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What maps and where are the infinite loops on DBD ?

Toastyy Member Posts: 226

I wanted to know where the infinite loops in this game are so I know when to give up and if possible is there anyway to counter besides giving up ?

Best Answers

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited December 2019 Answer ✓


    There are no "infinite" loops in DBD anymore, infinites are just a word people use for very strong loops. Yes, at a time there were infinite loops in this game that were impossible to catch up to, but those loops are now not infinites... thanks to nerfs and or bloodlust.

    But here's a list of the strongest loops as of this current version of DBD (I may leave some out for the sake of time)

    • Ironworks of Misery Window (This loop is considered to be the strongest loop, so you'll need to be familiar with this loop before you decide if it's worth chasing the Survivor doing it... it's best to avoid the loop if the Survivor DOES know how to use it).
    • Cow Tree (A loop that has many dead cows strung up on a tree in the cold-wind maps)
    • Killer Shack (Which is on every map except Meat Plant, and Hawkins).
    • Rancid Abattoir Window (This maps "infinite" window loop depends on RNG, but one window is always open in that build that's considered a strong loop).
    • Fractured Cowshed Windows (Again, depends on RNG for the window spawns... but these windows are not that strong compared to Ironworks as an example).
    • Coal Tower Window (Any of the window spawns requires you to vault the window in a chase)
    • Groaning Store House Window (Depends on the window spawns, but this isn't that big of a loop surprisingly)
    • Disturbed Ward Loop (The entire building has windows and pallets that're relatively safe for the most part, this loop requires a lot of brute force chasing against a good Survivor that can manipulate them all to the fullest)
    • Suffocation Pit Window (Not the strongest... nor is it that big of a deal to face, but it can waste a few seconds if used correctly... or not depending on the Survivors skill with the pallets around the building)

    And that's kind of it, there are more but this is some examples of what to be aware of. Window loops like Ironworks of Misery or Rancid Abattoir (the good window spawn) really depend on you just brute forcing it in a chase...

    Most of the time though, if they know how to use the loop and do so to the fullest, than it's not worth chasing them. Just break off the chase and move on, it's only a good idea to continue the chase if they clearly don't know how to use it to the fullest... so spend only like 10 or 20 seconds on it before you can decide if its worth it or not.

    The rest of these loops like Disturbed Ward require a lot of brute force chasing to destroy the pallets... than the only thing good about that building is the windows, which can be circumvented with some simple mind-games and or jumping off the top of the building onto the other-side.

    Cow-Tree can be mind-gamed at the window by simply flashing your light around the corner and than moonwalking to the other side of the window, if they're too smart for it than just make them waste the pallet to make the loop a lot easier...

    Suffocation Pit has a decently strong window depending on the spawn, but both of them are pretty tame compared to the top-tier loops above.

    Groaning Store house really just depends on if they know how to use the good window that spawns in it, if they don't than it's an easy loop... if they do than it depends on if you personally have time to brute force the chase.

    Coal Tower requires you to vault the window in the chase... so if they have balanced landing for the 2nd part, than it's easier to chase them after because of the BL nerf, but the window can break chases a lot... depending on the situation.

    This is the best I can provide in terms of "tips"

    But I will provide a video that will teach you a lot about the basic tiles in-game AND even bring up some of these tiles that I mentioned above... it's good to watch this video to familiarize yourself with a lot of the basic tiles that come with every map.

    And it can even help you tackle some of the bigger tiles on if it's worth the chase or not!

    Good Luck!