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Killers and Tunneling



  • AThiccOni
    AThiccOni Member Posts: 61

    The guy that made the discussion is clearly talking about killers that face camp or tunnel the whole game, if you get gen rushed then yeah you have all the right to face camp or tunnel and secure your kills... But doing it as soon as the match starts is stupid, unfair and boring bud

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    They should just fix matchmaking. Instead of most games sticking most with Gen rush and most with face campers put those folks against the quitter. Quit? You get the Gen rushers if killer and you get the face camping killer if survivor. Playing killer I face a majority Gen rushers I can't touch, yup I suck and as survivor once I hit purple it's non stop face camp tunnel city. It blows. Getting to purple feels like a pro grabbing hook saves, actually stunning a killer twice in a game or being able to hook everyone 3 times to catching one before 3 gens pop. It sucks bad on both sides but it seems it's happening to more than less. The folks not here complaining aren't likely getting matched against rushers every game or face camping tunneling every game.

    Help both sides devs

    Slow gens in a chase

    Speed then up when killer is within a certain range of hook and camping and tunneling. Seems like the closest fix outside of fixing DS how it originally was or letting ruin run the entire game 🤷‍♂️

  • JetpackRobin
    JetpackRobin Member Posts: 15

    I honestly think this would be the best fix. Since some maps like cold wind are huge and some maps are small like Gideon. Seems like it would be hard to implement unless hooks were paired with gens which would be interesting to see.

  • limierr
    limierr Member Posts: 174

    A killer is penalized for camping :

    => Directly by emblem system

    => But also indirectly by emblem system, bp system and the gamecore (which is not even balance in the first balance for the killer ...).

    A killer is penalized for tunnel :

    => Indirectly by emblem system but also for bp system.

  • EridianBlaze
    EridianBlaze Member Posts: 33

    They can penalize Killers for tunnelling and camping as soon as Survivors gets penalized for gen-rushing. I play both sides, so I get that tunnelling and camping are annoying to go against. But if a Killer is camping you, then they don't really benefit from it either. If you maximize it, you total hook time should be 2 minutes. That is long enough for the other 3 Survivors to each solo a gen and be nearly halfway done with another. On top of getting few Bloodpoints, the Killer also gets points taken away from one of their Emblems for staying too close to the hook. Also, if a Killer is chasing you right off a hook because your teammates went for a bad save, the blame shouldn't fall on the Killer. I've had too many games where I'd hook a Survivor, and as soon as I turned my back to walk away, their teammate unhooked them. Should Survivors be punished for unhooking a teammate within a close proximity to the Killer? It shouldn't be the Killers fault if the injured guy gets downed immediately because his teammate didn't wait for the Killer to actually leave the hook.

    Pretty sure that was 100% sarcasm. But he does have a point. The OP is stupid and is honestly just a biased, salty Survivor main who just had a few bad games. Don't get me wrong, I've definitely had bad games as Survivor cuz I got tunnelled/camped. But I've also had bad games as Killer where I was looped for 4-5 gens.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    The problem is that every killer and every survivor want different things. The OP is complaining about tunneling, but then said he used NOED on his killers, which will trigger 90% of other survivors.

    The only time I hate BT and DS is when it screws me over in the EGC. That's why I will tunnel a little bit when I know someone has DS, just to eat it and have it not come back to haunt me in the EGC.

  • NickelX
    NickelX Member Posts: 20

    I play on xbox and can say 50% of the games you play as survivor you are gonna get tunneled, you are gonna camped or you will play a decent game of dbd where you live or die but get hooked a certain amount of times, honestly loop as much as you can and if your team is getting gens done waste those pallets no reason not to plus if they tunnel you long enough they are wasting time and will lose the game for 1 kill. But on the killer side yeah there is toxic players who get on your nerves with infinites and flashlight clicking and swf who think they are gods at the game. So i do see why some do camp and tunnel but

  • Purr
    Purr Member Posts: 83

    i veiw this simple as i can...

