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General Discussions

New Legion: how to play them RIGHT (long post)

Member Posts: 1,288
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

Dev stream made this official: this Legion is here to stay. In this case, let’s throw out the window all the negativity and try to learn how to proficiently play them and have some fun - this post will be very long and go in great details on what, in my opinion, is one of the best play styles with this killer. 

Disclaimer: an exception

Ok, let’s get this out of the way immediately: while what you’re going to read is a general guide proven right in the vast majority of games, you can always find a super organised swf team in a very survivor sided map - in those cases yes, you could fail, but that’s ok - if you really expect to play a killer that can win every game, what you actually want is a very unbalanced and broken game, so move on, this topic is not for you.

What Legion does not do very well

There has been a bit of a misunderstanding on what Legion power actually does, mainly due to the different iterations of Legion. Basically, it seems a good bunch of the community thinks that Legion is a slow down killer because of the ease in injuring survivors and mending time after Deep Wound has been applied.

While those two things are undeniable, by themselves they are not enough to make the game slow down enough. In fact, the game could even speed up.

Simply imagine: you are a very good looper and you find yourself injured almost immediately against a Legion, what do you do? You heal yourself, wasting your time since Legion can easily injure you again, or just do the generators? Thanatophobia adds a 16% slow down in a best case scenario, that’s just a bit more of 10 seconds of a generator, which is much less than the time needed to heal yourself (especially if multiple times). So yeah, you can’t rely on people healing as a slow down.

You can slow down the game with Legion, but that’s not because of their power per se, it’s more because of map pressure and the perks / add-ons we’re going to see.

What Legion actually does

Legion is probably the best tracker in the game, and one of the few killers able to preserve tokens of Save The Best For Last (STBL). Plus they have a very high mobility, which will be very helpful to move around in certain scenarios.

For who didn’t already know: hits during Feral Frenzy do not count anymore as Basic Hits, meaning that while one can’t apply any debuffs like the Mangled effect of Sloppy Butcher, you also won’t lose tokens of STBL.

With this in mind, let’s finally go into a normal game.

The Build

Hex: Ruin - you need to have a slow down perk for at least a few seconds. The first hit is too important, and if gens are flying before you have found someone, and possibly broke a couple of pallets, you’re in for a very difficult game

Pop Goes The Weasel - you won’t have time to go around and kick generators, that’s why you need something to slow the game quickly and strongly. Also, in extreme cases you can even use your FF to quickly reach a pivotal generator to pop.

Monitor & Abuse - this is a controversial perk for Legion: FF heartbeats are based on your Terror Radius, and M&A increases it during a chase (while it’s reduced when not chasing). You have to keep this in mind, and use it to your advantage. In fact, this downside is actually what will make you quickly understand if and when to go for another survivor or just take the stun and continue the chase. The other reason why we’re going to use this perk is to simply close distance to generators before survivors run away from you.

Save The Best For Last - eventually, you’ll almost become a fully committed M1 killer, and that’s only because of STBL. Without it, your games will be much, much harder.

The Add-ons

There are a lot of add-ons that you can use, not everyone is a game changer, but one that you should always use, if you are not going for a Iridescent Button game, is a Pin. The Legion Pin applies the Broken effect, while the Defaced Smiley Pin applies the Mangled one. In my opinion the latter is the best - as previously stated if survivors can’t heal, they’ll just do generators, if they can, well, that’s up to them. If they want to heal, they’ll be slowed down considerably, if they don’t want to, that’s fine as well, and we’ll see why.

If you want, use add-ons that increase your FF duration, they are very good, but in my numerous games I found out they are not that important, now that FF speed is increased. Also remember that thanks to M&A you’re going to chain hits only on survivors that are close by.

The Goal

In order to win the game Legion needs three things (in order of importance):

  • as much tokens as possible of STBL
  • false sense of security for survivors
  • injured survivors

Everything else is the same as for every other killer: 3 generators close by, keep everyone occupied, don’t waste too much time in a single chase, bait pallets and so on and so forth - but since this is true for every killer, I’m not going to go too much into it.

Early Game

Ok, we spawn and the first thing to do is to find a survivor. I usually go in a somehow distant area where there are a couple or more generators to check - if Ruin is not in my path that’s the best, but I leave it up to you on how to approach this. Once you find the survivor, there are two things to consider

  • is the survivor the obsession?
  • is the survivor on the very edge of the map? if so, how likely it is that there’s another survivor nearby?

