Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Slowing Gens is not the best Gen rush solution

For a bit of context I recommend reading this thread:

TLDR: Pressure is only generated by:

A: Chasing a Survivor (which pressures 1 Survivor)

B: Slugging/Hooking a Survivor (Which pressures 2 Survivors)

C: Killing a Survivor (Which pressures 1 Survivor but forever)

Gen Pressure is not the same as Map Pressure nor is it Gen stalling in general.

In any case, if you look at games where the Killer is gen rushed there is generally a distinct pattern:

The time until the first chase is generally fairly large. Up to 40 seconds before finding someone. And when it isn't there are stretches of time where the Killer has to patrol but simply can't reach the gens in time.

Based on this I feel lowering patrol times would be a significantly better method of stopping gen rush than slowing down gens themselves. Possibly just by shrinking a lot of the maps.

A few pros of this:

* Doesn't mean increasing the M1 simulator aspect of the game

* Further enabling an active solution encourages skill based gameplay more than a passive failsafe

* Relatively easy to implement (just shrink maps so they can be circled fairly quickly)

* Isn't mutually exclusive with other change ideas.