    i am killer

    killer is evil

    killer does not play by the same rules and laws of the universe as normal people

    we can teleport go invis leap across vast distances allow a chainsaw to pull us across thousands of feet/meters oogle body parts to allow us to insta down you toss bottles of far to make u drunk

    all of this and more to please a being of some higher plane of existance that brought us all into a realm that it creates every match just for the sake of watching us kill survivors...

    where in tarnation do u think killers would be the good guys and play fair?

    also for me personaly long as the killers/survivors dont break the rules set forth by the game devs and the ToS/ELUA use anything u can not to mention items or strats being "toxic" tends to be extremly subjective to each player i dont think tunneling is toxic nor do i think looping for 5 gens is toxic personaly if a survivor can loop for 5 gens straight they deserve to at least 1 pip same thing on killer side if u can 4k with all 5 gens done u deservre to 1 pip and yet both of these result in depip specially at red rank

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Like I know if a killer tunnels you down and camps you he is penalized. I dont really know what you mean. They even reward you now relatively with points for gens while you are in a chase. I think maybe you missing the killer view here. Try to hard tunnel/camp as killer and check your statistic afterwards.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Quit calling tunnelling toxic. Genrush is just as toxic.

  • Zerog
    Zerog Member Posts: 27

    No, let people play how they want and stop asking people to play under the survivors rulebook for killers

    Devs will never ban tunneling or camping they said it themselves get used to it

  • ThisLadyRightHere
    ThisLadyRightHere Member Posts: 195

    I get tunneled majority of my games for just being able to run a killer for more than 10 seconds. That completely unfair to me as you hate me because I’m not a potato survivor. I don’t teabag to be cocky I don’t abuse “god loops”. because I don’t even know what “god loops” are on most maps. Sometimes the killer will remember me and later again that day they will bring a mori just for me to take me out as quick as possible which again that unfair for me. If you know that someone is capable of consuming your time. Just leave them alone. You will maybe eventually catch them and when you do that doesn’t give you a reason to camp or tunnel them to the ground.

    I really appreciate Killers who can acknowledge a decent survivors and not be offended.

    There too many killer that be like “even though I tunneled you into the ground and killed you and only got a 1k” apparently I’m better than you. When in reality the survivor just made you look like a butthurt idiot.

  • Xondeya
    Xondeya Member Posts: 6

    There are ways you can get around this, like using Decisive Strike or Borrowed Time. Doing a 1-for-1 and taking a hit for the facecamped survivor, or just genrush while there's no chance that the killer can stop it. Tunneling is a different matter, but it's only really done in mid-high ranks because low ranks know that it's a dick move. But survivors can be toxic all game and make themselves impossible to kill unless they're tunneled.

  • AThiccOni
    AThiccOni Member Posts: 61

    Then why are survivors getting penalized for dc'ing? If they don't enjoy a game because a killer is face camping or tunneling(which btw is boring af and I play killer a lot) they should be allowed to dc with no consequences

  • m4t7h3w
    m4t7h3w Member Posts: 2

    I think it goes both ways, killings tunneling, camping and survivors looping i think maybe an ingame boost like how killers get bloodlust the killer that's tunneling may get reduced movement speed i dunno..i personally don't care as i often deserve it

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175
    edited December 2019

    Tunneling is downright rewarded. I play at least 1 killer match a day and I'd rather go for the injured guy than the healthy one.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    There are plenty of scenarios where tunnelling is justified at least imo. Majority of killers are reactive in nature and due to the state of that game or the attitudes of survivors will choose to tunnel one out the game, I don't believe many killers start the game with the intention of tunnelling.

    Below is a list of a few scenarios where I would tunnel a survivor as in hook them twice in a row:

    - game is going very badly, probably 1 gen left and I need to take somebody out of the game to stabilize.

    - a survivor prioritizes doing a gen rather than healing themselves. These guys are fair game imo

    - a survivor triggering my traps as are literally summoning me to you.

    If a survivor is abusing God loops as they know it's an instant loss if I commit to them, I do the opposite. Mostly ignore them and focus the other 3. If two abuse the God loops I focus on the two that don't. It's unfair on those survivors but like I said earlier, killers are mostly reactive, we don't choose the scenarios.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    i honestly don’t believe a single one of you arguing in the killers favor can comprehend what I’ve laid out. AThiccOni is the only one with sense.