If the survivor is the obsession, the smartest thing to do is to go into FF and hit her, if you see someone with FF go for it, it doesn’t matter if they are very far away, you just want their general position and M&A will help to catch them eventually. Downing the obsession at this point of the game won’t help you at all, so as a general rule, just use her to find other survivors.

If it’s not the obsession, the second point applies: if the likelihood to find another survivor nearby is not the best, you should consider hitting the survivor with a basic hit - it’s 1 token for STBL in your pocket, and you don’t risk missing your FF hit, which would hurt you a lot. However, don’t waste time - if you can’t hit them quickly, you need to go into FF and close the deal.

In any case, let’s assume that you used your FF - what you want now is to lose the chase to decrease your Terror Radius, and go for the nearest survivor, rinse and repeat. If the first survivor is running toward the center of the map then you can consider not losing the chase, but just keep following him - even if you can’t find another survivor to hit, you’ll be in a better spot once your power ends, and you will still have a survivor to chase anyway.

As always, don’t overcommit on a single survivor and cut your losses - if you can bait a couple of pallets but you still don’t see the second hit nearby, just take your loss and move on.

During your first chases try to create a mental map of the generators which are being worked on - if you can interrupt and hit someone that’s terrific, but otherwise don’t bother too much kicking generators: what you really want is your first hook.

From 1-2 tokens to Mayhem (a.k.a. Mid Game)

After your first hook you’ll have gained 1 or 2 tokens of STBL. That’s not a lot, but from now on everything will become much easier.

Recollect your mental map of the generators worked on and get there as quickly as possible. In this early phase I suggest to just walk there and preserve your FF: not only M&A could help and scratch marks will aid you find survivors, you can also expect a very quick save in the early game. That’s what you want, and this is time to get back very quickly.

In any case, if you are not at FF distance from the hook (meaning: you can't reach the hook without going into fatigue with FF starting from your current location), the best thing to do if you find an outpositioned survivor is to basic hit them.

This also applies if you are very near the hooked survivor - you will trade tracking and injuring potential for STBL tokens. Also you don’t really care if the survivor is getting saved under your nose, since a second hit on one of the two survivors is basically guaranteed at this point (3+ tokens).

On the contrary, if you are at FF distance from the hook, consider hitting with FF, and immediately run back to the hook if you see any heartbeat in that direction. If you don’t hear any heartbeat end your FF immediately, you absolutely don’t want to have it on cooldown while a survivor is still on hook.

Quick reminder: before you have maxed out your STBL tokens, always hit your obsession with a FF hit, no matter their distance. The only exception is if the obsession is already injured and a hit will result in a downed survivor.

A brief Chasing Tip

Once you realise the looping skill level of every player, try to use the strongest looper for your first FF hit - he would most likely be able to escape from a chain hit anyway by running away preemptively, and you don’t really want to waste time. It will also help your confidence and decrease the team morale. Plus, when eventually you will strike him, he’ll probably not see that coming.

Considering that this also applies to the obsession, if you think you are in a good spot, consider wasting the strongest looper Decisive Strike. He’ll become the obsession and you will catch two birds with one stone later on.

…and a couple of Feral Frenzy Tips

As said, we want to chain hits only on survivors in our TR while M&A is lowering your TR. Sometimes what will happen is that you start going toward a heartbeat, the chase with the previously hit survivor ends (thus lowering your TR) and the heartbeats will disappear. That’s where you want to make a play: lose sight of the mending survivor (yeah, they will most likely mend right after you hit them…), find the right angle to approach them and end your FF. Most of the time they won’t realise immediately what’s happening, and you can hit them a second time very easily. However, don’t abuse this too much; in fact, try to use it only after you already run away a few times in the past - this will give them a false sense of security, and that’s where punishing them becomes easier.

Another very situational scenario is when you are able to chain hit 3+ survivors: by the time the fourth survivor is going to be hit, the first one will likely have already mended. If you hear his heartbeat, go back to him but end your FF before he can see you. Your goal is to not let them realise you are going again for them, since most of the time Legion will commit to a chase of the last hit survivor - certainly not the first one! You have their general location, they will feel somehow safe, it’s time to strike.

