Killer mains: what actions do you consider most toxic for survivors to do?

I think the 1st or 4th option are the most toxic. I sometimes manage to hit survivors while blinded after breaking pallets so I dont mind that and the constant pallet vaulting I just ignore until they leave
Killer mains: what actions do you consider most toxic for survivors to do? 36 votes
Survivors constantly vaulting pallets and windows to annoy you and get your attention at open gate
I can ignore t-bagging, I can ignore flashlight clicking, I can ignore blinds (if sounds work), but I can't ignore the loud noise notification blasting into my ear. Sure, I could turn off my sound, but then I am a deaf killer, you know.
There really should be a way to prevent that bullshit. Like turning down the loud noise notifications, or a cooldown on them, or being able to mute them, or some something else. Its just a horrible game design in a game with no sound settings, and being so reliable on sound.
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T-bagging when they throw a pallet down on you
What's the skill cap of pressing spacebar. Not killer main btw
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Survivors DC when you knock them down or pick them up
If you can't stand being downed by a legion main, then don't play this game.
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Other (describe)
doing gens and running away when I chase them
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Survivors DC when you knock them down or pick them up
The DC'ing is what gets me... They need to implement something to where if 2 or more DC, you don't lose your add-ons and offering on both sides.
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T-bagging when they throw a pallet down on you
Not sure between my answer and that:
"Survivors constantly vaulting pallets and windows to annoy you and get your attention at open gate"
My answer:
I simply dont get what is so good on getting a Stun. I run in basically every Pallet, using Enduring on almost all of my Killers. And one step of becoming a better Killer is to not respect Pallets, so its quite clear that Killers at high(er) Ranks will not respect them.
"Survivors constantly vaulting pallets and windows to annoy you and get your attention at open gate"
Thats more like a "You won, just go out"-thing. I am not mad at losing, if they were better, they were better. But no need to show off.