    I made the discussion talking about killers that tunnel from start to finish. I can loop well actually, which ends up in me being tunneled and camped by angry killers. The majority of you on here are pathetic. I enjoy the people calling me a salty killer main when I’ve reiterated that I’m a killer main. Ignorance is bliss.

    Instead of choosing to only see it from your perspective, open your eyes. Killers can counter a gen-rush as I’ve said multiple times. You can’t penalize a survivor for doing the objective. There are perks to slow this down or block it for a time limit.

    You choose to tunnel because you choose to be a toxic player. The only time tunneling is necessary is when gens have been rushed and you’re trying to save tail.

    Also, to whomever said “try tunneling/facecamping and check your stats” I have. It’s very simple to get a 4K tunneling or facecamping. You set the team into panic mode the majority of the time causing them to try and Bodyblock for their tunneled teammate. Thus, few or no gens get repaired.

    but all of you, have a great day/night, whatever it may be for you. You’re a very toxic community with a one-dimensional perspective on killers. The excuse that you play both and see no issue in tunneling is ridiculous. No, I wasn’t the worst of the 4 in those games, I was with my group and the killer chose to tunnel me because he was too ignorant to drop a chase after an extended time and finally caught me. 👍🏽

  • james93
    james93 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2019

    It should be a penalty to camp. It hurts the overall score of the survivor. Survivors get penalized for not saving each other so why shouldn't the killer get penalized for hooking and forcing survivors to come to them.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    BINGO! Another individual that understands the penalty induced on survivors for killers tunneling or camping hooks.

  • hammertime
    hammertime Member Posts: 51

    Have you ever watched a horror movie where the killer just lets the survivor go? Didnt think so. Tunneling isnt a thing its just the killer playing the game. Get over yourself and learn how to hide better instead of being annoying and running in loops. If anything running in infinite loops should be penalized. Also, if I play against someone who i can tell is an infinite looper i purposefully "tunnel" and camp them just to piss them off often letting their teammates go free. I hope i see you in the fog so i can collect your snowflake tears.

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who reminds players of this. I have a sneaking suspicion that the definition of "tunneling" in this case may be coming from a survivor main type mentality..

    Why is it that killers are always the problem? Have you ever played killer? Have you ever ran against a SWF? That is why we HAVE to camp and tunnel SOMETIMES.

  • RIPotatoes
    RIPotatoes Member Posts: 22

    The looping shouldn't be something to penalize the survivors for, if you get looped for 5 gens either it's the map that needs to be reworked or you are a bad killer

  • Chaubin
    Chaubin Member Posts: 16

    Tunneling and face camping *should* be punished by the survivors. If I find someone doing that, I wander off and do gens. As long as survivors dont act dumb, most gens would be done in one hook. The survivor gets hosed, but the other 3 get out.

    The problem is that people prioritize unhooking higher than escaping.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Yes and yes. I’m a killer main, if half of you would for once read an ounce of what I’ve laid out. I’ve played. Playing an SWF doesn’t mean you need to camp or tunnel. Just get better at pressure. I have one specific class built for when I notice a full squad of toolboxes.


    corrupt intervention, ruin, pop, and whatever else.

    Every single one of you make a petty argument for tunneling. My basis is around killers that tunnel from start til they kill one individual without going for others.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Formulate a better insult than one that’s nowhere near my political views. Then come back and debate. You are a petty individual as you’ve expressed 👍🏽

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Imagine comparing a horror movie to an online pvp game.

    You could have also just written "I'm bad".

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Without a doubt survivors shouldn’t act dumb when this happens. I’m talking about killers that intentionally tunnel to death hook 1by1. I’m not talking about end game nor talking about who wins. Individually it ruins the game for a survivor that never had the opportunity to get going. Causes loss of pip, no BP, waste of time.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611
    edited December 2019

    Not the type of tunneling I’m referring to. I have stated I understand situational tunneling.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    How would you penalize tunnelling?