Mayhem (a.k.a. 6+ STBFL tokens)

At this point of the game it is expected that a couple of survivors are constantly injured, maybe because of previous DW hits, maybe because of recent unhooks. In any case we don’t really need them injured (…aside for the obsession): with 6+ STBFL tokens once we hit a survivor there’s a very high chance of a second hit in a very few seconds. This is always true when more than one survivor are grouped together, but it’s invaluable when they are cornered.

This is where you will basically stop using FF to injure survivors, and will start using it to move around and Pop generators or track where survivors are located when someone is hooked (reason being: there’s a high chance more than one will be nearby, but if they aren’t.. you can commit to the chase!).

If you have 8 tokens of STBFL you can basic hit your obsession even if she’s not injured if you are confident you can chain a second hit: yes, you’ll lose 4 tokens, but having someone on hook is a good enough trade-off. Plus, 4 tokens are enough to quickly recover the lost ones from other survivors.

On Borrowed Time

When you are still striving for 6+ tokens go for the hit: it’s better to gain a token now than to maybe down them later but still be unable to hook them due to Decisive Strike.

On the contrary, never ever ever ever hit an Obsession with a basic hit which was just unhooked. Losing 2 tokens to borrowed time is the worst thing that can happen to you. Just do what you are supposed to do: hit your obsession with FF and go for someone else.

Late Game

Actually there’s really not much to say here. You should always have between 5 and 8 tokens of STBFL, survivors are being hit left and right and there’s no peculiar tactic for Legion at this stage of the game, so just do what you would do with every other killer: kill at least one survivor, have a couple of them on death hook, patrol generators and.. just play well :).

On Killing the Obsession

Remember that before the death animation ends, you can still gain tokens for STBFL - you know what to do.


Even if this post was very long, there are a lot of subtleties that I left behind, but you will figure them out as you go. This being said, if something doesn’t sound right to you let me know and I’ll try to explain it better, if I’m able to.

I really hope someone will find this post useful and will be able to have fun with this very controversial (but, in my opinion, very undervalued) killer. Yes, they still have some issues that I hope someday will be fixed, but please leave those considerations for other threads - this is the Legion that we have, and that’s about it for now.

P.S. I'm tagging a few people which may find this post useful, I apologise if that's not what they wanted :P @Sonzaishinai, @EleaticStranger, @Brucecastro81


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  • Member Posts: 14,110

    “Dev stream made this official: this Legion is here to stay. In this case, let’s throw out the window all the negativity and try to learn how to proficiently play them and have some fun - this post will be very long and go in great details on what, in my opinion, is one of the best play styles with this killer.”

    The devs said they had no plans to update them but no plans to not update them.

    ”Ok, let’s get this out of the way immediately: while what you’re going to read is a general guide proven right in the vast majority of games, you can always find a super organised swf team in a very survivor sided map - in those cases yes, you could fail, but that’s ok - if you really expect to play a killer that can win everygame, what you actually want is a very unbalanced and broken game, so move on, this topic is not for you.”

    I agree with this.

    ”There has been a bit of a misunderstanding on what Legion power actually does, mainly due to the different iterations of Legion. Basically, it seems a good bunch of the community thinks that Legion is a slow down killer because of the ease in injuring survivors and mending time after Deep Wound has been applied.

    While those two things are undeniable, by themselves they are not enough to make the game slow down enough. In fact, the game could even speed up.

    Simply imagine: you are a very good looper and you find yourself injured almost immediately against a Legion, what do you do? You heal yourself, wasting your time since Legion can easily injure you again, or just do the generators? Thanatophobia adds a 16% slow down in a best case scenario, that’s just a bit more of 10 seconds of a generator, which is much less than the time needed to heal yourself (especially if multiple times). So yeah, you can’t rely on people healing as a slow down.

    You can slow down the game with Legion, but that’s not because of their power per se, it’s more because of map pressure and the perks / add-ons we’re going to see.”

    Even with thana up, I try to not heal against legion. I’ll just take to ten seconds on a gen. So I agree.

    “Legion is probably the best tracker in the game, and one of the few killers able to preserve tokens of Save The Best For Last (STBL). Plus they have a very high mobility, which will be very helpful to move around in certain scenarios.

