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"No further plans for Legion at the moment": Timestamp was 1:09:00

RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

Welp it was nice thinking "oh perhaps they're just in the process of fixing the rest of his worthless addons/thinking about how to buff him" nope none of that. What a load of bs, they even said on stream he wasn't even close to midtier, btw for anyone wondering what the changes did to his statistics they did almost nothing, he's pretty much exactly where he was so that's feels even more like a kick to the balls.

Honestly if you wanna make him mid tier really fast without completely reworking him just give him a few changes like a bearable cooldown (3 seconds down from 4), there's 0 reason for it to be so forgiving, he's S tier at making unsafe pallets safe because of his gargantuan cooldown. Giving people he double hits the hindered status effect until they mend would be amazing for his chase potential without being gamebreaking and it would make being able to hit people twice serve more purpose than just an already hit survivor being able to bodyblock another from getting hit by frenzy and immediately cucking him from his power.

Addons: If you're not gonna do anything with the hindered effect for some reason make Frank's mixtape make it a 3 hit down, first 2 hits from the first frenzy and after going through 24 seconds of fatigue and cooldown if he hits you again you go down, sounds scary but this isn't the old Frank's mixtape where he could miss all day and still down you anyways, a well timed pallet stun and/or a good Deadhard will work against him making him wait another 23/24 seconds (4 second current cooldown + 20 seconds of recharge).

Stab wound study adds 3 guaranteed skillchecks without possibility of a great to mending pretty simple as the current time reduction does absolutely nothing but with skillchecks it takes away from the survivors awareness which makes mending instantly a little less safe and if they mess up it reveals their location and halts healing for a second. Filthy blade and nasty blade should increase the chance for a skillcheck during mending while also slightly increasing the overall mend time as they do already, make them worth running.

Fuming mixtape is a joke of an Iridescent addon and doesn't deserve to be anywhere near Iridescent heads/king, Mint rag, and silent bell, the whole purpose is to see gen progress but when you hit a survivor in frenzy it doesn't let you see gens anymore making it do nothing, not to mention Frenzy is not worth using as a mobility tool without duration addons, you don't get extra distance out of it if you do the math meaning all you did was see gen progress at the cost of missing scratch marks and blood, just not worth it. I'd love to see it let you see scratch marks and blood in frenzy, combined with M&A it could really let you get the jump on survivors giving you those needed frenzy hits where normally most people are already running to the other side of the map before you get the hit.

Lastly the detection addons are pointless, I'm sorry even while using M&A they're near pointless and a waste of a whole set of addons that can do almost anything else. Personally I'd change that addon set back to increase frenzy speed, if you wanna make them good without being too good just make each one for it's tier good but don't let them stack.

I know there's a decent group of people that want to see this killers power changed completely specifically away from deep wounds to maximize down potential but I really don't think they care enough about Legion to do that. That's pretty much what I'd do to Legion but hey it's not like he's getting any necessary changes for a while so back to the pit of mediocrity for seven long months we go until they rekindle our hopes just to half ass it again.

Post edited by RIP_Legion on
