New killer The Shadow.
Ability) Silent Creep: Once hooking one survivor you have your ability all game. With your ability you can hide in closets, hide behind objects, and make no sound at all when missing attacks and dropping from a high place. While inside a closet or holding your activate button to hide behind an object you have no terror radius. You can’t hide in plane site only behind walls or trees or anything like that, but you can’t use while in an open field. While hiding behind an object you blend in with the surrounding to get the element of surprise, you can’t blend in with generators, pallets, vault spots, hooks, closets, chests and escape exits (Hatch or Doors), anything else you can blend in with. While in a closet you can rush out of it and gain a slight burst of speed to catch up to survivors, but while you rush you make a loud sound that survivors can hear, or you can exit the closet nice and slow without making a sound, but you gain no extra sprint. You still have a terror radius while in open field or not using your ability, but until you hook one survivor to get your ability you have no red stain and terror radius.
Teachable Perks) Titanium Stab: You like to make sure you kill your victim. Once you attack a survivor with a basic attack they suffer the Hindered effect for 60 seconds. You can only do this to healthy survivors once every 120 seconds.
My Victim: Nothing will get in your way of hooking a survivor. While carrying a survivor a pallet stun of flashlight blind will not make you drop the survivor but you still will be blind and or stunned.
Frightful Surprise: You don’t want them to hear or see you coming. When a survivor fails a skill check you gain a token. Each token makes your red stain dimmer, and every time a skill check is failed the survivor and any one within 5 meters suffers the Oblivious effect for 30 seconds. You can have a total of 5 tokens.
The Shadow is a Tall height Female, with normal speed. She is in all black cloak really tight on her and dark gray skin. Bright white eyes and no hair. She has a half broken spear and her cleaning animation is licking off the spear. Her damaging animation is takes her fist and smacks the top.
Background Story: Akulina was born and raised in Chekalin, Russia. She was in a very poor family, dad an abusive alcoholic, and her mom died from a car accident when she was only three years old. She had only her younger brother to protect and care for. They were the only two they had each other. Once she was eight years old she got a job at the factory to feed her younger brother, she worked there for a year then got into a serious accident. She lost her finger but that didn’t stop her from protecting and caring for her brother. She would still fight off their dad and take every hit just for her brother.
Once at the age of 15 she had been pushed down and still was fighting until one day she changed. Her brother and her were playing around on the tracks of an old train station. Her brother wandered off into a dark alley behind the station where he screamed his lungs out. Before Akulina was too late, she found him lying on the floor covered in blood. She sat there crying and as she looked up she saw him…. A homeless guy with a rusty gray beard and one eye scratched. He had blood all over his hands, he beat in her little brothers head. She wanted revenge, she wanted to kill. She found a half broken stick and as quickly as possible she broke both of the homeless guy’s knee caps. As he bled out on the floor she turned the stick into a spear and stabbed 50 holes into his chest and decapitated the homeless guy. She felt good and happy but sad and depressed at the same time. She ran as fast as possible back to her house, she knew what she had to do. She shaved her head down and took some new clothes and ran away. Her dad didn’t care as she rushed out the door. Next thing she knows is she is running in the rain crying and in pain. She walked back to the station to bury her brother. She then decided to burn the body of the homeless guy. Akulina sat there next to her brothers grave, darkness emerges and she’s gone.
I love the idea of titanium slab. It's a real early game boost but would drop off in use after the first 2 or 3 downs. Same for Frightful Surprise. Oblivious is such an underutilised status effect as it would genuinely be quite scary to know you've just alerted the killer to where you are an that you won't see them coming
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60 seconds of hindered is just 60 seconds of clown slowdown. I think maybe instead it could be the survivor doesn't receive any speed boost after being injured?
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I really like the perks. Although I can see the red strain one being too strong. They would probably make it a hex