    For who didn’t already know: hits during Feral Frenzy do not count anymore as Basic Hits, meaning that while one can’t apply any debuffs like the Mangled effect of Sloppy Butcher, you also won’t lose tokens of STBL.

    With this in mind, let’s finally go into a normal game.“

    I’ll try stbfl. :)

    ”In order to win the game Legion needs three things (in order of importance):

    • as much tokens as possible of STBL
    • false sense of security for survivors
    • injured survivors

    Everything else is the same as for every other killer: 3 generators close by, keep everyone occupied, don’t waste too much time in a single chase, bait pallets and so on and so forth - but since this is true for every killer, I’m not going to go too much into it.”

    I’d like to include, using your skill in mind games is one of the best ways to win.

    ”Ok, we spawn and the first thing to do is to find a survivor. I usually go in a somehow distant area where there are a couple or more generators to check - if Ruin is not in my path that’s the best, but I leave it up to you on how to approach this. Once you find the survivor, there are two things to consider

    • is the survivor the obsession?
    • is the survivor on the very edge of the map? if so, how likely it is that there’s another survivor nearby?

    If the survivor is the obsession, the smartest thing to do is to go into FF and hit her, if you see someone with FF go for it, it doesn’t matter if they are very far away, you just want their general position and M&A will help to catch them eventually. Downing the obsession at this point of the game won’t help you at all, so as a general rule, just use her to find other survivors.

    If it’s not the obsession, the second point applies: if the likelihood to find another survivor nearby is not the best, you should consider hitting the survivor with a basic hit - it’s 1 token for STBL in your pocket, and you don’t risk missing your FF hit, which would hurt you a lot. However, don’t waste time - if you can’t hit them quickly, you need to go into FF and close the deal.

    In any case, let’s assume that you used your FF - what you want now is to lose the chase to decrease your Terror Radius, and go for the nearest survivor, rinse and repeat. If the first survivor is running toward the center of the map then you can consider not losing the chase, but just keep following him - even if you can’t find another survivor to hit, you’ll be in a better spot once your power ends, and you will still have a survivor to chase anyway.

    As always, don’t overcommit on a single survivor and cut your losses - if you can bait a couple of pallets but you still don’t see the second hit nearby, just take your loss and move on.

    During your first chases try to create a mental map of the generators which are being worked on - if you can interrupt and hit someone that’s terrific, but otherwise don’t bother too much kicking generators: what you really want is your first hook.“

    I’d prefer Bamboozle over M&A since spine chill easily counters M&A.

    ”After your first hook you’ll have gained 1 or 2 tokens of STBL. That’s not a lot, but from now on everything will become much easier.

    Recollect your mental map of the generators worked on and get there as quickly as possible. In this early phase I suggest to just walk there and preserve your FF: not only M&A could help and scratch marks will aid you find survivors, you can also expect a very quick save in the early game. That’s what you want, and this is time to get back very quickly.

    In any case, if you are not at FF distance from the hook (meaning: you can't reach the hook without going into fatigue with FF starting from your current location), the best thing to do if you find an outpositioned survivor is to basic hit them.

    This also applies if you are very near the hooked survivor - you will trade tracking and injuring potential for STBL tokens. Also you don’t really care if the survivor is getting saved under your nose, since a second hit on one of the two survivors is basically guaranteed at this point (3+ tokens).

    On the contrary, if you are at FF distance from the hook, consider hitting with FF, and immediately run back to the hook if you see any heartbeat in that direction. If you don’t hear any heartbeat end your FF immediately, you absolutely don’t want to have it on cooldown while a survivor is still on hook.

    Quick reminder: before you have maxed out your STBL tokens, always hit your obsession with a FF hit, no matter their distance. The only exception is if the obsession is already injured and a hit will result in a downed survivor.“

    These are some pretty solid tips. :)

    ”As said, we want to chain hits only on survivors in our TR while M&A is lowering your TR. Sometimes what will happen is that you start going toward a heartbeat, the chase with the previously hit survivor ends (thus lowering your TR) and the heartbeats will disappear. That’s where you want to make a play: lose sight of the mending survivor (yeah, they will most likely mend right after you hit them…), find the right angle to approach them and end your FF. Most of the time they won’t realise immediately what’s happening, and you can hit them a second time very easily. However, don’t abuse this too much; in fact, try to use it only after you already run away a few times in the past - this will give them a false sense of security, and that’s where punishing them becomes easier.

