If you had to start from scratch.
Knowing what you do now how would you level up each side?
It's not like my PS4 died or anything and I forgot my email and pass to my dedicated DBD steam account. Totally just for science.
David King and Leatherface, no mither op and bbq op.
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Bill and...pretty much how I did things before, except leave Nurse at 40 instead of P3ing her.
I don’t use survivor teachables so Bill is the only one I need still, and I enjoy playing pretty much every killer so I’d get my teachables eventually.
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I personally would just shoot for getting bbq asap. Kind of improvise everything else along the way.
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I wouldn't, the game is too grindy. IF everything reset I would probably quit playing entirely. I am already taking a break from being frustrated at it, that would be the nail in the coffin for me.
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I wouldn't prestige anyone. It wasn't worth the amount of bloodpoints spent and now I feel the need to prestige every new killer because having just one not P3 would annoy me.
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Get Wraith up to max. Perk slots, level Cannibal up until Barbecue & Chili unlocks, put it on Wraith and never take it off, level Hillbilly until Enduring's unlocked, level Spirit until Spirit Fury's unlocked, level Pig until Make Your Choice's unlocked, level Hag until Hex: Devour Hope's unlocked, then unlock all other Teachables.
I would probably do those in an order as well, for example i'd get Save The Best For Last & Pop Goes The Weasel before Beast of Prey & Unnerving Presence.
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I would fix the mistake I made and not go for all teachables. It'd cut the bloodwebs needed to make a decent or fun build in half or more to not have the heap of garbage that can show up.
Seriously, can you imagine a world where Up the Ante wouldn't waste bloodwebs, or Beast of Prey, or everything from plague's perks onwards as killer?
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Cry, get depressed then play David for his perk, buy Leather Face for BBQ then level everyone to 40 and just play Feng.
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Btw, though we start from scratch, our experience wouldn't.
Poor low ranks. 😝
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Throw the game out the window. I've got 2 years invested and STILL don't have everything unlocked for every killer.
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2 out of 3 of Plague’s perks are pretty good and used quite a bit. Corrupt Intervention and Infectious Fright are used pretty frequently.
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Concentrate on Leatherface for BBQ and David for WGLF and get a decent build with them.
Then I would feed points into the ones I wish to main until I got those perks and a decent build then id start to play them and slowly feed points into the other characters for the teachables I want.
I wouldn't prestige anyone until I had all my chars with a build I like that means I could play whoever I wished. Then save up points and prestige my mains one at a time just because I can.
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Enduring/BBQ would be my priority.
Enduring is my crutch perk can't live without it i eat pallets intentionally 24/ and BBQ imo is the best perk in the game due to the easy 25% bp stacks.
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Not a focking chance.
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Curious what your build is honestly.
I would agree except I generally dont mind the teachables. I like variety with random builds.
Thanks for your help and suggestions.
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Me? Pray to the entity that I get BBQ on the shrine
Then use stealth killers to get bp and level characters
This is the most that I know besides archives
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I'd focus on the killer and perks that i want and only unlock them 1st before focusing on my mains.
I created a subaccount on ps4 over the summer to do this exact thing. The grind is more enjoyable with less useless or garbage perks.
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Rush BBQ and WGLF, it'll make the grind wayyy less painfull, losing all the characters sucks though ... best of luck my man !
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There's a couple of killers IF is used on and it's mostly instadowns or it's just wasting your own time, and I really don't play them.
CI is a really great way to ruin your own lategame because it basically guarantees the last 3-4 gens will be incredibly split up. I would personally never touch it with a 10 foot pole.
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Getting the farming perk from each side as soon as possible and not prestiging anyone.
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id do what i'm currently doing:
have 1 survivor maxed out and then level all the killers to maximum level.
i'd start with Trapper, since he is my main after all.
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I never use either of those perks but I do know that Infectious Fright is pretty solid on killers who can either end chases quickly (Nurse/Billy) or killers with instadowns (Billy/Myers/Plague if survivors don’t cleanse). I’ve seen players make good use of it.
