Huntress needs to be 115 MS
Huntress is fine. The real issue are all these dogshit maps they're creating. Huntress sadly is strong but very map dependent.
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That and collision boxes
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Yeah, maybe one day I'll post a thread of huntress' hatchets inconsistency.
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It won't be so overpower as people think but the real issue is that they're excluding Huntress everytime they bring a new map. Sometimes I feel that I can only play decently with Huntress when I'm in Blood Lodge or Coal Tower :/
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Huntress should stay at 110% movement speed.
That's why:
In seriousness though, I think she's fine where she is. Certain maps hurt her no doubt; same as some other killers. Huntress should never commit too much to a chase especially if it's a strong loop as you'll end up losing. Giving her 115ms would make it a lot harder to counterplay her and would make getting hatchet hit's a lot easier. The hatchet hit to swing would be even more devastating as well.
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Broken huntress hitboxes from the size of a car are way worse.
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I think all killers can be 115, or map pressure is impossible.
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Huntress should gain a 1% movement speed depending on the number of hatchets she currently carries.
5 hatchets- 110%
4 hatchets- 111%
3 hatchets- 112%
2 hatchets- 113%
1 hatchet- 114%
0 hatchets- 115%
That way it doesn’t make her incredibly overbearing but also not extremely susceptible to being looped while out of hatchets.
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90% of Huntress' just wait until they're in melee range to throw a hatchet, so this would just make her more boring to fight against.
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Seriously. There's a very good reason 110 killers are 110. It's called balance. If you can't hit with hatchets and need 115 speed to catch survivors then you have no business playing the Huntress.
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Huntress is strong killer because of the garbage hitboxes. If they fix hitboxes, no one will play her anymore like Nurse.
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Zubat makes it look easy sometimes but everybody doesn't have that much hours in game and also every killer isn't the same.
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Remove her lullaby and make her one of those killers with no terror radius, or 8meter radius at most. With only the singing sound of the hatchet as indication she's around, it will make her a more interesting and skill-expressive killer
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If they added this change, at the very least, they would have to slow her down more while charging hatchets. (since they already do a bit)
Good Huntress and Hag players (I'm getting their with Hag) know when not to commit to a chase. It's basic killer knowledge, but it's something those two killers MUST learn in order to succeed often. This doesn't make them weak. Hell, an amazing Hag is probably the most challenging killer to play against. It just adds to their learning curve (Which is already a bit steep to be fair)
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I love playing hag, and i get more easy 4Ks with hag than any other killer.
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Honestly all killers should be 115 MS. Much easier to balance if they're all the same and the 110MS killers are super easy to loop now.
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Killers saying that the game should be balanced around Red Rank Survivors.
Also Killers: Balance the game around Rank 9 Killers (like this thread wants to have it).
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Most unique idea I have seen. Would love to try it tbh.
I would prefer the game balanced at purple rank honestly, but until they fix all maps any real balance will just need to be changed again later.
Some maps are far too small and some maps are far too large. Broken loops. Not enough good loops. I like Badham nowadays because it's a pretty fair map. I would like that treatment to all maps. Due to the amount of maps these days I also wouldn't mind maps becoming static and no longer RNG. Making map knowledge useful.
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The big issue is you waste a lot of hatchets hitting g random objects, sometimes even invisible objects. Especially the latest maps are awful.
I thought about this idea: once you ran out of hatches, your movement speed increases a bit
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90% of survivors would get behind a window or a pallet before it would happen.
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Devs should fix tree hitboxes, closet hitboxes, a lot of objects with massive hitboxes, bambu hitboxes, leaf hitboxes, etc.
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0.2 m/s more would make her OP.
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I don't think she would be OP with 115% speed, tho I don't know if this is the buff she needs. But she really needs something to compensate for the map design which kills her, she's on the weaker side right now.
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I always figured it'd be cool if:
- Every time she throws a Hatchet, she gains +1% movement speed.
- It can't go higher than +5% in total.
- Grabbing new Hatchets sets it back to 0%.
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thats probably the most stupid idea you can have, if she can move at 115 then most loops would be unmindgamable. her hitboxes are already more stupid that this topic imagine if she gets 115.
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actually no, most 110 killers have an strong m2, u cant easiliy loop hag, you cant easiliy loop spirit it doesnt work that way.
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Huntress should have her lullaby be directional again and reduce her hatchets to 3 and give her 32 meter terror and a directional noise when she readies a hatchet, maybe then she'll be balanced
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Because of a 3k?
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Honestly, this would be fine with a longer cooldown between throws and even slower movment speed when winding up a hatchet.
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They should give her a sprint burst that's on a really long cooldown. You couldn't use it all the time, but it would be ideal for getting across the map and creating pressure. She could run at 125% for 10 secs, then a 90sec cooldown. Just a thought.
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Try a killer that solely relies on base attacks.
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Survivor hitboxes.
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That would make her have almost no counter play. The typical (and slightly douchy) mantra of "get better" applies here. If you take away her slower movement speed what's her biggest weakness? The fact that she has to reload in lockers? Some maps and loops just aren't going to be good for her and that's the way it is. Nurse has her bad maps, Trapper has his, Billy has his. It's just how it is. Not everything is going to go your way 100% of the time, once both killers and survivors understand this the game will be in a better place.
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But that's one of the biggest problems is map design. And as a killer, you never know what map your going to unless you use an offering. Maps shouldn't decide the outcome of a game, skill should, but it doesn't work that way. You can have a bad team on a good map against a good killer that isn't mobile, and there gonna lose most the time, because they just can't cover that much territory that quickly.
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i like this idea. wd
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If you go in thinking my killer or my power is weak on this map and that's the end all then yes, you will lose most of the time. If you go in thinking more "ok, this is a tough map so how can I put it in my favor?" Then that's a better attitude. Look at what gens you want to keep, think about your rotation, what gens you're willing to give up, are you applying too much pressure on a side of the map that you shouldn't be, are you chasing on a side of the map you shouldn't be, how are you pathing? There's so much more to playing killer than your power.
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I understand your point, but how do you counter smart teams if your huntress, and they KNOW there playing huntress and they split the map. How can you pressure both sides at once? And if they pick Haddonfield or iron works, good luck! I guarantee you if any killer knew they were going to one of those maps before picking, they damn sure wouldn't pick huntress, clown, legion, Bubba, or doc. And they want to nerf her add-ons?
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What is the point of this comment?