Slowing Gens is not the best Gen rush solution

For a bit of context I recommend reading this thread:
TLDR: Pressure is only generated by:
A: Chasing a Survivor (which pressures 1 Survivor)
B: Slugging/Hooking a Survivor (Which pressures 2 Survivors)
C: Killing a Survivor (Which pressures 1 Survivor but forever)
Gen Pressure is not the same as Map Pressure nor is it Gen stalling in general.
In any case, if you look at games where the Killer is gen rushed there is generally a distinct pattern:
The time until the first chase is generally fairly large. Up to 40 seconds before finding someone. And when it isn't there are stretches of time where the Killer has to patrol but simply can't reach the gens in time.
Based on this I feel lowering patrol times would be a significantly better method of stopping gen rush than slowing down gens themselves. Possibly just by shrinking a lot of the maps.
A few pros of this:
* Doesn't mean increasing the M1 simulator aspect of the game
* Further enabling an active solution encourages skill based gameplay more than a passive failsafe
* Relatively easy to implement (just shrink maps so they can be circled fairly quickly)
* Isn't mutually exclusive with other change ideas.
You always gave really good ideas,and this one would be brilliant imo.You gave explanations aswell really good idea :F
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every map should be coal tower sized i genuinely believe it's the best map besides the main building sometimes
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That would be the perfect size depends which window spawns if the one besides stairs spawn then ur gonna have a rough time if survivors just abuse it :/
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I agree, this would solve that many issues
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Just to clarify, assuming a God loop or BNPs aren't involved if you are being looped for several gens inspite of short patrol times then that's on you.
A chase shouldn't last more than 30 seconds, at while 30 seconds may not be winning per say, it's at least enough to slow the game down such that it's not a 3 minute game or whatever
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tbh i agree but then a lot of maps would just be reskins and thats kinda boring? I like the way maps are different shapes n stuff
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Yes maps are the problem. Who doesn't know this by now?
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The fact that maps like Crotus Prenn exist show that this game has a LONG way to go. I mentioned this somehwere else, but the devs should rework maps with each Tome release. Nearly every map variant in the game has issues, and this would be the best way to fairly address them all in a relatively finely manner. Macmillan, autohaven, Coldwind, Crotus Prenn, the swamps and haddonfield are all painful as killer 80% of the time (some map variants like coal tower and wreckers yard are decently balanced).
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The maps being a problem is nothing new. Proposing map changes as a solution to gen rush as opposed to looping is new. As is not having slower gens as a solution to gen rush.
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Really the only thing needed to be changed on gens is the time it takes for a killer to break it. Either the survivors need to have equal time to restart it or a killer just barely needs to tap it. In a game of micromanaging time this is a big issue.
Being able to do this mid chase is a huge issue.
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Coal Tower is my fav map for both sides
But tbh I think every map should be father's campbell size.
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Agree. I mainly play survivor and countless times I tap the gen mid chase to stop regression. Killer have no choice but to kick it again instead of chase me right away because the gen is 90% completed and pull away from the killer just like that.
Another idea I have is get rid of the gen kicking animation and killer can M1 the gen to make it regress. Killer can make use of the lunge range to kick gen and make it faster and easier, I rarely play killer and it happened that I always a hair too far away from gen to start the kick animation and I don't understand why you have to hold spacebar all the way through the kick animation but not when you kick pallet (I know I have to git gud). If there is survivor on the gen, auto-aim always prioritied the survivor, although it open up the possibility of auto-aim screwup and hit the gen anyway.
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I think the gen kicking animations should just be used for stuff like pop and then m1 for regular regression.
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Please, no M1 for gen regress. I can already see me getting looped around a gen not being able to hit the survivor because of messed up hitboxes.