Why can't Ghost face have a small Terror Radius like Myers ?

Ghost face is a worse stealth killer than Myers even though his entire kit is based on stealth, and that might be because Ghost face is so easy to detect. When survivors look at his direction they get that "exposing sound effect" meaning that ghost face is in their sight. While as Myers just have his 6m TERROR RADIUS.

Ghost face has a terror radius of 32m terror radius. Sure you may say that when he activate his ability Night shroud, his terror radius becomes 0m, but like I said earlier it's so easy to expose Ghost face.

There's no such thing as canceling Myers stealth, he is just naturally hidden already


  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Gf can move at 110 or normal speed myers is stuck shuffling around until teir 2 plus Gf can "renew" his mark indefinately while myers can build only a limited amount of evil off each survivor

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Ghostface trades height for a standard TR, but can mask it on command, while Myers is stuck with what his tier gives him. It’s a good tradeoff and makes them unique despite sharing stalking.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Ghost face is in a good spot rn, definitely much better than Meyers. Just fix jank reveals already.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    Meyers has a smaller TR to help him stalk to build power. Ghost Face doesn't have that draw back so he gets a regular TR when he isn't using Night Shroud. It makes sense.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited December 2019

    Ghostface can activate undetectable whenever he wants and moves at 115% movement speed with a small frame. He sacrifices a naturally smaller terror radius when not in Night Shroud. He doesn’t need a smaller terror radius when he can get rid of his terror radius at his own will.

    Myers only has undetectable in EW I but moves like a slug. He has a smaller terror radius in EW II but can never have the undetectable status effect. He cannot control his terror radius unlike Ghostface.

    Myers also can expose everyone but runs out of stalk on certain survivors. Ghostface can only expose one survivor but cannot run out of stalk. Both have differences that make them unique.

    Myers needs more of a change than Ghostface. He needs to be more stealthy in EW II. He also shouldn’t run out of stalk on a survivor. Survivors stalk meter should gradually increase if Myers doesn’t stalk them for a certain period of time.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    They're both not comparable imo. They need to fix the GF bugs tho.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Imo, Ghostface is better than Myers. Change my mind.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    The Shape tells a story with his terror radius.

    He in the only Killer able to resist the Entity and so has no power nor terror raduis at the start. Ghost has nothing on that level of bada**.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Ghostface is more stealthy, he gives no audio cue when he Exposes someone, he remains stealthy after Exposing someone, he can Expose multiple people like Myers can, his instadown never runs out, and he has no down time at the beginning of the match where he has to slowly shuffle around and try to become an M1 Killer.

    The only things Myers has over Ghostface are being able to Expose all Survivors more easily, his special addons, and being Michael Myers.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    Myers has a 6 meter terror radius while having 4.2 movement speed and no lunge. Then he has 16 meters and no power, only in tier 3 he has a power and there he has a 32 meter TR

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    GF can crouch

    GF is more small than myers

    Myers needs to tier up or he will be stuck with a short lunge and low speed (aka a infinite loopable killer)

    GF can go in stealth anytime he wants, myers can't once he already tier up

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    We will need to wait 4 years, lmao.

    ATM I dont even try to reveal a GF cause it will just kill me is just stupid the reveal mechanic

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Because GF can turn it off at will.

    Once Meyers leaves T1, he can not adjust it.

    Or simply: they're 2 completely different characters. Why isn't pig or wraith mentioned if stealth is your link?

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    GF is definitely not a worse Stealth Killer than Myers considering Myers is only really a stealth Killer in EW 1 (and sorta 2, but not really).

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Eh? GF is a better stealth killer.

    Myers becomes more of a snowballer instead.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Good lord. Ghostface is the stealthiest killer in the game, and get's rewarded for being sneaky. Myers is kinda stealthy with monitor but it's hard to not notice an 8 foot giant with a huge white mask staring at you.

  • rickyray101
    rickyray101 Member Posts: 141

    I'm slightly more annoyed with Ghost Face. Because over 50% of the matches are him, Michael Myers, and the wraith I pretty much need spinechill as a perk no matter what. That no terror radius is a pain in the butt.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    GF>Myers imo.

  • Simply_Ghostface
    Simply_Ghostface Member Posts: 22

    Lmao Ghostface is a way stronger killer than Myers. Ability at the ready and survivors are always guessing where you are