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    I absolutely read your entire post, but I disagree. 9/10 if you get tunneled its because you've looped me all game, which is you absolutely asking for me to follow you, or you were toxic. But also why wouldnt a killer tunnel? There are plenty of very useful anti-tunneling perks. You expect me to give a single one of you a second to breathe? My job is in my name- KILLER. Not PLAY-NICER. Not SURVIVOR-FRIENDLY. Not PLAY-BY-SURVIVORS-RULE-BOOKER. No. Survivors dont have a single shred of respect for killers, they click flashlights all game, vault windows from across the map, teabag all over the place.. so why do we have to play nice? I don't agree with camping unless it's to secure a 1k at the endgame. And I, personally, dont tunnel unless you deserve it. But why do you guys have to ######### the second the killer so much as breathes in your direction? Dont wanna be tunneled? Bring DS. Bring self care or a medkit or adrenaline. Or dead hard. Or lythe. Have your team mates run BT. Get away and get healed. But dont complain about tunneling if you just said you looped him all game, some killers will absolutely "tunnel" you if you've looped them for more than 1 gen. You want my attention? You got it.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Not to be rude, but did you read my opening discussion?

    Since there are mechanics to penalize for remaining to close to hooks, penalize a killer that stays in a chase too long. It honestly makes sense.

    Time is of the essence in this game, if a killer wastes his/her time in a chase, penalize them for not intelligently playing.


    penalize a killer for hooking the same survivor consecutive amounts of time when there is ‘X’ amount of survivors remaining OR if ‘X’amount of gens remain.

    Survivors are penalized harshly for being tunneled. If you get eliminated right away, no BP and possible de-pip. I’m talking about unfairness not “effective strategies”. It boggles me how nobody sees that it’s unfair to the survivor that’s tunneled.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    You obviously didn’t read the post. I’m a KILLER MAIN.

    if you can’t catch a survivor and you choose to tunnel out of pettiness, then you’re a terrible killer. Drop the chase, find someone else. PLENTY of top YTers that play DBD do that and do it well as do I.

    anti-tunneling perks? You’re kidding right? Go back and read the discussion.

    BT - have to be in killers radius and can still be tunneled.

    DS - one and done perk.

    Self-care - Nurses Calling

    adrenaline - we’re talking about start not end game

    any speed boost perk - exhausted.

    EVERY single one of you killers on this thread have ignored the topic at hand. It’s about killers tunneling an innocent survivor from the start of a match. The survivor is penalized, not the killer. If you play a toxic 4-man, do what you must.

    Tunneling because you were looped? You were stupid to be looped for that long. You should more so respect that player than waste your time, probably angry already, to tunnel.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Thank you!! You are an example of who is penalized for a petty and toxic killer! I killer main and I used to do this to survivors til I was on the receiving end. I can definitely tell where it’s gamebreaking for you. It’s unfair.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Sorry, I didn't find it very clear. So you mean to penalize them via emblem points like the camping penalty.

    But your suggestions have loop holes in them, chasing a survivor too long doesn't neccesarily mean that they are tunneling them.

    And multiple hooks could be more situational tunneling as you said you understood not to mention survivors could use it to their advantage.

    I understand it sucks to get tunneled from start to finish but I don't see a way to punish killers for doing it without survivors abusing it. Maybe offer bonus bp for switching targets or something.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611
    edited December 2019

    Bonus for switching, That’s a good one! I think my 2nd suggestion is a good one. As I haven’t thought of how it could be abused.

    My issue is survivors are honestly penalized the most if they’re immediately washed from the game.

    As in:

    game starts

    killer spots you

    you run









    No BP and de-pip

    maybe the devs need to put a time-limit before BP is gained and Penalties or chances to lose pips can occur.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    Have you ever played green/purple/red rank killer on console?

    Killers are gimped and SWF is so OP on console, tunneling and hook camping is often the best way to earn blood points (with BBQ), no joke. Chasing survivors around while they teabag and taunt you, bodyblock etc only to barely earn any points is not fun.