Corrupt Intervention is good for early game and can help apply some pressure. I don’t personally like it but again...players have made good use of it.
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I’m trying to start from scratch but this damn game doesn’t have a way to reset your progress anymore.
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For killers I would go for BBQ & Ruin first.
For survivor I would level Claudette and Meg.
When you get surveillance, keep it at level 1!
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on ps4 i leveled everyone around my mains. so far on pc i leveled hag first because im not 100% comfy with M&K since i quit pc around the time dedicated servers popped up.
I basically leveled Trapper and got Infectious Fright, Corrupt Intervention, and Save the Best for Last on him for PS4 and the build dominated. I never could find a good fourth perk with my limited 50 levels of perks.
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I did my research before hand so I don't regret my level choice:
- Ruin
Killer (in order):
- Nurse (for NC and Thana)
- Spirit (Not particularly for her perks, I just like Spirit. Though Rancor and HG are both pretty good)
- Plague (Infectious and Corrupt)
- Claudette (SC is a good low rank perk)
- Meg (All 3 of her perks are good)
- David (DH, nuff said)
- Steve (Second Wind)
- Adam (Deliverance. I also want pebble and autodidact for some gimmick build ideas)
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CI is good for the early game, the issue is it sacrifices the late game. It doesn't stall anything very well, just changes which gens get done first. Since it blocks those furthest away from you, that usually means 3 gens at 3 really distant corners unless you're on Azarov's. I'm never touching a perk that relies on absolutely crushing the early game or else you suffer later.
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Pretty much what I did... bbq and wglf first... and go on from there.
If I actually played the game again that is... :p
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Would get WGLF or BBQ, buy all perks in shrine and start farming, that will be a pain in the as$
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Personally I’d go for
just with Sprint burst, adrenaline, borrowed time and unbreakable you have a supersolid build. If i gonna buy dlc stick a laurie before david and you have DS to replace adrenaline or unbreakable.
killer idk tbh.
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Even so, I find Plague dominates the last couple of gens. I'm not going to rely on a 2 minute perk that doesn't actually slow down gens at all when it cripples my potential for the rest of the match.
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Does it really cripple the match when it gives you early game information, easier time finding survivors, and potentially able to secure the late game by forcing a 3 to 4 gen strategy?
I think your looking at like Corrupt Intervention vs Ruin. Instead of asking yourself what can CI give me over Ruin?
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It does. It's a perk designed to help the early game. You can find someone earlier, however you can still only chase one person, you still have to deal with all of the pallets in that first chase. At least 2-3 gens will still be completed in any situation that they would have before, the only difference is where they're located.
From then on, I have 4-5 gens left that are basically as spread out as possible, making patrolling them a nightmare, and giving even uncoordinated teams the easiest situation possible because just two people working on different gens wastes a lot of my time trying to keep either from being completed.
Hell, with the way spawns are going these days it's inherently a disadvantage. Most games I can just walk to the furthest gen from me and scatter at least 3 survivors off it because they all spawned together and got to work. As Plague that's 3 people instantly sick. Instead with CI they scatter around and I have 3 people on 3 gens no matter who I choose to chase which is far more efficient for them.
And I don't run Ruin, I find it unreliable and it isn't my be all and end all of comparisons for "is a perk good at stalling?"
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Odd that's never been my experience with CI, but then again i mostly use it for Killer's that need set up time I.E Hag and Trapper. Where CI overpowers ruin in every way sure you might lose a gen or 2, but you'll win because the 2 minutes gave you the guaranteed time to set up.
I don't really use Ruin either. I think on some killer's it works extremely well with the kit the devs created for them though.
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I just made an new alt account on my ps4. I'm going dwight for prove thyself and bubba for bbq.
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Closed as OP asked on Peanits wall.
@Liruliniel if i'm not mistaken, he runs Iron Maiden, Deerstalker, Nurse's Calling and BBQ.