    Another very situational scenario is when you are able to chain hit 3+ survivors: by the time the fourth survivor is going to be hit, the first one will likely have already mended. If you hear his heartbeat, go back to him but end your FF before he can see you. Your goal is to not let them realise you are going again for them, since most of the time Legion will commit to a chase of the last hit survivor - certainly not the first one! You have their general location, they will feel somehow safe, it’s time to strike.“

    This can work since survivors will usually mend on the spot but other times we’ll try to finish a gen so this is iffy (which you essentially said) but still good advice.

    ”At this point of the game it is expected that a couple of survivors are constantly injured, maybe because of previous DW hits, maybe because of recent unhooks. In any case we don’t really need them injured (…aside for the obsession): with 6+ STBFL tokens once we hit a survivor there’s a very high chance of a second hit in a very few seconds. This is always true when more than one survivor are grouped together, but it’s invaluable when they are cornered.

    This is where you will basically stop using FF to injure survivors, and will start using it to move around and Pop generators or track where survivors are located when someone is hooked (reason being: there’s a high chance more than one will be nearby, but if they aren’t.. you can commit to the chase!).

    If you have 8 tokens of STBFL you canbasic hit your obsession even if she’s not injured if you are confident you can chain a second hit: yes, you’ll lose 4 tokens, but having someone on hook is a good enough trade-off. Plus, 4 tokens are enough to quickly recover the lost ones from other survivors.”

    Again, good advice.

    ”When you are still striving for 6+ tokens go for the hit: it’s better to gain a token nowthan to maybe down them later but still be unable to hook them due to Decisive Strike.

    On the contrary, never ever ever ever hit an Obsession with a basic hit which was just unhooked. Losing 2 tokens to borrowed time is the worst thing that can happen to you. Just do what you are supposed to do: hit your obsession with FF and go for someone else.”

    This is a good strategy for stbfl.

    ”Actually there’s really not much to say here. You should always have between 5 and 8 tokens of STBFL, survivors are being hit left and right and there’s no peculiar tactic for Legion at this stage of the game, so just do what you would do with every other killer: kill at least one survivor, have a couple of them on death hook, patrol generators and.. just play well :).”

    Ok :)

    ”Remember that before the death animation ends, you can still gain tokens for STBFL - you know what to do.”


    ”Even if this post was very long, there are a lot of subtleties that I left behind, but you will figure them out as you go. This being said, if something doesn’t sound right to you let me know and I’ll try to explain it better, if I’m able to.

    I really hope someone will find this post useful and will be able to have fun with this very controversial (but, in my opinion, very undervalued) killer. Yes, they still have some issues that I hope someday will be fixed, but please leave those considerations for other threads - this is the Legion that we have, and that’s about it for now.”

    Advice threads are good kept long. :)

  • Member Posts: 244

    nice post man very detailed and well mad but something i would like to add is that based on whether or not you have the length increasing add ons that you should talk about whether or not you should go for hits like if you have the add ons you should go for like half map stabs and stuff like that also you should talk about how to play if you do have the ultra rare add on

  • Member Posts: 1,288


    I’d prefer Bamboozle over M&A since spine chill easily counters M&A.

    I understand your point, but you have to consider a couple things:

    first of all, M&A is not only important to sneak on survivors (which, by the way, is really paramount especially early game :P), but also because of how I suggest you should use FF: if you lose a chase after having Killer Instinct active you can compare how many heartbeats you still see and understand the survivors general distance from you. Without M&A chaining hits may become more problematic, and if you find yourself using all your FF power without chaining a hit you'll be massively hindered.

    Secondly, Bamboozle is not very important while in FF, since you can vault back and forth in no time now that the vaulting is quicker, while you will hardly vault windows if you are not in FF anyway.

    Play style aside, I still suggest to at least give a try to M&A for the FF exploitation mechanic I suggest :).

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to do that tomorrow - before this recent patch I played a lot of games with Iridescent Button on and there are a couple of things I can say about it.

    As for the increased FF duration add-ons there's really not that much to add: since I'm suggesting to commit to a chain hit only on survivors on your lower terror radius, you already are somehow near them. An increased FF duration will simply give you a bit more time to catch a survivor that's trying to juke you, but I wouldn't suggest to run around the whole map in normal conditions, and that's also the reason why I don't think those add-ons are mandatory with this play style.

