What sort of builds are there for Spirit ?

I like using Spirit and have been using her for a while but I never could figure out what perks and add-ons would be best for her ?
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I currently run Ruin, BBQ, Stridor and Pop. Stall, Map Awareness/points, Chase, Regression.
Ruin is always a gambling perk, it will last for minutes in a few matches and will be down in a matter of seconds in others. Same thing with Devour Hope, help a lot when it lasts.
Being a m1 killer, lethality perks like Haunted Grounds and Make Your Choice are good. STBL is also very good on her.
Stridor is dispensable after you manage to develop good mind game skills, plus visual and audio cues like grass moving or steps on floor can hinder iron will users. I'm not that good so I stick to Stridor instead.
For addons I prefer the power recovery and activation time ones. If Im running surv pudding, then Rusty Flute and Blood Hair Brooch are usually my addon picks. Ultra rare Glasses allows you to swap Stridor for Sloppy Butcher with great results. The purple Wakizashi still is good. New Beads is good to annoy survivors - same thing with the wraith' bone clapper: you disorient them.
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The biggest problem for Spirit are the Sounds currently. Survivors can be completely silent, even without Iron Will. Had a game vs a Laurie a few days ago. Injured, making sounds, after unhooking, healed and injured again, she was 100% silent. No Iron Will and I am running Stridor. Until this is fixed, it is a little bit more complicated to play Spirit.
Regarding Perks, what I currently run:
BBQ-->Extra BP and Information/where to go next
Sloppy Butcher-->Slowdown
Stridor-->Tracking/Counter to Iron Will
Before I used Nurses instead of Stridor, but switchted to Stridor to have something against Iron Will. Maybe I will switch PGTW for Nurses again.
Add Ons: Usually not using Add Ons or simply some brown ones. If I want to use the good stuff for problematic groups, I go with Speed and Duration. The Amulet is not worth it anymore I think, it feels really uncomfortable to use, even with the green Speed Add On. Prayer Beads is still okish for grabs, I have noticed people sitting on Gens even when I was phasing, but it is a 50/50 if the game lets you grab...
But regarding Add Ons, use whatever you like, Spirit has a ton of good Add Ons, you can basically use everything and see what suits you best.
Regarding Perks, go for Slowdown and Tracking only, no Chase Perks. So nothing like Brutal Strength, Enduring/Spiritfury, you will not need this stuff.
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Stridor can be good if don't have headphones, and can help alleviate general sound issues. Sloppy butcher is good for keeping people injured and vulnerable.
She is currently bugged; her lunge when she exits her phase walk doesn't stack with the speed boost she gets (this is happening to Wraith too). Right now I'd say it's best to run recovery and movement speed addons until she is fully fixed.
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My current build is: Ruin, BBQ, Stridor, Sloppy/PGTW
Stridor increases the sounds of pain by 50% (countering Iron Will) and regular breathing by 25%. Some say its a crutch perk but its a very good perk to use with the current sound issues.
Ruin, BBQ, Sloppy, PGTW, Nurse's Calling are all great as well.
ermm how have you not been able to?
Like all killers, everything works fine if you care for what that perk does.
An obvious POTENTIALLY (depends on the player) perk for Spirit is Stridor, to hear survivors better when phasing, but it might throw you off as well.
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I was thinking maybe Ruin, franklins, PGTW and BBQ