PC: If Oni flick wasn't intended cause consoles, why is the survivor equivalent of it "ok"?

Bhvr: "yada yada flick strong, its a bug. bring it in line with consoles."
Meanwhile survivors are able to pull of crazy nonsense with how fast their turnspeed is (360 is not the same thing, a 360 you can visually see a survivor perform a rotation, i'm talking about survivors just moving "randomly" to avoid getting meleed), along with how dogshit the servers are with connecting hit on PC for everyone which makes it even more annoying to play with. But survivors on consoles aren't capable of pulling off this lame trick, due to hardware limitations or still being on P2P.
It's more than likely because of the hit boxes.
While a flick angle may seem trivial if the hit boxes collide it then becomes an auto flick which has no counter play as even when the hit box is to the side the character can turn and get a hits. Its probably the same reason why Billy was changed as being able to guarantee a hit due to speeding up behind someone should still take a degree of skill and feel rewarding its also about having some counter play. Mix that in with how the lag compensation works and it can guarantee a hit very easily.
The way to add this back in is to then reduce the hit box size of course so you have to aim more but that leaves other killers at a disadvantage and could make looping stronger.
I have to say complaining about survivors turning at speed is a new one which I've never seen complained about which is probably due to most killers never seeing it as issue with it.
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Honestly, it's a bad excuse of it.
If it wasn't intended, then it shouldn't of been out of the PTB version to the live version. It needs to come back, because Oni is horrible at loops, now.
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360 on survivors should be removed since there taking away flicks on killers only fair
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360ing as Survivor is like 360ing as a normal Killer with no turning cap.
Fun fact: You can flick an entire 360* as Legion.
It's only a problem on Oni or Billy because it bypasses what is supposed to be a limitation on their powers. So if there isn't supposed to be a limitation in the first place like with 360ing, nothing is being bypassed so there is no problem.
And you really can't remove 360ing without some more fundamental change to movement in general. It's not a mechanic by itself, it's a combination of 2 core mechanics:
Mechanic 1: Survivors can move
Mechanic 2: Killer attacks hit Survivors in front of them
Consequence: If a Survivor moves behind a Killer, then the Killers attack wont hit them unless they turn around first.
The minimum number of changes required to remove 360ing would be to make Killer attacks hit behind the Killer. And I don't think we want that.
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I'm sorry but if you're not playing on console you have no excuse to miss M1s
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Or.. Hear me out... It existed in the Live Version because they thought they had fixed it at that point. Just to, and really big shock coming, not actually fix it properly.
The devs, not fixing something fully, thats nonsense.
Personally, I had not played the ptb or first released Oni, and I have no issues ending loops as him.
Get the broken flick control out of your mind and stop complaining. Just learn the new one and guess what, you will see that he can still end loops just fine.
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Wait, if you are not talking about 360s then what do you mean? Moonwalking?
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360s on console are nearly impossible to hit as Killer due to the low FPS.
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Damn you might wanna take a shower, you reek of yellow ranks my dude.
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Meh no need to compare it to 360's.
Devs don't know what they want from Oni's flick (so far), but doesn't mean it's equal to something from the other side.
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What? That is what the PTB is for.
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I like how you go to "okay, hear me out."
"get good."
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Yes. But it's been the same ever since. It was out from the PTB. It was a bad excuse. You read that wrong.
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That happens on console too
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I mean a bit shaking is not as bad as an instadown. But yeah oni got trashed pretty much.
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Or a killer who gets red rank swf pretty often and has no issue in ending matches with 4ks (with Oni anyway). He isn't nerfed down, its just a matter of making sure you don't get your ankles snapped off of a 360 and just knowing the full extent of his power.
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Your clearly facing scrubs I'm sorry...oni is laughably easy to avoid..he has major design flaws which can be easily exploited in his current state
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He has massive holes in his power now
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REJOICE! Flick is back!
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If I'm not mistaken, changes were made to how survivors movement in the ptb. I'm not sure if 360 is gone, but walking backwards isn't possible anymore. So maybe?
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I saw Puppers stream and he was showing off the new movement and 360s. Survivors can actually 360 faster and more effectice than ever before.
I think 360 and shaky survivor movement on Pc is ridiculous. I shouldnt have to spaz my mouse around to track and hit a survivor at the last second. Its a casual game about a killer chasing a running survivor, its not a hardcore twitch fps from the 90’s.