The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Message to the developers

Message to Devs

Thank you for making this game go from a good game with a great future to making it a game that is a waste of hard drive space.

Making the game completely in favor of the killer by making survivors basically visible across the map no matter what you do, allowing players to camp the hook until they die and no chance for saves, allowing them to hack the peer-peer sessions to the point where they can't loose unless everyone leaves.

Thank you so much for smashing this game into the ground so now i don't have to waste my life playing it. There was so much hope for this game and only listening to the brown-nose players is making it terrible.

Thank you behavior for turning this game into the next evolve, ill remember to check and make sure i don't by anything else from you.

Sincerely, Moobz

P.s. Im not in violation of forum rules this time.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited December 2019

    I rarely find myself always in view of the killer while hooked

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Have you seen all of the killer nerfs as of late? Have you actually tried playing killer?

  • Moobz
    Moobz Member Posts: 32

    I wish i had your lobbys, i had 3 in a row face camping the other day.

  • Moobz
    Moobz Member Posts: 32

    Yes i have, i play with out locator perks because i beleive it is a form of cheating but not the discussion i want to get into and i 4 man 80% of the time accounting for the people that dc.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Camping a hook had always being in the game ever since day one and from then many perks abd strategies have been implemented to counter this playstyle.

    And about bbq just hide in a locker, its really not that hard there are at least one of them in most tiles

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Let me run you through my experience. Trying to get 4 traps as trapper to complete the 2nd archive. Trapper isn't my main, but I know how to play him. Ironworks of misery. Running ruin, brutal strength, unnerving presence, and iron grasp. Trapper bag and setting tools.

    Game starts, 15 seconds later, ruin goes because a survivor spawned right on top of it. I trap the killer shack, trap the infinite in the middle, trap random pathways. Find a Nea on the way to get more traps and start chasing her. She runs to the opposite side of the map from where I've been. I get a single hit, then she loops me for 2 gens and a good 30 seconds. At this point, I have a survivor that knows the map too well, I have everyone gen rushing, and I can't get a single trap because everyone knows how to play against trapper. The game is already over, I have zero chance of pipping and I just don't care enough to chase.

    I go to the basement, stare at a wall, and read my book until they finish the gens. I open the door myself just to get it over with. This whole time, they're jumping in and out of lockers, trying to get me to chase, but there is zero point because trapper doesn't have the tools to deal with a gen rush on that map, there are too many safe loops to trap.

  • Moobz
    Moobz Member Posts: 32

    The devs dont care anymore about making it even or fair, im not trying to argue and there are exceptions but now i feel the devs are just milking as much money out as they can patch by patch, and i got the same feeling before evolve got shut down.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    The only shady thing they've done is the Oni nerf. They let him go through the entire PTB and launch while "broken", because they knew people would watch the streamers, see how good he is, and want to buy. Once they made the money off the DLC, they nerf him hard. Doesn't matter if that was their intention or not, it's how it looks.

    This game is next to impossible to balance properly due to the number or killers and vast difference in playstyle through the ranks. Killer is OP at ranks 12-20, and survivor is OP from ranks 1-8. I absolutely crush players in my own ranks now, thanks to broken matchmaking.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    God forbid killers changing the outcome of a match by good plays.

  • voodoo246
    voodoo246 Member Posts: 7

    this is not a devs fault. simply are players who don't care about PIP and want to annoy other players.

    it happens in all games