    Survivors VS killer? More like I'm the poor guy defending gens VS a SWAT team.

    See my thread in the feedback and suggestions forum. DBD on console is balanced the same way as on PC, causing major issues.

    Killers wouldn't tunnel and hook camp if there was a more fun way to play and not end with 0K.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611
    edited December 2019

    I am a red killer on console.... I’ve stated this.

    There are literal counters to SWF. I’ve mentioned this. A great killer can win without tunneling. I have already given examples of two games I had during opening this thread, with two separate killers, and different perks. I don’t even have a rank 50 killer nor all teachables and I steadily get 3-4ks without tunneling a single survivor.

    We, as killers, have tools to not tunnel.


    that’s also not the best way to earn BP. Most of my games I’m between 26-31k BP earned. Because I chase multiple survivors, hit gens, break pallets, hook survivors, etc. If your goal is BP, tunneling is not the way.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    For reference, it takes 4 seconds to remove 1 second off a.gen for the killer.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I honestly don't know how people can do gens as fast as they do. I usually play survivor and gens are a grind but I played killer recently and they were finished so quickly? Even if I had ruin? Also the speed of the survivors and how well they can loop, not to mention the fact that M1 seems to just do what it wants lately? Swinging prematurely for no reason and not working when you want it to? Not sure if it's bugged or a bad connection but it's frustrating and almost makes you camp if the game is pretty much over and you finally get to hook someone. It's only with obvious SWF games though.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    That is what I would categorize as “situational tunneling” where you need to save face. My argument is against those that bully one survivor from the start. My team can never gen-rush either unless there’s no ruin or we pop it immediately. But we also play for enjoyment and we’re red/purples.

    Also, ruin isn’t a cure all either to gen-rushing. Practice map pressure and possibly combine ruin with perks like corrupt intervention (limits gen-rush) or thrilling tremors (blocks gens when a survivor is picked up). Perks like Thanatophobia can help slow down progression. Surge and Overcharge are also anti-gen perks that can catch survivors off guard. There are options, people just want to ignore them.

  • kazzymoyashi
    kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 127

    Well, all I can say, as someone who plays both sides (green/purple killer and purple/red survivor right now), as a survivor, camping and tunnelling is ridiculous. (I play on xbox.)

    Survivor side:

    Presuming I am solo queueing, it means being selfish and running bond in an attempt to get the killer on someone else by being an arse to my team to save myself. If I play with friends, it promotes gen rushing. It's not fun to be tunneled and camped, especially when I play as not toxically as possible - I honestly don't pay attention to 'god' loops. I run to wherever the next window/pallet is, so getting mad at survivors who 'choose' god loops isn't valid in this moment. Regardless, being camped and tunneled is frustrating.

    Killer side:

    I ONLY camp and tunnel if it's EGC or someone has been toxic first. For example, I had a survivor who decided to teabag at a pallet, simply because they slammed it on my face. So, ensue camping and tunnelling once I caught them. However, once they were dead, I went back to normal gameplay and had loads of fun. I stand by that if you are toxic first, I will not hesitate to be an arse right back. Now, if I had been camping/tunnelling right away, I could understand the teabag, but I didn't. I would rather depip and not get a single kill and just have fun with chases than camp/tunnel/slug. I don't mind staying at purple/green ranks as a killer - less toxicity, generally.

    Ultimately, I think camping and tunnelling should be punished by a decrease in BP/emblems. But then, I also think deaths by EGC shouldn't count either and should be a penalty because the entity HAD to intervene on your behalf (makes sense from a more standpoint too.) But I also feel that gen rushing should be adjusted by making the time for gens to be completed an extra minute longer. Mind you, I've had games where the killer did amazing at keeping us from gens while knocking us down (a clown on Shelter Woods). I think he used overcharge, BBQ, Ruin, and agitation. We were a SWF of purple ranks with a rank 20 (he was new to the game and wanted friends to play with, killer was rank 11, so green), and he killed us all. He played smart for patrolling and worked hard. I will say he slugged a bit, which while annoying, worked in his favour during this match. But he never camped or intentionally tunneled, which was refreshing and amazing to face.

