Final Solution to SWF question

The whole neverending butthurt around swfs can be resolved by simply allowing killers to opt out of matching with them - the way you can opt out of crossplay, just untick a box in settings. As a counterincentive for killers to not do that there could be a bp/shards bonus for each swf surv in your lobby, up to double bp. Or some other bonuses, possibilities are many.
Cons: swfs will have considerably longer queue times; swfs will mostly get matches in red ranks with very condfident killers
Pros: solos will have slightly better queue times; lower rank killers will have easier ranking up and generally better life
So that's final? I think the con is a neck breaker
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I don't think anyone would choose to play against swf if that option was available. People shouldn't get punished for playing with their friends.
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Nerfing or handicapping SWF is never the answer. For starters, it will alienate a large proportion of the playerbase and heavily discourage new players (the majority of whom pick up the game to play with their friends, and will get easily frustrated by both long queue times and being forced to play against highly skilled killers).
It's also bypassable just by queuing solo and dodging lobbies until you get one with your friends, which is not actually as hard as it sounds and would be something I can imagine a lot of people doing in this situation because overall it would probably be quicker than waiting in a killerless matchmaking queue. The lobby dodging would increase queue times across the board, it would be boring and frustrating for the "SWF" group, and the killers would still end up playing against people using voice coms. Everybody loses.
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All they need to do is give a heads-up when a killer is about to go into the game with swf, so they can mentally prepare for the type of game they might be up against
Nothing major, just an icon will do that state so which are swf while in the lobby
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90% of killers who don't like like playing against SWF will "mentally prepare" by dodging the lobby, so it's basically the same what OP proposes. Other posters have already explained why it is a bad idea.
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So all SWFs are screwed, cause killers are just scaredy cats. No thanks.