Legion - Good or Bad

Flickerleaf Member Posts: 10
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

So one of the biggest topics of discussion in this community is whether or not Legion is in need of attention by the developers. Personally I have been playing a lot of legion lately and I have found they are still a very viable killer that rewards aggression and generator defense. Survivors have trouble hiding from them, because once they have found one survivor then he has located every survivor, and they have a very high awareness of exactly which generator they need to focus attention on. A lot of players are focused on their deep wound and they seem to forget the very viable killer instinct. Are they meta? No. Are they viable? Yes.


  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    They are a lot better then people think yeah

    But i feel they could still use some small tweaks and qol changes

    We'll just have to see what the dev's decide after monetering them a bit

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2019

    Imo is the Legion viable as long as she encounters not very good survivors and/or swfs.

    Then it is mostly as would you run against a wall, if you met the wrong survivors.

    By many other killers you can still try something (not that everything from that would be succesful), but by the Legion is then just the end reached.

    So, I would not say that the Legion is viable against all survivors.

    Some small buffs would be needed to reach this goal. If those buffs would be the right ones, they could also take some of the frustration out, that you maybe sometimes have, if you are playing the Legion.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I don't really consider any killer in the game to not be viable.

    Legion's not as bad as everyone says.

  • Legion is the most viable for farming, as much as Doctor or more so.

    Just take increased frenzy duration and cold dirt, throw on a party streamer, and go into a match with BBQ, distressing, thrill, etc.... HOok 2 people and then spend the rest of the game only stabbing folks with frenzy over and over.

    If you let them wiggle free they may even get what you are doing and let you hit them a bunch.

    You get more bloodpoints doing just that before the bonuses than you do if you 4k. So I am enjoying doing that until BHVR probably nerfs his bloodpoint gains because god forbid we actually have fun or enjoy ourselves.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Some if their addons deffinitivly need some work though

    Frank's mix tape and deep wound study in perticular need a rework i find

    The way they are now they will always be either op or useless

  • LaughingFox
    LaughingFox Member Posts: 43

    Legion is viable at high ranks 20-10, but can get bullied pretty easily by more experienced players. I absolutely love Legion, they're the second killer I ever got to P3-50, and they're high movement gameplay can be very fun, but they sadly aren't really able to do much. I mean sure you can find where everyone is with Killer Instinct, but getting that first hit in on a looping survivor can be difficult if they know what they're doing and making a single mistake after that completely removed the ability. On top of that you can run around injuring everyone with FF, but once you get to the last survivor it's just a normal chase while the other three have already mended and are either healing or working on gens.

    I love Legion, but he's just not strong enough at lower ranks to be viable, at least not as he is now. He desperately needs some tweaks to make him better at actually pressuring the survivors.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I'm so unsure about the current state of legion lol.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 205

    Legion really isn't the best but he is certainly a fun killer for me to play. Ignoring the games where I get bombed by a toxic SWF (very rare but still), his gameplay style is just really fun to me.

    I just wish he had a power that did more than "go fast".

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    If played it right, with good perks and addons, yes, but if a killer rely on perks and addons he's not that good (but I main him and started to play loadoutless and managed to get some 4Ks, not every game but 6 for every 10 matchs)

  • kate_main
    kate_main Member Posts: 178

    Definetely good

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Good the bottom tier killer.

    Survivors can completely deny Feral Frenzy by staying next to a pallet and waiting for the Legion to swing.

    Also, Feral Frenzy is non-lethal power that can easily be wasted by Dead Hard (20s cooldown + 4s stun).

    And the 4s stun, lol. What if I told you that breaking a pallet take 2,6s? The Legion power can often feel like a joke.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    They're better than people say but they're not good by any stretch, 0 power in chase is an awful thing to have and you will feel it in the red/purple ranks unless it's a map where you can pull off some sick mind games with your small size. The most recent change did pretty much nothing to their overall stats the devs said so that's cool. They are fun when they work though I can't lie.

  • Wolf_Imperial
    Wolf_Imperial Member Posts: 3

    I preferred the old Legion...where it required multiple hits to down with the power. I think they need sonething to just...make them solid...maybe make deep wounds harder to mend? Or reapply the multiple hits to down part of the power? Just a little sumthin.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Robbie the Rabbit OP. No chance in hell for Survies.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    good to 4k most of the games because most people give up while playing against him

    bad to face good swf

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    I only run with fun build on him enduring spirit fury brutal strength not bad. But gen rush steel a problem