    They become much more important with Iridescent Button, so I'll talk about it a bit more tomorrow :).

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    I equip the brightest skin possible then stab people in Frenzy and it usually ends up going well.

  • Member Posts: 765

    Actually, what the devs said was that they understood that they nerfed Legion unintentionally and were watching him closely to see what they could do to bring him back up to better standing.

    This Legion of version isn't here to stay. It's inevitably going to to change for the better.

  • Member Posts: 749

    These are nice tips and strategies, but I'm confused on some certain aspects.

    Why would you give up on going after a survivor that's not in your lowered TR while FF?

    Why use STBFL over a tracking perk?

    I use BBQ instead of STBFL simply because it allows me to find survivors right after hooking someone. There is a lot of wasted time because there isn't a tracking perk in your recommended build you spend a lot time patrolling gens and coming back to hooks.

    Also survivors do commonly spawn together, or atleast that's my experience.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    There isn't a single survivor who can resist Julie with her party crasher skin. I 4k immediately every match because survivors simply submit when they become aware of my presence.

  • Member Posts: 1,288
    edited December 2019

    Why would you give up on going after a survivor that's not in your lowered TR while FF?

    That's because of how M&A works: Legion has a 32m TR, and M&A decreases/increases it by 8 meters. This means that while in a chase you see survivors that can be 40 meters away from you, while when you are not in a chase they will be no farther than 24 meters. When their heartbeat disappears, you know that they are at least more than 24 meters away from you, and in high ranks that can be enough to let them escape your chain hit: if they react immediately after hearing your TR and seeing a person hit by DW, they'll run away from you.

    Why use STBFL over a tracking perk?

    You don't really need tracking perks with Legion, since once you have Killer Instinct active you can track every survivor nearby anyway. M&A helps a lot to get this first hit. This being said, STBFL is the crucial point of the play style I suggest - without it Legion is a very weaker killer. That's my opinion, of course.

    As for BBQ - since we're going to use Pop, you already know where to go after hooking a survivor. Chances are that survivors will be near the same generator you are going to Pop anyway, but even if that's not the case you can't use Pop and BBQ proficiently at the same time in my opinion.

    If you are very, very confident you can try to switch Ruin for BBQ though.

  • Member Posts: 749

    I don't agree with first part. Most survivors in high ranks don't actually react if they don't hear a constant TR. As they don't want to abandon what they are doing just to hide from legion.

    But to use killer instinct you need to hit someone first. You also can't really rely on information that you got from the survivor on hook ( if you used FF before downing them ) as that could have 20ish seconds ago.

    I disagree heavily with not being able to use BBQ and pop proficiency, as BBQ tells you where survivors are at, which can also tell you which gens are most likely worked on.

  • Member Posts: 1,288
    edited December 2019

    as for M&A, I can just say: try it out yourself and see how it goes. In my experience this is the right way to use FF, maybe yours will differ, that's totally fine.

    as for Pop + BBQ - the point is that due to your high mobility you should already know what generators have some work on (remember the mental map of generators I wrote about?). If instead of relying on your mental map you use BBQ to decide which generator to pop, you risk two things

    1. the generator is far away, and by the time you reach it, it's already too late to pop, plus you are too far away from the hook to defend it, meaning that you wasted a lot of time, lost pressure on the map and didn't use pop (since now, at the very least you have to commit to a new chase with the survivor(s) that just finished the generator)
    2. you risk to defend a generator that is not in your best interest to defend anyway.

    But again, you can use Pop and BBQ, but there's no perk I'm willing to remove from my suggested build to give space to BBQ though. The only possible one is Ruin, but once you are in a game where you struggle to find the first survivor and two generators pops in no time you'll go back using it anyway :P.

  • Member Posts: 21,211

    This is basically my build for Legion. Thr problem is, tracking as a power alone does nothing.

    STBFL stacks are nice, but there is no reason to use it on Legion anymore than there is on Trapper.

    Legion lacks map pressure, stall and anything to help him win chases. If you get a map larger than Coal Tower, you are already in a losing position because of FF duration.

    My point is, a noble effort to try to make a guide for it, but, ultimately futile. Everyone will play Legion differently because Legion has no set way to play. He isn't like Myers or GF with two ways. He is whatever you make of him.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Thanks, i will definitively try this out ^-^

    They are certainly not a lost cause though you can do pretty well with Legion

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    It's a good way to play legion. I personally use the same tactic, but without STBFL.

