at this point, have to be TRYING to kill DBD. There's no other explanation for this long series of things BHVR has been doing, not doing, and completely ignoring for the last..forever. NOBODY can possibly be this careless or negligent.
7 -
well , RIP dbd
0 -
Of course not, but at least a system that in case of doubt does not punish innocent gamers...
1 -
Let's be real, you knew this was coming. Tons of people are going to get upset for getting punished for their unoptimized game. You could literally be in loading for a match, get up to take a piss, come back and you're penalized for a game or lobby crash.. KEKW
seriously though how many dc's til a perma ban that's the real question guys
8 -
You must be new to Dbd, if you expected (1) competent programmers, and/or (2) the designers thinking ahead of time.
Don't worry mate, you will get used to Behaviour in no time. Meanwhile enjoy our overpriced cosmetics, while you are at it!
2 -
@The_Second_Coming We are putting up a thread for issues like your fiance had. We will ask for Cloud IDs (in DMs) and investigate these cases. Thanks for the feedback.
0 -
It's a good start. I'll get her to post.
This should have been tested more thoroughly beforehand, though. Especially since the issues came nearly immediately.
4 -
Yeah, openly antagonizing your players is always a great idea. Even if it penalizes you a minute the first time, any penalty box time that's YOUR fault as devs because of a crash should instantly come with some sort of "We apologize for the inconvenience, we're working on improving the system as soon as we can," when you're called out, not "Nuh-uh, you're lying."
10 -
4 -
1 -
your friend is very unlucky.....
1 -
Hi, I quite often get freezes while the game is loading and then have to close application in task manager.
Will I be penalised for this?
0 -
It was commented on about it that they are investigating it. It's only a test for now.
0 -
0 -
Glad console isn't getting these tests right now since game crashes are the most common thing possible
3 -
uh oh looks like not_queen is going to have to issue an apology.....
5 -
That is a question I have in mind too. What about game or pc crashes? To penalize theses is definitely the wrong way. And as far as I can tell the game already knows different kind of DCs (the ones with sound and the ones without)
Maybe devs can make that a little bit clearer?
2 -
So this is why the test doesn't run into the weekend
0 -
Yes, from my understanding
0 -
Switch has it and it has a bug where you have to turn off your switch from what I've heard.
0 -
feel sorry for the poor souls on switch
3 -
Well considering how often this buggy game breaks during loading screen for no reason, that's going to be a big problem..
2 -
to prevent survivors pulling the plug after seeing certain killer offerings.
0 -
Yep , @not_Queen
1 -
I just stop playng the game