Hide behind hooks

I'm just curious as to whether hiding behind a hookee survivor is considered and exploit or not. I'm referring to when another survivor crouches underneath the survivor the killer is hooking while the animation is going, making it impossible to hit them afterwards.
You can hit them, just not from the front of the hook
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The answer is yes.
The problem is that it is a survivor exploit, so abuse it to its maximum potential as the devs don't care.
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Nope, devs said that it's not an exploit so don't make things up
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Do you know where this was said, I'm just looking for clarification
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guess unhook teching is an exploit
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Stealth is a valid part of the game. Mainly a useless tactic in most scenarios but if hiding is an exploit then something is wrong.
Therefore hiding behind the hook cannot seriously be seen as an exploit. Plus how often does it work? Not all the time and when you're hiding there you are likely to be more use somewhere else like on a gen.
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Pretty certain it's not an exploit.
All that matters is 'does it have a counter', if not then it should be changed.
Also bring back old hook tech.
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Thanks for clearing it up, I'm glad my first question was answered so quickly. You guys are super helpful.
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Also, if you get downed next to a hooked survivor, you can hide beneath them and the killer can't pick you up.