Survivor mains: what killer do you think is the most annoying to go up against?

In my opinion I think the trapper is the most annoying because of sneaky trap placement and because sometimes the RNG of escaping from the bear traps can sometimes be awful. Going against the trapper constantly and falling into traps gets really frustrating and eventually boring. The clown is sometimes also annoying because the disorienting fog from the clowns tonic bottles really slows me down and throws me completely off usually resulting in me losing against the clown. Also many of the clowns I've went up against are either campers and try hard tunnelers that want you dead.
Survivor mains: what killer do you think is the most annoying to go up against? 40 votes
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Understandable, legion is annoying for me sometimes too. Maybe I should have put the legion up there.
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Looks like you ran out of options. The poll only allows ten, I believe.
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Spirit & Hag are the only two that ever really bother me.
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Spirit. And Oni is quite annoying because he's too loud.
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Yea it does but I'll probably do a second poll on this later
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that's the only one that is annoying by default to play against
the others are fine when the player is not playing super sweaty
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The nightmare
I find Freddy, very annoying at times, by how he can place fake pallets, the other power is fine.
I kinda wish "Windows Of Opportunity" could counter his fake pallet power, to at least make the perk decent.
Another reason I strongly dislike playing up against Freddy is how the hit boxes make no sense to him compared to other killers, the weapon range feels way too long, but I'm not sure if I don't look at other killers hitting me or just latency from Freddy mains.
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I hate looking to the ground often
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I'm a hypocrite because I main her, but Spirit is my least favorite.
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The Hag.
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trapper cuz I have anxiety
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The nightmare
Ok I need to do a little explaining because 1: I'm not a "survivor main" I play both and 2: I do not mean the "new" Freddy but rather the old one. (I just didn't find anyone on this list annoying)
When I play survivor I play solo and as such often find myself the only one doing gens. For this reason I tend to play very stealthy (even at high ranks) and try to waste time by not being found near progressing generators while also applying enough pressure to gens. The old Freddy was horrible to play against for me because of his perfect stealth (could not be seen) and his "sleep" ability could simply be held down until it auto-procs on a survivor you may have never seen. This made it nearly impossible to hide from him and pretty easy for him to accidentally see you.
I honestly didn't find him difficult at all as he was a simple M1 killer but it forced me to get chased and often my teammates were not doing gens.
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Well I chose killers such as the nurse because of their potential. The nurse is difficult to master but you can apply a lot of pressure to survivors if you play her enough. Second I chose killers such as the plaque and oni because of their power to deal serious damage. So by annoying I meant annoying because of either serious potential or the amount of power each killer has. I chose freddy because of his ability to slow you down with dream world and his ability to teleport to gens. So I have found these killers annoying. There are many reasons that people call different killers annoying but you could just say they are annoying.
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The nightmare
Oh I wasn't arguing with your list, to each their own after all. I just needed to explain that it was the old version of Freddy I found annoying not the new one.
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Dont worry it's all cool 😁
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The Hag. Her matches can be described in two words: crouching and camping.
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They can all be played annoyingly, but I find most wraiths, bubbas, ghost faces, and trappers tend to be the most toxic and annoying. They camp, tunnel, and love dirty builds that make the game miserable. It’s always those 4 for me.
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No words.
Just Spirit
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Makes me paranoid and my pathing really weird
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The leatherface
Not a survivor main, but LF naturally attracts a lot of douchebags and trolls.
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A good Spirit who can easily track.