    TL;DR: camping/tunnelling should be penalized by a decrease in emblems and BP. Gens should be increased by a solid minute each. This has been a post by someone who plays both sides (purple/red survivor, green/purple killer).

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Great post!

    Obviously, toxic survivors deserve it. I’ve been pallet stunned by survivors I didn’t know were there and proceeded to be blinded. Sure, tunnel them.

    my only disagreement with you, gens do not need an increased repair time. Killers have perks to aid them against this and with good amp pressure you’d never complete gens if it takes 140 seconds to complete one gen solo.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Killers do not spawn on top of survivors. You are tunneled, because YOU dont hide.

    Its OK that it is hard to get out of tunneling. Killer must be able to kill survivors, lol. What next - punish killers for hurting survivors?

    If your life is so valuable, your teammates should go down for you before its too late. They should do it before you are at the death hook. If your teammates never really care about you, then you shouldnt play too careless. It all comes back to you, eventually. Think about it.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Do you ever stay on point? Killers can spawn relatively close to survivors. I’ve had plenty of games where we spawn in and the killer is on me in less than 20 seconds and same when I’m playing killer.

    Your teammates can’t go down for you, if the killer is purposely tunneling you. Once again, it has NOTHING to do with hiding.

    It’s not ok to not be able to not get out of tunneling. What’s your basis for that ridiculous statement?

    Penalize a survivor for terrible RNG? No.

    Reward a killer for target tunneling? No.

    is it ok for a killer to tunnel during EGC or if gens are popping left and right? Yes, because we deserve to save face.

    Is it ok for a killer to tunnel a single survivor without ever attempting to catch others? Absolutely not.

    Thats my argument. Are you going to counter-argue or just continue to try and attack me as a player?

    A survivors role isn’t to “hide”. It’s to repair gens and escape.

    Also, I didn’t get red rank by hiding and I didn’t get red rank by tunneling. I actually know how to play, without ever having a rank 50 character nor unlocking all teachables.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    For some reason my post to this is under review lol.

    Anyways, I’ll try and rewrite what I wrote.

    Killers can spawn relatively close to survivors. As in, you bump each other within 10-20 seconds of match start.

    Once again, this has nothing to do with HIDING. a survivors role is not to “hide”. It’s to complete gens and hopefully escape. I didn’t get red rank in survivor by hiding nor red in killer by tunneling.

    Can you stay on point? You continuously throw me into the mix like I’m fighting for myself. This is for the community of survivors that are bullied from the get go.

    Should a killer be able to tunnel in EGC or if gens are popped left and right? Yes, it helps the killer.

    Should a survivor be penalized for dying in the first few minutes of the match because they were the only one targeted? No.

    Should a killer be rewarded for eliminating a survivor without messing with the others? No.

    Also, it’s hard for you teammates to take a hit when you’re the target. I’m not arguing in favor of survivors. I’m arguing in favor of not penalizing survivors that weren’t given an opportunity to play.

    So, instead of telling ME to think about it, you think about it.

    The post is about removing how harshly survivors are penalized if they get killed without being able to do anything. I’ve been on the receiving and I’ve done it to survivors. It’s unfair to say the least.

    It has absolutely zilch to do with hiding or tunneling end game or trolling survivors.

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Regardless of whether it is hard or not to get out of being tunneled to's still a dick move.

  • dkyguy1995
    dkyguy1995 Member Posts: 45

    It comes down to the fact it's impossible to punish a killer for this without preventing him from playing the game normally. Name a restriction on the killer that doesn't actively punish them and make it very easy for survivors to exploit for easy hook saves constantly without borrowed time. If you don't want to be tunnled, hope your team runs BT and you should run DS. Seriously come up with a way the killer should be punished and I'll show you an easy way for the survivor to exploit the killers inability to punish that for fear of some kind of bloodpoint loss or something similar

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    As I mentioned, a timer before you can actually lose a pip or rank can be installed.

    Everything is exploitable, but there needs to be a system in place to aid survivors that are on the receiving side of this flawed tactic.