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2019

    I just play the no kill all farm version of legion; get them piles of bloodpoints. He's who I play when I need bloodpoints badly.

  • Member Posts: 230

    Best addons - defaced smiley pin & stolen sketch book

    Perks - ruin, pgtw, thanat, m&a/dying light/bbq

    Stbfl is kinda shite on legion. They'll probably all be injured, and if not you'll ff them anyway, so you dont really need that fast follow up hit.

    I sometimes like to pair bbq with infectious fright... see them if they're close, see them if they're far.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Thanks for this post, legion is my most played killer right now and I'm managing okayish in red ranks but getting battered a fair bit as well obviously 😄 so need some new strategies. I started using the green pin addon with blood echo recently with pretty nice results...

    Also @Edys you killed yourself saving me from a clown once, it was appreciated <3

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I wonder how well the nemesis+pwyf combo works with them

    With them all being injured all the time Legion is kindaaa a oneshot killer

    Even 1 stack could make chasing easier

    I don't have nemesis yet so i'm not sure how this plays out ><

  • Member Posts: 1,609

    For me (that loves Waluidgion) I like thinking in another ways of playing Legion because he's a little strategic (in my opinion), so if you do the right decisions on when using your FF or not that is gonna the decisive thing in winning or loosing. For my understanding of this playstyle (maybe I understood nothing and I'm dumb) is: You use the FF in the beggining of the match if you think that you gonna find another survivors and if not you just farm STBFL stacks with the first survivor (only non obssesion), after that you only use for going for gens to use Pop, for hitting the obssesion or if you are going against a good looper (plz correct me if I'm wrong about the playstyle). I will try that out, realy looks promissing

  • Member Posts: 1,288
    edited December 2019

    I think some clarifications are needed:

    everything of this play style revolves around you having STBFL tokens, and those tokens are what will make you able to down survivors, even if they heal.

    In fact, you want them to be healing, due to the time waste, but you don't want to continuously injure everyone with FF (or to be more precise, don't go out of your way to do so). If you do so, survivors will eventually be less likely to heal, plus by hitting them with FF you are not really achieving STBFL tokens or breaking pallets.

    This being said, you can infer when to use FF:

    • tracking other survivors nearby would be useful (e.g. early game, centre of the map, hooked survivor nearby...)?
    • is there a pallet next to you? If that is the case, it's best to try to bait it with a basic attack, even take the stun if needed, and then catch up with FF
    • is the target the obsession, uninjured?
    • is the target at a strong loop, uninjured?

    Remember that every rule on when to use FF comes after this very important one:

    never struggle for a first hit on a healthy survivor

    You don't want to waste any time on hitting an healthy survivor - if the other conditions to go into FF are not met and you can easily get a basic attack then go for it. But if you are (or think you will be) struggling then absolutely go into FF. You can always immediately end your FF to maintain you power almost at 100%. That's also the reason why I'm suggesting to use the best looper as a pivot to other players - once you see her you don't really need to think "am I going to get a first hit in a few seconds?", and this will save you time. However, this is only a suggestion if and when you find a very good survivor, that can really get you. If that is not the case, you should always decide based on the situation if to go in FF or not.

    Also, FF should be used to Pop only if you really need it - maybe the generator was close to being done, maybe you already know survivors are cocky and will try to finish it even when you're coming, or maybe the hooked survivor died after being hooked, meaning that you don't need to come back anyway. If this is not the case, I always find it best to just walk to the generator and watch for clues for survivors near it. If I want to close the distance quickly, but I'm not really in a hurry, what I might do is go into FF until I'm at a distance of around 20-16 meters, then stop my power. What happens is that even though the 4 seconds stun will basically nullify the speed at which I reached my new position, survivors that were working on the generator are now in a bad spot: do they continue working on the generator, allowing me to catch them in a few seconds once FF is replenished, or do they stop working, making them idle for 10+ seconds?

    Using FF for mobility reasons is definitely one of the most difficult thing to master with Legion though , especially against good survivors, so be really careful with it :).

  • Member Posts: 41

    They should just delete the whole killer smh

  • Member Posts: 352

    Got your back fam

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