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Unhooking survivor when killer is close

Why oh why, do players think it is the best idea in the world, to unhook another player immediately after they have been hooked, when they don't have borrowed time? If I play killer, and someone does this, I go after the person that has done the unhooking, purely as I think this is unfair to the person who has just been unhooked especially when it happens right at the start of a game!!


  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    They're probably trying to get safe unhooks for the archives, but being potatoes about it. I played 4 matches as survivor last night, I was the first one found every time and had terrible teammates. Annoying for sure, but nowhere near as bad as killer.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    I mean, I do it with WGLF and Borrowed time - but I also make sure I'm the next one to go down, and not the person I unhooked.