


  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @RSB said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Tsulan said:
    only1biggs said:

    @Tsulan said:

     @hill_o said:

    If they remove it, they better replace it with something else. Killers are much faster than survivors, and if we're just going to slowly remove window vaults, pallets, etc. without replacing it with other things then the game is just going to turn into short chases where the killer almost always wins.

    There aren't enough ways right now to break chase that aren't looping, and while I agree that looping is boring (on BOTH sides) it's ridiculous how often people bring it up as toxic behavior or something to just straight up eliminate instead of replacing it with something else. Do you want to actually have a challenge as a killer or do you just want 4ks every game? The waits for matches trying to play killer are already absurd, I think the devs should avoid making more changes that will just keep pushing them longer and this is one that would.

    What about juking the killer?

    You know, double back up and losing the killer.

    Doesn't work against good killers with a brain, ears and eyes.

    Have you tried using Iron Will, Lightweight, Quick& Quiet and Dance with me or Lithe?

    Again, they are nice perks to use against killers who can't think.

    So i take it you never tried to use those perks then.

    I have, but again, if the killer is smart, it won't matter.

    Then i rarely encounter smart killers.


    Put it this way.. 70% dumb/new, 20% average, 5% good, 5% exceptional. The majority of posts on all the forums are from the 70% or the 20% average.

    And this goes for ALL. Not just killers or survivors.

    Hard math yo.

    Yeah, at least survbois are all part of MENSA, and you are the head of them.

    Was that supposed to be a joke?

    Try again, champ.


  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @hill_o said:

    @azazer said:
    hill_o said:

    @Tsulan said:

     @Raccoon said:

    It's pretty sad that a seemingly unfixable "exploit" can become a two year old game's most usable strategy .

    It´s not a bug, it´s a feature!

    You're joking, but it actually is.

    If there was no looping, chases would end pretty immediately most of the time. There's not very many features that encourage hiding. The red strikes are incredibly easy to follow, so if you're not running perks to make them vanish then evading a killer in chase is near impossible given the large speed differential.

    I'm not saying looping is fun for everyone, but it's not like it's a bug or exploit anyone is using to break the game. It's just literally the only mechanic that was working in for the survivor side of chases.

    But devs have stated chases were never meant to take long. You basically admitted not looping would mean the game was being played as envisioned. You're right that it isn't technically an exploit but it negates the speed advantage the killer was always intended to have which actually does break the game. Looping is the root cause of major game troubles. It caused pallet reduction and nerfs and dilated chase time means gens are too fast ( the gen rush effect). The unintended use of the smaller collision box that allows looping is creating a cascading negative effect on the game.

    The devs say a lot of things. I've also heard them say that stealth isn't supposed to be a mechanic, which seems counter intuitive if they want chases to be short and anyone to play survivor for longer than a match or two.

    I agree about the generator issue-- something about the mechanic of the game is fundamentally broken. It puts a lot of pressure on the very start of the match to go somewhat flawlessly for the killer, or for the survivors to make major mistakes later on. Neither of those are particularly fun scenarios.

    That being said, I don't really feel like looping could be removed from the game as the game currently is. I don't know what a better solution is, unfortunately, but it would be nice to find some sort of middle ground where killers aren't rushed first thing in the game and survivors have at least some hope of escaping a few chases here and there.

    Hmmm game that was commercialized form the beginning as a stealth play game for survivor has devs that say stealth was never supposed to be part of the game? You really need to post the evidence of this cuz otherwise, it's pretty obvious that your full of ######### otherwise.