Arm Flailing

What does this mean to you?
I flail my arms mostly to get my teammates' attention and get them to save me. "Hurry up plz" or "No one is coming to get me!"
I use it as save me, now. Because when i use it as 'I'm being camped', other survivors come running to save me
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I also thought it meant camping, do generators!
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It means something else than "I'm doing my gymnastics because I can't do anything else." ?
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Yeah, but i get yelled at by people saying" No! It means save me! Y u dumb?! R u a noob?! Rank 4 my [BAD WORD]" I mostly get that so now i have been converted to do that. So far no one's complained to me about it yet.
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Waving your arms on the hook generally means "I am being camped" as it's really the only information you can signal that can't be confused with just doing nothing because you aren't trying to signal anything.
If people aren't coming to get me, ONE arm wave helps to get attention. Repeatedly doing it says to people "the killer's come back, it's not safe" and if you're doing that to say "come get me" it's a great way to go into second stage for no reason.
Additionally it's good to give a wave when someone's close to you but they're headed straight at a trap on the ground, they may not always get it but sometimes they'll change their path, especially if they know it's Trapper.
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It used to. Nowadays, in my experience, people tend to use it more to mean the opposite.
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When I first started I did it because I thought it was funny. Then people explained that it meant I was being camped.
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It's meant to indicate that you are being camped. I flail when the killer is near by. When the killer leaves, I raise my arms to the hook and let go.
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This is exactly how I do it and what also makes the most sense imo.
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Oh that’s why no one comes for me when I do it.. I usually flail my arms when I’m about to get into second state then I get their and someone else is getting chased THEN they come for me.. I used to get pissed but I guess they thought I was saying the killer was camping :/
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This. It basically got no other use, because everyone got a weird understanding of it.
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I use it to give me something to do... that's it. I don't pay attention to it.
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Flailing like crazy means the killer is camping, slow hook grabs mean come get me. At least that's what i've been noticing on PS4. I miss the days where it was only used for camping so i knew what was going on. Lol
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I feel like this was the original meaning back in the day but has since come to mean...nothing. I honestly dont think anything of it. Some times people do it because they are being camped sometimes they do it to signal that they are ready to be saved and other times they are doing it because they have been playing this game for three years and they are just bored of sitting on hooks.
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It means I'm checking that my mouse button works.
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This whole time I thought it meant "save me nobody is coming for me," Because it works like everytime for me.
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I use it to warn of camping but have learned most survivors use it to try and rush people to unhook them. So now I have to tell people in chat to only use it to warn of camping.
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It 100% means the killer is near/camping it always has , think of flailing as an alarm system , you want to signal danger
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It's the universal movement for "Unhook me noooooooooooooooooow!"
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The flails are obviously in morse code
People do say some really weird stuf with it sometimes
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For myself do it to signal the killer is close, dont save me.
If anyone comes towards me more fool them as it has always been that way since the game release. Some of course who joined later in the games life used it for the killer is not near me so it has lost some of its meaning but generally most do seem to get it and dont come for me until I stop.
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WHAT?! Me and a lot of my friends use this as the sign for "he's not around, come now"
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I use it as "I'm being camped, stay away".
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I use it more when I want someone to come get me. However there is no clear indication of what it means
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I always thought it meant I'm being camped but I know not everyone uses if for the same thing, so I take it with a grain of salt. I've started twitching just for something to do now.
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I've used it to signal "save me!"often. However I've used it also as survivors get close as a warning. In Trapper matches, I'll start flailing if your coming through a trapped area and stop when you're in the clear.
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If someone is flailing I don't save. I assume the killer is camping.
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Yeah some changed it to that scenario as they didn't know there was actually already a reason people did it and thought hey I have an idea lol then the debates started long ago.
It has always been the universal sign for camping though.
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Honestly, I don't like how loose this term is, people all interpret it differently, I think we should just get dedicated gestures that say "The killer isn't nearby, come help me !" and "The killer is camping, rush gens!", dunno exactly how they could be implemented though :P
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I usually flail if the killer is close, or I’m about to go into second stage and no one is coming. If I’m not being camped I’ll usually do a long hold, but not actually try to Kobe, to say that no one is coming please save me. Otherwise, I’ll just sit still and wait for the person I see coming to get me to unhook me.
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I always thought it meant the killer was close